
appears 2 times in 2 song(s)


appears 2 times in 2 song(s)

A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse

A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse,
a scion from his roots;
upon him rests the spirit of the Lord,
Spirit of wisdom and of intelligence,
Spirit of counsel and of strength,
Spirit of knowledge and of piety,
Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
He will not judge by hearsay,
but he will help all the oppressed.
His word will be a rod for the violent
and with the breath of his mouth he will kill the wicked.
The wolf will dwell with the lamb,
the panther will lie down with the kid,
the lion and the calf will pasture together,
and a little child will guide them,
and a little child will guide them.
A shoot springs…
The cow and the bear will stay together,
the lion will eat straw like the ox,
the infant will play over the lair of the viper,
the child will put his hand into the den of poisonous snakes;
no more evil will be done.
Because the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth.
Because the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth.
Because on that day the root of Jesse,
will be raised as a standard for the peoples
and the nations will follow him with eagerness.
On that day the Lord will stretch out His hand.
And a road will be opened,
a way for the nations,
that the Virgin will show.
A shoot springs…

Jesus went around all the towns

Jesus went around all the towns,
passing from village to village;
he proclaimed the Kingdom.
When he saw the crowds following him, he had compassion
because they were tired,
because they were dejected,
like sheep without a shepherd.
Then Jesus said to his disciples:
"The harvest is large, is large indeed
but the workers are few.
Pray, then, to the Lord of the harvest
to send workers to his harvest.
And now, I am sending you out
like sheep among wolves:
so be cunning as serpents
and simple as doves,
simple as doves.
Do not carry purse or money,
knapsack or sandals,
but proclaim: the Kingdom is at hand,
Jesus is risen, he comes with us,
he comes with us.
Whoever loves his father or his mother more than me,
is not worthy of me, is not worthy of me.
Whoever loves his son or his daughter more than me,
is not worthy of me, is not worthy of me.
Whoever does not take his cross and follow me,
is not worthy of me, is not worthy of me.
And whoever seeks his life in this world,
he will lose it, he will lose it.
But whoever loses his life for my sake,
he will find it, he will find it.
He who listens to you,
listens to me.
He who welcomes you,
welcomes me.
He who welcomes me, welcomes God,
welcomes God!"