
appears 17 times in 6 song(s)


appears 17 times in 6 song(s)

The children of Bethlehem

The children of Bethlehem
are playing in the square,
look, the kings are coming,
there are one and two and three:
"But where are you coming from,
with your horses and your camels,
but who are you, pray, who are you?
what is it that brings you here?"
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of gold and silver,
but at night I cannot sleep:
I saw a star, a star in the sky."
But at night he cannot sleep:
he saw a star, a star in the sky.
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of flowers and of perfumes,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of the poor and the sick,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
…with incense, gold and myrrh…
"We’re coming from the Distant Orient,
we saw his star as it rose,
we’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here."
They’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here.
The children of Bethlehem
are looking at the sky;
"Look, the star is shining
right above Lord Jesus’ house.
Let’s go quickly all together
with the horses and the camels;
with the wise men we have found
where our Saviour Christ is born."

Two angels met

Two angels met,
one asked the other:
"Where is, where is the glory of God?"
"Where is, where is the glory of God?"
It is in the blessing,
it is in the blessing,
it is in the blessing,
the glory of God.
It is in the blessing,
it is in the blessing,
it is in the blessing,
the glory of God.

I know what is one (Song of numbers)

Who knows what is One?
Who knows what is One?
I know what is One,
I know what is One.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is two?
Who knows what is two?
I know what is two,
I know what is two.
Two, two the tablets of the Covenant,
two, two the tablets of the Covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is three?
Who knows what is three?
I know what is three,
I know what is three.
Three, three are the Patriarchs,
three, three are the Patriarchs.
Two, two the tablets of the covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is four…
Four, four are the nights… Three, three…
Five, five the books of the Law… Four, four…
Six, six the wings of the seraphim… Five, five…
Seven, seven the enemy nations… Six, six…
Eight, eight the people in the ark… Seven, seven…
Nine, nine the months of gestation… Eight, eight…
Ten, ten are the commandments… Nine, nine…

No one can serve two masters

No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.
That’s why I tell you:
do not be anxious about your life,
what you’ll eat, what you’ll drink,
what you’ll wear;
is not life worth more than food
and your body, more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
And which of you, by being anxious,
can add one hour to his life?
And about clothing, why do you worry?
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Seek first the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve God and money!
Seek the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve two masters!
No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.


It was still night when Abraham
was preparing to sacrifice his son;
the two were staring into each other’s eyes
when Isaac said:
”Aqeda, aqeda, aqeda, aqeda!
Aqeda, aqeda, aqeda, aqeda!
Bind me, bind me tight, O my father,
lest in fear I resist,
and your sacrifice be not valid,
and both of us be rejected!
Aqeda, aqeda, aqeda, aqeda!
Bind me, bind me tight,
O my father, lest I resist!
Bind me, bind me tight,
O my father, lest I resist!”
Come, see faith on earth,
come, see faith on earth:
the father who sacrifices his only son,
and the beloved son who offers him his throat!

Do not resist evil

You have heard that it was said:
"An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth."
But I say to you, I say to you:
Do not resist evil,
do not resist evil,
do not resist evil
do not resist evil.
And if anyone strikes you
on the right cheek,
offer him the other one as well.
And if anyone takes you to court
to have your clothes,
give him your cloak as well.
And if anyone forces you to walk one mile,
walk two miles with him.
If anyone deprives you of what’s yours,
do not claim it back.
Do not resist evil…
You have heard that it was said:
"You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy."
But I say to you, I say to you:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who persecute you,
bless those who curse you.
Be perfect,
as your Father in Heaven is perfect,
because he is good towards the wicked,
because he is good towards sinners.
Do not resist evil…
And you will be sons of your heavenly Father,
who makes the sun rise
on the good and bad alike,
and sends his rain
also on the wicked.
Do not resist evil…