
appears 54 times in 22 song(s)


appears 54 times in 22 song(s)

Consecration and Acclamation - a (E. P. II)

You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
the fount of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them like the
so that they may become for us
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed,
and entered willingly into his Passion,
he took bread
and, giving thanks, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples saying:
In a similar way, when supper was ended,
he took the chalice
and, once more giving thanks,
he gave it to his disciples, saying:
The mystery of faith:
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection,
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!

Consecration and Acclamation - b (E. P. II)

You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
the fount of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them like the
so that they may become for us
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed,
and entered willingly into his Passion, he took bread
and, giving thanks, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples, saying:,
In a similar way, when supper was ended,
he took the chalice
and, once more giving thanks,
he gave it to his disciples saying:
The mystery of faith:
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection,
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
Through him, and with him, and in him,
O God Almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is yours,
for ever and ever.
Amen, amen, amen,
amen, amen, amen,
amen, amen, amen!

Eastertide Preface

The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
at all times to acclaim you, O Lord,
but on this night / on this day / in this time
above all
to laud you yet more gloriously,
when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.
For he is the true Lamb
who has taken away the sins of the world;
by dying, he has destroyed our death,
and by rising, restored our life!
By dying, he’s destroyed our death,
by rising, he restored our life!
By dying, he’s destroyed our death,
by rising, he restored our life!
Therefore, overcome with paschal joy,
every land, every people exults in your praise
and even the heavenly Powers,
with the angelic hosts,
sing, sing, the unending hymn of your glory,
as they acclaim:
Holy, holy, holy…

Hymn for Lauds of Advent until 16 December

A voice resounds from heaven,
it echoes in the night;
let dreams and anguish flee,
the light of Christ shines forth.
The heart awakes from slumber
no longer troubled by evil;
a new star is shining
in the darkness of the world.
Behold the Lamb of God,
the price of our ransom;
with living faith we implore
his forgiveness and peace.
When at the end of time
Christ comes in his glory,
may his grace release us
from his fearsome judgement.
Praise be to Christ the Lord,
to the Father and the Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be. Amen.

Hymn for Lauds of Advent after 17 December

The voices of the prophets
announce the coming of the Lord
who brings to all men
the gift of his peace.
Behold a new light
rises in the morning,
a voice resounds:
the king of glory comes.
At his first coming
Christ came to save us,
to heal our wounds
of body and spirit.
At the end of time
he will return as judge;
he will give the promised kingdom
to his faithful servants.
Today, on our path
his light shines for us;
Jesus, the sun of grace,
calls us to new life.
It is you, O Christ, we seek;
it is you we want to know,
to praise you forever
in your eternal kingdom.
To you be praise, O Lord,
born of the Virgin Mary,
to the Father and the Holy Spirit
for ever and ever. Amen.

Te Deum

We praise you, O God,
we proclaim you as Lord,
O Eternal Father,
all the earth adores you.
To you sing the angels
and all the powers of heaven,
holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of the Universe!
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
The choir of apostles acclaims you
and the white-robed army of martyrs.
The voices of the prophets unite in your praise,
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adoring your only Son,
and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
O Christ, king of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Victorious over death,
you opened to the faithful the kingdom of Heaven.
You sit at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
Help your servants, O Lord,
redeemed by your precious blood.
May we be numbered with your saints
in everlasting glory.
Save your people, O Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Day by day we bless you,
we praise your name for ever.
Grant today, O Lord,
to keep us free from sin.
May your mercy be ever with us:
in you have we hoped.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,
have mercy on us.
You are our hope,
may we never be confounded.

The Lord is my light and my salvation

The Lord is my light and my salvation:
whom need I fear?
The Lord is the fortress of my life:
of whom shall I be afraid?
I am sure I shall see
your goodness, O Lord.
Wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord.
One thing I ask of the Lord,
only one thing I seek:
to live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
I am sure I shall see…
The Lord hides me in His shelter
in times of trouble.
The Lord stretches out His hand to me;
I shall walk in safety.
I am sure I shall see…

Here comes the Kingdom

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Here comes the Kingdom
of the Lord and his Christ.
Here comes the Kingdom,
of the Lord our God.
Let’s give him glory;
it is time for the wedding.
Let’s give him glory
for the wedding of our Lord.
Happy are those
invited to the wedding,
to the wedding
of the Lamb.
Happy are those
invited to the wedding,
to the wedding
with the Lord.


Blessed be the Lord,
the God of Israel,
for he has visited and redeemed his people,
raising up for us a power of salvation
in the house of his servant David.
According to the promise made from ancient times,
through the mouths of his holy prophets,
that he would save us from our enemies
and from the hands of all those who hate us.
Fulfilling in this way the mercy
he had with our fathers,
remembering his holy Covenant,
and the oath he swore to our father, Abraham,
that he would set us free from fear
to be delivered from the hands of our enemies,
to serve him in holiness and virtue
in his presence all our days.
Blessed be the Lord...
And you, little child,
you shall be called Prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord
to prepare a way for him,
announcing to his people salvation
and forgiveness of their sins.
Because of the tender mercy of our God,
a sun, rising from on high, will visit us,
to give light to those who live in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Blessed be the Lord…

Taste and see (Ps 33/34 = responsorial psalm)

Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips.
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Taste and see…
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his Name.
For I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and he freed me from all my fears.
Taste and see…
Many trials lie in wait for the just man,
but from them all the Lord frees him.
This poor man calls out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
Taste and see…

As a doe yearns for running streams

As a doe yearns for running streams,
so my soul is thirsting for you, my God,
My soul is thirsting for God, for the living God,
when shall I see the face of God?
Tears are my food day and night,
while my enemies say to me all day long:
"Where is your God? Where is your God?
Where is your God?"
My soul is filled with sadness
when I remember
how I used to walk
in the midst of a people rejoicing.
Why are you downcast my soul,
why do you sigh within me?
Hope in God, hope in God,
and you will praise him again.
Because he, he is my salvation.
He is my God, he is my God.
Hope in God, hope in God,
hope in God, hope in God,
and you will praise him again.
How many times have I said to God, my rock:
"Why have you forsaken me? "
Why do I walk
sadly oppressed by my enemies?
My bones are crushed
from hearing all day long:
"Where is your God?
Where is your God?"
Lord, send your light and your truth:
let them lead me to your holy temple,
then I will be able to sing to you a song of feast,
a song of joy on my guitar.
Why are you downcast my soul…

The people that walked in darkness

The people that walked in darkness
has seen a great light.
On those who walked in a land of darkness
a great light has shone.
You have made their gladness greater,
you have made their joy increase:
they rejoiced in your presence
as they rejoice at harvest time,
as they rejoice when they divide the spoils.
And dominion will be upon his shoulders,
and his name will be, and his name will be:
wonderful, wonderful counsellor,
mighty God, eternal Father;
Prince of peace,
Prince of peace.
The yoke that was weighing on the people,
the yoke that weighed on their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressors,
you have broken as on the day of Midian.
Every boot of the trampling warrior,
every garment soaked in blood
will be burnt and consumed by fire,
for a child is born for us,
a Son has been given to us.
And dominion will be upon his shoulders…

There is a time for everything

There is a time for everything,
every action has its moment under heaven.
A time for being born, a time for dying,
a time for sowing, a time for reaping;
a time for killing, a time for healing,
a time for destruction, a time for rebuilding.
A time to throw stones away, a time to gather them,
a time to embrace, a time to refuse.
A time for searching, a time for losing,
a time for keeping, a time for giving:
a time for tearing, a time for mending,
a time for speaking, a time for silence.
A time for loving, a time for hating,
a time for war, a time for peace.
What does a man gain from all his efforts?
What does he profit from all his labour?
What God has done to the son of man
is truly beautiful and comes at the right time.
He has placed in man's heart the sense of eternity,
but man cannot see the whole of God’s plan.
I know there is no happiness for man,
but to enjoy the fruits of his labour;
what he eats and drinks in his life,
is nothing but a gift from the Lord.
Nothing can be added, nothing taken away,
from what the Father had already ordained
at the beginning of time.

I have admitted to you my sin

I have admitted to you my sin,
I have no longer concealed my guilt;
I said:
"I will confess to the Lord my faults;"
and you have pardoned the malice of my sin.
That’s why the faithful man prays to you
in times of anguish;
when great waters come rushing down
they will never reach him.
I have admitted…
Happy is the man,
whose fault is forgiven,
and whose sin is pardoned!
Happy is the man
to whom God imputes no evil,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
I have admitted…
I kept silent and my bones were wasting away,
while I groaned all the day long;
day and night your hand weighed upon me
and, like a summer drought, my strength was drying up.
But I have admitted to you my sin,
I have no longer concealed my guilt;
I said: "I will confess to the Lord my faults;"
and you have pardoned the malice of my sin.
I have admitted…

I will bless the Lord at all times

I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips;
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his name,
for I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and freed me from all my fears.
I will bless the Lord at all times
The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him and he rescues them;
this poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
I will bless the Lord at all times
Many trials lie in wait for the just man
but from them all the Lord saves him.
This poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times

Go and tell my brothers

"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"And there they will see me,
and there they will see me."
And the disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain that Jesus had pointed out to them.
When they saw him they worshipped him
and Jesus said to them:
"I have been given all authority
in heaven and on earth.
Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to put into practice
all that I have commanded you.
Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…
"To the end of time,
to the end of time. "
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…

Hide me in the depths of your tent

Hide me
in the depths of your tent,
set me high
on a rock.
The Lord is my light and my salvation:
whom need I fear?
The Lord is the fortress of my life:
of whom should I be afraid?
Hide me…
When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
they, my opponents, my enemies,
are the ones who stumble and fall.
Hide me…
Even if an army encamped against me,
my heart would not be afraid;
though war were waged against me,
my trust would still be firm.
Hide me…
One thing I ask of the Lord,
only one thing I seek:
to live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
Hide me…
The Lord hides me under his shelter
in times of trouble.
The Lord stretches out his hand to me,
I shall walk in safety.
Hide me…
Hear O Lord my voice when I call to you;
have mercy on me and be attentive.
I seek your face, O Lord,
do not hide your face from me.
Hide me…

Listen to me, remotest islands (The kings shall)

Listen to me, remotest islands, all the nations,
thus speaks the Lord, the Holy One of Israel
to him whose life is despised,
whom the nations loathe,
to the slave of the oppressors:
"The kings shall see you, they will stand up,
the princes of the earth
they will bow down,
I have chosen you, I’ve chosen you."
At the time of favour I will hear you,
on the day of salvation I will help you,
I have set you as a Covenant for the peoples.”
"The kings shall see you…
"You will say to prisoners: 'Come out!;'
you will say to the blind: 'See!;'
you will guide the peoples to the waters of life."
"The kings shall see you…
But Zion says:
"The Lord has abandoned me,
the Lord has forgotten me."
"Can a mother forget
the baby at her breast?
Or fail to cherish
the son of her womb?
Even if a mother
forget her baby
I will not forget you.
Look at me, I have branded you
on the palms of my hands.
Look at me, I have branded you
on the palms of my hands."
"The kings shall see you…

Blessed be God

be God,
the Father
of Jesus Christ,
for he has chosen us
before the creation of the world,
for he has blessed us
with every kind of love,
to be holy and blameless
in love.
To be
the praise of his glory,
the glory of his grace,
the grace of his love,
with which he loved us
in Jesus Christ.
In him
we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins
according to the richness of his love,
so that in the fullness of time,
all things would be united under Christ.
To be…
In him all of us,
who have heard the Word of truth,
the Good News
of our salvation,
have been sealed with the Holy Spirit,
making us his people.
To be…

Lord, you search me and you know me

Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know when I lie down and when I get up.
From afar, you know my thoughts,
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my lips,
you, O Lord,
already know it.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time
you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
But where shall I go, far from your spirit?
where, from your face, shall I flee?
If I climb the heavens, you are there;
if I descend to death, there I find you.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time, you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
Lord, you search me and you know me,
you put my heart to the test,
so that I may not walk in a way of duplicity,
so that I may never abandon your way.

Come from Lebanon

Come from Lebanon, my bride,
come from Lebanon, come.
You will have for a crown the mountains,
the high crests of Hermon.
You have ravished, ravished my heart,
O my sister, my bride.
Come from Lebanon, my bride,
come from Lebanon, come!
I have searched for the love of my heart,
I searched but I didn’t find it;
I have found the love of my heart,
I’ve embraced him and I’ll not let him go.
I belong to my beloved,
and his whole desire is for me.
Come let us go out into the fields,
let us lodge in the villages.
Let’s go out at dawn to the vineyards,
let us pick the grapes.
I belong to my beloved,
and his whole desire is for me.
I have searched for the love of my heart…
Get up quickly, get up my beloved,
come away my dove.
Winter time has already passed,
the voice of the turtle dove is heard.
The flowers appear again on the earth,
the rain is over and gone.
Get up quickly, get up my beloved,
come away my dove.
I have searched for the love of my heart…
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm.
For love is as strong as death,
love no flood can drown.
To give for it all the wealth of the house
would be to despise it.
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm.
I have searched for the love of my heart…

Arise, my beloved (The voice of my beloved)

The voice of my beloved: Behold! Here he comes,
leaping on the mountains, skipping on the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle,
like a young deer,
my beloved is like a gazelle.
Behold! He stands behind our wall
and looks in at the window, he peers through the lattice.
Now my beloved speaks and says to me:
"Arise, my beloved!
Arise my love, arise and come!"
"Arise, my beloved,
Arise my love, arise and come!"
Look, winter has already passed,
the rains are over, they have gone away,
the flowers have appeared on the earth,
the time for singing has come again
and the voice of the turtle dove has returned,
the fig-tree has blossomed with first fruits
and the grape vine gives off its scent.
"Arise, my beloved…
O my dove in the cleft of the rock,
in the hiding places of the cliffs,
let me hear your voice,
let me hear your voice.
Chase away the foxes, the little foxes
who spoil the vineyard.
For our vineyard is in blossom!
For our vineyard is in blossom!
My beloved is for me,
and I am for him.
Before the breeze blows
and the shadows of death grow longer,
return, return, return!
Return, return, return!