
appears 13 times in 13 song(s)


appears 13 times in 13 song(s)

Hymn for Lauds of Advent after 17 December

The voices of the prophets
announce the coming of the Lord
who brings to all men
the gift of his peace.
Behold a new light
rises in the morning,
a voice resounds:
the king of glory comes.
At his first coming
Christ came to save us,
to heal our wounds
of body and spirit.
At the end of time
he will return as judge;
he will give the promised kingdom
to his faithful servants.
Today, on our path
his light shines for us;
Jesus, the sun of grace,
calls us to new life.
It is you, O Christ, we seek;
it is you we want to know,
to praise you forever
in your eternal kingdom.
To you be praise, O Lord,
born of the Virgin Mary,
to the Father and the Holy Spirit
for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn for Lauds from Easter to the Ascension

From the abyss of death
Christ ascends victorious
together with the ancient fathers.
The sun of Easter shines,
the sky with songs resounds,
all the earth rejoices.
From the abyss of death…
Beside the empty tomb
in vain the guardian watches:
the Lord from death has risen!
From the abyss of death…
O Jesus, immortal King,
unite in your victory
those in baptism reborn.
From the abyss of death…
May the light of your Passover,
the pledge of love and peace,
shine upon your Church.
From the abyss of death…
Glory and honour to Christ,
to the Father and the Spirit,
now and forever.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Flee, shadows and darkness (Hymn for Lauds)

Flee, shadows and darkness,
the light of day shines forth,
Christ the Lord is coming.
The sun of justice
transfigures and inflames
the waiting universe.
With pure and humble joy,
amid songs and prayers,
we welcome the Lord.
You, Saviour of the poor,
let the glory of your face
shine on a new world.
Praise to you, O Christ,
with the Father and the Spirit,
now and forever.

The march is hard

The march is hard, the sun is strong,
slow the people go.
Moses, chief of Israel,
goes to set them free.
Listen, Father,
to the cry of your people,
listen, Father,
send the Saviour.
The people yearn for life and peace,
they want to rise again.
Moses, chief of Israel,
goes to set them free.
Listen, Father…

Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his love is everlasting.
He alone does great marvels.
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia…
He made the heavens with wisdom,
for his love is everlasting.
He set the earth firmly on the waters. *
He created the great lights in the heavens,
for his love is everlasting,
the sun to rule the day and the moon the night. *
He struck down the first born of Egypt,
for his love is everlasting.
And he brought out his people, Israel.*
He opened a way through the sea,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the waters. *
He drowned Pharaoh and his army,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the desert. *
He gave us according to his promise,
for his love is everlasting,
a land flowing with milk and honey. *
He is with us in our anguish,
for his love is everlasting.
And he frees us from our oppressors. *
He provides for all living creatures,
for his love is everlasting.
Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven. *
Give thanks to the Lord…

Canticle of Daniel (Part 2)

All you works of the Lord
O bless the Lord!
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Angels of the Lord *
Heavens of the Lord
All waters above the heavens *
All armies of the Lord*
Sun and moon
Stars of heaven *
Showers and rain
All breezes and winds *
Fire and heat *
Cold and heat *
Showers and dew *
Frosts and cold *
Ice and snow *
Night and day
Darkness and light *
Lightning and clouds
O let the earth bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Mountains and hills
All plants of the earth
Fountains and springs *
Rivers and seas *
Sea-monsters and all that moves in the waters *
Every bird in the sky *
Wild beasts and tame *
Children of men *
O Israel, bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Priests of the Lord *
Servants of the Lord *
Spirits and souls of the just *
Holy and humble of heart *
Ananias, Azarias, Mizael *
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
May you be blessed, O Lord, in the heavens.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
O bless the Lord.

Praise the Lord from the heavens

Praise the Lord from the heavens:
praise him!
Praise him in the heights:
praise him!
Praise him, all his angels,
praise him, all his hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest of heavens,
and you waters above the heavens.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for he commanded and they were created.
He has established them for ever,
he’s set a law that will never pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,
you sea-monsters and all the depths.
Fire and hail, snow and mist,
stormy winds that obey his Word.
Mountains and every hill,
fruit trees and every cedar.
Beasts, wild and tame,
reptiles and flying birds.
Kings of the earth and all peoples,
princes and rulers of the earth.
Young men and maidens,
old men together with children.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for his Name alone is exalted,
his glory above heaven and earth,
he has raised up his people.
Let all his faithful praise the Lord,
Israel, the people that He loves.
Praise him!


Blessed be the Lord,
the God of Israel,
for he has visited and redeemed his people,
raising up for us a power of salvation
in the house of his servant David.
According to the promise made from ancient times,
through the mouths of his holy prophets,
that he would save us from our enemies
and from the hands of all those who hate us.
Fulfilling in this way the mercy
he had with our fathers,
remembering his holy Covenant,
and the oath he swore to our father, Abraham,
that he would set us free from fear
to be delivered from the hands of our enemies,
to serve him in holiness and virtue
in his presence all our days.
Blessed be the Lord...
And you, little child,
you shall be called Prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord
to prepare a way for him,
announcing to his people salvation
and forgiveness of their sins.
Because of the tender mercy of our God,
a sun, rising from on high, will visit us,
to give light to those who live in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Blessed be the Lord…

I lift up my eyes to the mountains

I lift up my eyes to the mountains:
from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot stumble,
your keeper does not sleep;
he does not sleep nor slumber,
the guardian of Israel.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord is your guard and your shade,
he stands at your right hand;
by day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon by night.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord keeps you from all evil,
he guards your life.
The Lord watches over you,
he guards your going and coming.
The Lord watches over you,
now and forever.
I lift up my eyes…
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

The sower

A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the road.
The birds came down, they ate it up,
they devoured it,
they devoured it.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the rock.
A sower went out to sow,
and some of the seed fell on the rock.
The sun came out and dried it up:
it had no soil,
it had no soil.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell among thorns.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell among thorns.
The seeds grew, the thorns grew,
they stifled it,
they stifled it.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the soil.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the soil.
It bore fruit, some thirtyfold,
some sixtyfold,
and some a hundred.
He who has ears
and wants to hear,
Don’t be the road,
don’t be the road,
don’t be the rock,
don’t be the rock,
don’t be the thorns,
don’t be the thorns,
but be the soil,
the good soil,
where Jesus
may grow,
where Jesus
may grow.

Do not get angry because of the wicked

Do not get angry because of the wicked,
do not envy those who do evil,
for they shall wither like grass
and dry up like the green of the fields.
Trust in the Lord and do good,
live in your land and be loyal;
let the Lord be your delight
and he will grant you your heart’s desire.
Entrust yourself to the Lord and hope in him,
hope in him and he will act.
He will make your justice shine forth
and your faithfulness like the noonday sun.
Do not get angry…
Keep silent before the Lord and hope in him,
do not get angry about a man who prospers,
who makes his fortune by telling lies:
but trust in the Lord and hope in him.
Do not get angry…
Refrain from anger, forsake your rage,
do not get angry lest you do evil,
for those who do evil will be excluded
but he who hopes in the Lord shall inherit the land.
Wait a little longer, the wicked shall be no more,
look where he was, he is not there.
Instead the humble possess the land
and delight in peace, in great peace.
Do not get angry…

Do not resist evil

You have heard that it was said:
"An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth."
But I say to you, I say to you:
Do not resist evil,
do not resist evil,
do not resist evil
do not resist evil.
And if anyone strikes you
on the right cheek,
offer him the other one as well.
And if anyone takes you to court
to have your clothes,
give him your cloak as well.
And if anyone forces you to walk one mile,
walk two miles with him.
If anyone deprives you of what’s yours,
do not claim it back.
Do not resist evil…
You have heard that it was said:
"You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy."
But I say to you, I say to you:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who persecute you,
bless those who curse you.
Be perfect,
as your Father in Heaven is perfect,
because he is good towards the wicked,
because he is good towards sinners.
Do not resist evil…
And you will be sons of your heavenly Father,
who makes the sun rise
on the good and bad alike,
and sends his rain
also on the wicked.
Do not resist evil…

You are beautiful, my beloved

You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
How beautiful are your feet in their sandals,
daughter of princes!
The curve of your hips,
the work of the hands of an artist;
your navel is like a rounded bowl;
your neck, like a tower of ivory;
your eyes, like the pools of Heshbon;
your head crowns you like Mount Carmel;
your hair is as dark as purple;
a king is held captive in your tresses.
You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Who is she who rises like the dawn,
as beautiful as the moon, resplendent like the sun?
How beautiful you are, O my love,
how beautiful, my delight,
as beautiful as Jerusalem, as beautiful as Jerusalem.
You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Ay! Jerusalem, Jerusalem.