
appears 11 times in 2 song(s)


appears 11 times in 2 song(s)


It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the entrance of his tent.
It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the Oak of Mamre.
He looked up and there he saw
three men standing near him;
they stood in front of him.
As soon as he saw them
he bowed to the ground and said:
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping!”
”Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping.”
”I'll bring you a little water,
you'll wash your feet
and lie down under the tree.
I'll bring you a little bread,
you'll refresh yourselves
before going further.
Not by chance
have you passed today
near me.”
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!
Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!”

In the midst of a great crowd

In the midst of a great crowd,
in the midst of all those people,
a woman, a woman touched him.
In the midst of a great crowd,
in the midst of all those people,
a woman, a woman touched him.
‘Who is it that touched me?’
‘Who is it that touched me?’
said Christ, said Christ, and he stopped.
A woman all a-tremble,
a woman all a-tremble,
said to Christ: ‘It was I.’
‘I am an impure woman,
who suffers from a flow of blood;
I am an impure woman,
who suffers from a flow of blood.’
‘But as soon as I touched your garment,
but as soon as I touched your garment,
the flow of blood stopped.’
your faith,
your faith has saved you!’
In the midst of a great crowd,
in the midst of all those people,
a woman, a woman touched him.
If you want to touch Christ,
if you want to touch Christ,
you can touch him through faith.
For he’s the Son of God,
who was to come into the world,
to heal you, to save you.
In the midst…