appears 102 times in 51 song(s)
For the sins we have committed hardening our hearts,
have mercy on us, for we are sinners! Lord have mercy!
For the sins we have committed openly and in secret,
through imprudence,
through omission and laziness,
through ignorance,
with premeditation and malice,
using violence,
letting ourselves be ruled by our base passions,
despising our parents and teachers,
in our work,
wanting to be first,
through avarice,
through pride and arrogance,
insulting our neighbour,
by lying,
speaking evil of others,
slandering our neighbour,
through sexuality,
looking lustfully,
through envy,
through gluttony,
being irresponsible,
sowing discord,
complaining in our heart,
saddening the Holy Spirit,
resisting the will of God,
Have mercy on us, for we are sinners!
Have mercy on us, for we are sinners! Lord have mercy!
Prayer of thanksgiving for Penitential Celebration
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is indeed right and just,
it is our duty and leads to our salvation
to give you thanks always and everywhere,
almighty and merciful God.
How wonderfully you created man
and still more wonderfully remade him.
You do not abandon the sinner,
but seek him out with a Father’s love.
You sent your Son into the world
to destroy death and sin by his Passion
and to restore life and joy by his Resurrection.
You sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts
to make us your children and heirs of your Kingdom.
You constantly renew our spirit
in the sacraments of your redeeming love,
freeing us from slavery to sin
and transforming us
into the likeness of your beloved Son.
Freeing us from slavery to sin
and transforming us
into the likeness of your beloved Son.
We thank you and bless you, O Lord,
for the wonders of your mercy;
and we join with the whole Church
in a new song of praise.
Holy, holy …
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you;
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory.
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord, Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ!
Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us!
You take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us!
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father!
Amen, amen!
Eucharistic Prayer II (Preface)
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Father most holy, through your beloved
Son, Jesus Christ.
your Word through whom
you made all things,
whom you sent as your Saviour
and Redeemer,
incarnate of the Holy Spirit,
and born of the Virgin.
Fulfilling your will
and gaining for you a holy people:
he stretched out his hands
as he endured his passion,
so as to break the bonds of death
and manifest the resurrection.
He stretched out his hands
as he endured his passion,
so as to break the bonds of death
and manifest the resurrection.
And so, with the Angels and all the Saints
we declare your glory
as with one voice we acclaim:
Holy, holy, holy...
Consecration and Acclamation - a (E. P. II)
You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
the fount of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them like the
so that they may become for us
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed,
and entered willingly into his Passion,
he took bread
and, giving thanks, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples saying:
In a similar way, when supper was ended,
he took the chalice
and, once more giving thanks,
he gave it to his disciples, saying:
The mystery of faith:
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection,
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
Consecration and Acclamation - b (E. P. II)
You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
the fount of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them like the
so that they may become for us
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed,
and entered willingly into his Passion, he took bread
and, giving thanks, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples, saying:,
In a similar way, when supper was ended,
he took the chalice
and, once more giving thanks,
he gave it to his disciples saying:
The mystery of faith:
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection,
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
Through him, and with him, and in him,
O God Almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is yours,
for ever and ever.
Amen, amen, amen,
amen, amen, amen,
amen, amen, amen!
Eucharistic Prayer II (Off., Interc., Dox.)
Therefore, as we celebrate
the memorial of his Death and Resurrection,
we offer you Lord, the Bread of life
and the Chalice of salvation,
giving thanks that you have held us worthy
to be in your presence and minister to you.
Humbly we pray
that, partaking in the Body and Blood of Christ
we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.
Remember, Lord, your Church,
spread throughout the world,
and bring her to the fullness of charity,
together with … our Pope,
…, our Bishop,
and all the clergy.
Remember also our brothers and sisters
who have fallen asleep
in the hope of the resurrection,
and all who have died in your mercy:
welcome them into the light of your face.
Have mercy on us all, we pray,
that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
with the blessed Apostles,
and with all the Saints
who have pleased you throughout the ages,
we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life,
and may praise and glorify you
through your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through him, and with him, and in him,
O God almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is yours,
for ever and ever.
Amen, amen, amen.
Exsultet (Paschal Praeconium)
Exult, choirs of angels,
Exult, heavenly assembly!
May a hymn of glory
greet the triumph of our risen Lord!
Rejoice, all the earth,
flooded with the new light!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, O Mother Church, made resplendent
with the glory of your risen Lord.
Let this holy building resound,
echoing the song of a people in feast.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just
to express, by singing, the great joy of the spirit
and to praise the all powerful Father
and his Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He paid for us to the eternal Father Adam’s debt,
and with his blood, shed out of love,
he wiped away the condemnation of the ancient fault.
This is the Passover
in which is slain the one true Lamb.
This is the night
in which you freed our fathers from the slavery of Egypt.
This is the night
that with a pillar of fire banished the darkness of evil.
This is the night in which you have conquered the darkness of sin.
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
How wonderful is the mercy
of your grace,
how boundless the tenderness of your love;
to ransom a slave you sacrificed your Son!
Without the sin of Adam,
Christ would not have redeemed us!
O happy fault,
which deserved so great a Saviour,
O happy fault!
O Night, truly blessed,
which knew the hour in which Christ arose!
O Night, truly blessed,
which despoiled the Egyptians to make Israel wealthy!
O Night, which conquers evil and washes guilt away!
O Night, truly glorious,
which reconciles man | to his God!
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
In this night, receive, heavenly Father,
the sacrifice of praise
that the Church is offering you by the hand of her ministers
in the solemn liturgy of the candle,
sign of the new light.
We pray you, O Lord:
let this candle,
offered in honour of your name,
shine with light;
let it ascend to you like fragrant perfume,
let it mingle with the stars of heaven;
may the morning star find this flame still burning,
the morning star which never sets:
Christ, your Son, risen from the dead,
who shines resplendent with his peaceful light!
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Blessing of baptismal water
O God, who by invisible power
accomplish a wondrous effect through sacramental signs
and who in many ways have prepared water, your creation,
to show forth the grace of Baptism;
O God, whose Spirit, in the first moments of the world’s creation,
hovered over the waters,
so that the very substance of water
would even then take to itself the power to sanctify;
O God, who by the outpouring of the flood
foreshadowed regeneration,
so that from the mystery of one and the same element of water
would come an end to vice and a beginning of virtue;
O God, who caused the children of Abraham
to pass dry shod through the Red Sea,
so that the chosen people, set free from slavery to Pharaoh,
would prefigure the people of the baptized;
O God,
whose Son, baptised by John in the waters of the Jordan,
was anointed with the Holy Spirit,
and as he hung | upon the Cross,
gave forth from his side | blood and water,
and, after his Resurrection, commanded his disciples:
“Go forth, teach all nations, teach all nations,
look now, we pray, upon the face of your Church
and graciously unseal for her the fountain of Baptism.
May this water receive by the Holy Spirit
the grace of your Only Begotten Son,
so that human nature, created in your image,
and washed clean through the sacrament of Baptism
from all the squalor of the life of old,
may be found worthy to rise to the life of newborn children
through water and the Holy Spirit.
May the power of the Holy Spirit,
O Lord, we pray,
come down through your Son
into the fullness of this font,
so that, all who have been buried with Christ
by Baptism into his death
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
at all times to acclaim you, O Lord,
but on this night / on this day / in this time
above all
to laud you yet more gloriously,
when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.
For he is the true Lamb
who has taken away the sins of the world;
by dying, he has destroyed our death,
and by rising, restored our life!
By dying, he’s destroyed our death,
by rising, he restored our life!
By dying, he’s destroyed our death,
by rising, he restored our life!
Therefore, overcome with paschal joy,
every land, every people exults in your praise
and even the heavenly Powers,
with the angelic hosts,
sing, sing, the unending hymn of your glory,
as they acclaim:
Holy, holy, holy…
Hymn for Lauds of Advent until 16 December
A voice resounds from heaven,
it echoes in the night;
let dreams and anguish flee,
the light of Christ shines forth.
The heart awakes from slumber
no longer troubled by evil;
a new star is shining
in the darkness of the world.
Behold the Lamb of God,
the price of our ransom;
with living faith we implore
his forgiveness and peace.
When at the end of time
Christ comes in his glory,
may his grace release us
from his fearsome judgement.
Praise be to Christ the Lord,
to the Father and the Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be. Amen.
Hymn for Lauds of Advent after 17 December
The voices of the prophets
announce the coming of the Lord
who brings to all men
the gift of his peace.
Behold a new light
rises in the morning,
a voice resounds:
the king of glory comes.
At his first coming
Christ came to save us,
to heal our wounds
of body and spirit.
At the end of time
he will return as judge;
he will give the promised kingdom
to his faithful servants.
Today, on our path
his light shines for us;
Jesus, the sun of grace,
calls us to new life.
It is you, O Christ, we seek;
it is you we want to know,
to praise you forever
in your eternal kingdom.
To you be praise, O Lord,
born of the Virgin Mary,
to the Father and the Holy Spirit
for ever and ever. Amen.
Hymn for Lauds from Easter to the Ascension
From the abyss of death
Christ ascends victorious
together with the ancient fathers.
The sun of Easter shines,
the sky with songs resounds,
all the earth rejoices.
From the abyss of death…
Beside the empty tomb
in vain the guardian watches:
the Lord from death has risen!
From the abyss of death…
O Jesus, immortal King,
unite in your victory
those in baptism reborn.
From the abyss of death…
May the light of your Passover,
the pledge of love and peace,
shine upon your Church.
From the abyss of death…
Glory and honour to Christ,
to the Father and the Spirit,
now and forever.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Hymn for Vespers from Easter to the Ascension
At the banquet of the Lamb,
arrayed in white robes,
having crossed the Red Sea,
we sing to Christ the Lord.
His body ablaze with love,
at the banquet, is living bread;
on the altar, his blood
is the cup of the New Covenant.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
On this wondrous evening
the ancient marvels are made present:
a mighty arm saves us
from the angel of destruction.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
The meek slaughtered lamb,
Christ, is our Passover;
his sacred body
is the true unleavened bread.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
Pour out paschal joy
on your Church, O Lord;
unite in your victory
those born again through baptism.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
Praise and honour be to Christ,
triumphant over death,
to the Father and the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
Hymn for Vespers on Ascension day
The Good Shepherd ascended
to the right hand of the Father;
the little flock keeps vigil
with Mary in the Cenacle.
From the splendour of heaven
the prophetic chrism descends
and consecrates the apostles
heralds of the Gospel.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Come, O Divine Spirit,
with your holy gifts
and make our hearts
a temple of your glory.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the great mystery
of the one and threefold God,
fountain of eternal love.
Come, O creator Spirit (Hymn for Vespers)
Come, O creator Spirit,
visit our minds,
fill with your love
the hearts you have created.
O sweet Consoler,
gift of the most high Father,
living water, fire, love,
holy chrism of the soul.
Finger of the hand of God,
promised by the Saviour,
pour out your seven gifts,
make the word be born in us.
Be light to the intellect,
living flame in our hearts;
heal our wounds
with the balm of your love.
Defend us from the enemy,
bring peace as your gift;
may your unfailing guidance
save us from all evil.
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the great mystery
of God the Father and the Son,
united in one single Love.
Day of immense joy (Hymn for Lauds of Pentecost)
Day of immense joy
in the city of God;
may the flame of the Spirit
shine in the Cenacle.
The wondrous gift of the prophets
is renewed on this day
and a mystic rapture
touches tongues and hearts.
Day of immense joy…
O blessed season
of the new-born Church,
who welcomes in her womb
the first fruits of the nations.
Day of immense joy…
This is the jubilee
of the fiftieth year
that ransoms the slave
and proclaims forgiveness.
Day of immense joy…
Send upon us, O Lord,
the gift of your Spirit;
grant to this restless world
justice and peace.
Day of immense joy…
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the mystery
of the one and threefold God,
fountain of eternal love.
Come, Holy Spirit (Sequence for Pentecost)
Come Holy Spirit,
send us a ray of your light.
Come, Father of the poor,
come, giver of gifts.
Come, light of the heart,
you, the greatest Consoler.
Come Holy Spirit…
Sweet guest of the soul,
sweetest consolation,
rest in the midst of our labours,
comfort in our weeping.
Come Holy Spirit…
Come most blessed light,
come and fill our hearts.
Without your holy strength,
nothing pure dwells in man.
Come Holy Spirit…
Wash what is dirty,
water what is dry.
Heal what is wounded,
bend what is rigid.
Come Holy Spirit…
Warm what is cold,
bring back what goes astray.
Give to your faithful
your seven holy gifts.
Come Holy Spirit…
Give virtue and love,
give us a holy death.
Give joy eternal.
Amen, Alleluia!
Come Holy Spirit,
send us a ray of your light.
Invocation of the Holy Spirit
O Lord, send forth your Spirit, to renew the face of the earth!
Flee, shadows and darkness (Hymn for Lauds)
Flee, shadows and darkness,
the light of day shines forth,
Christ the Lord is coming.
The sun of justice
transfigures and inflames
the waiting universe.
With pure and humble joy,
amid songs and prayers,
we welcome the Lord.
You, Saviour of the poor,
let the glory of your face
shine on a new world.
Praise to you, O Christ,
with the Father and the Spirit,
now and forever.
Created for the glory (Hymn for Lauds of Friday)
Created for the glory of your Name,
redeemed by the blood of your cross,
marked by the seal of your Spirit,
we implore you: ‘Save us, O Lord.’
Break the chains of sin,
protect the humble, free the oppressed;
lead to heaven to the peaceful pastures
the people who believe in your love.
Honour and praise to you, Good Shepherd,
radiant light of eternal splendour;
you, who reign with the Father and the Spirit,
glorious for ever and ever. Amen.
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again, he rose again from the dead,
he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
We praise you, O God,
we proclaim you as Lord,
O Eternal Father,
all the earth adores you.
To you sing the angels
and all the powers of heaven,
holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of the Universe!
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
The choir of apostles acclaims you
and the white-robed army of martyrs.
The voices of the prophets unite in your praise,
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adoring your only Son,
and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
O Christ, king of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Victorious over death,
you opened to the faithful the kingdom of Heaven.
You sit at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
Help your servants, O Lord,
redeemed by your precious blood.
May we be numbered with your saints
in everlasting glory.
Save your people, O Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Day by day we bless you,
we praise your name for ever.
Grant today, O Lord,
to keep us free from sin.
May your mercy be ever with us:
in you have we hoped.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,
have mercy on us.
You are our hope,
may we never be confounded.
Canticle of Daniel (Part 2)
All you works of the Lord
O bless the Lord!
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Angels of the Lord *
Heavens of the Lord
All waters above the heavens *
All armies of the Lord*
Sun and moon
Stars of heaven *
Showers and rain
All breezes and winds *
Fire and heat *
Cold and heat *
Showers and dew *
Frosts and cold *
Ice and snow *
Night and day
Darkness and light *
Lightning and clouds
O let the earth bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Mountains and hills
All plants of the earth
Fountains and springs *
Rivers and seas *
Sea-monsters and all that moves in the waters *
Every bird in the sky *
Wild beasts and tame *
Children of men *
O Israel, bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Priests of the Lord *
Servants of the Lord *
Spirits and souls of the just *
Holy and humble of heart *
Ananias, Azarias, Mizael *
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
May you be blessed, O Lord, in the heavens.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
O bless the Lord.
Abba, Father, Father.
We have not received the spirit of slavery,
to fall back into fear,
to fall back into fear.
This same spirit
bears united witness with our spirit
that we are children of God.
And if we are children, we are also heirs,
co-heirs with Christ,
heirs of God.
And if we are children, we are also heirs,
co-heirs with Christ,
heirs of God.
Abba, Father, Father.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
From this day all generations
will call me blessed.
From this day all generations
will call me blessed.
For the Almighty has done great things for me,
and his name is holy.
For the Almighty has done great things for me,
and his name is holy.
He shows the power of his arm,
he routs the proud of heart.
He shows the power of his arm,
he routs the proud of heart.
The mighty he casts down from their thrones,
and exalts the lowly.
The hungry he fills with good things,
and the rich he sends empty away.
He helps his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy.
He helps his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy.
According to the promise he made to Abraham,
and to all his sons forever.
According to the promise he made to Abraham,
and to all his sons forever.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
Come, Son of Man,
come, Lord Jesus!
Come,* servant of the poor,*
come,* Lord Jesus!*
The Spirit says: "Come!"
Let him who listens say: "Come!"
Come,* my love,*
come,* Lord Jesus!*
The bride says: "Come!"
Let him who listens say: "Come!"
Vieni,* figlio dell’uomo,*
vieni,* Signore Gesú!*
Ven,* hijo del hombre,*
ven,* Señor Jesús!*
Viens,* fils de l’homme.*
viens,* Seigneur Jesus!*
Przyjdz,* Synu Czlowieczy,*
przyjdz,* Panie Jezu!*
Come,* Son of Man,*
Come…* come…* Maranatha…*
Lord Jesus Christ!
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offence.
O wash me more and more from my guilt
and cleanse me from my sin.
My offences truly I know them;
my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone, have I sinned;
what is evil in your sight I have done.
That you may be justified when you give sentence
and be without reproach when you judge.
O see, in guilt I was born,
a sinner was I conceived.
Indeed you love truth in the heart;
then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom.
O purify me, then I shall be clean;
O wash me, I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me hear rejoicing and gladness,
that the bones you have crushed may revive.
From my sins turn away your face
and blot out all my guilt.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence
nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
Give me again the joy of your help,
with a spirit of fervour sustain me
that I may teach transgressors your ways
and sinners may return to you.
Rescue me, O God, my helper,
and my tongue shall ring out your goodness.
O Lord, open my lips
and my mouth shall declare your praise.
For in sacrifice you take no delight,
burnt offering from me you would refuse;
my sacrifice, a contrite spirit
a humbled contrite heart you will not spurn.
In your goodness show favour to Zion:
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice,
holocausts offered on your altar.
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offence.
O wash me more and more from my guilt
and cleanse me from my sin.
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
My offences truly I know them;
my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone, have I sinned;
what is evil in your sight I have done. *
That you may be justified when you give sentence
and be without reproach when you judge.
O see, in guilt I was born,
a sinner was I conceived.
Indeed you love truth in the heart;
then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom.
O purify me, then I shall be clean;
O wash me, I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me hear rejoicing and gladness,
that the bones you have crushed may revive.
From my sins turn away your face
and blot out all my guilt.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence
nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
Give me again the joy of your help,
with a spirit of fervour sustain me
that I may teach transgressors your ways
and sinners may return to you.
Rescue me, O God, my helper,
and my tongue shall ring out your goodness.
O Lord, open my lips
and my mouth shall declare your praise.
For in sacrifice you take no delight,
burnt offering from me you would refuse;
my sacrifice, a contrite spirit,
a humbled contrite heart you will not spurn.
In your goodness show favour to Zion:
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice,
holocausts offered on your altar.
Have mercy on me…
With the same love, with the same spirit,
with the same feeling;
doing nothing out of rivalry, nor for boasting,
but everything with humility,
keeping in mind the desires of others,
considering others superior to oneself,
having the same feelings as Jesus:
who, being God,
did not cling to his dignity,
but emptied himself and became man;
and once made man, he took the condition of servant
obeying until death.
And what kind of death? Death of a criminal,
death of a sinner, death on a cross.
Because of this, God exalted him, raised him up,
and gave him the highest Name existing.
Christ Jesus is the Lord!
Christ Jesus is the Lord!
Christ Jesus is the Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Christ Jesus is the Lord!
Christ Jesus is my Lord!
Christ Jesus is your Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Hymn to the Virgin Mary (Mary, little Mary)
Mary, little Mary,
you are the gentle breeze of Elijah,
the breath of the Spirit of God.
You are the burning bush of Moses
which bears the Lord without being consumed.
You are 'That place near me,'
which the Lord showed to Moses.
You are the cleft in the rock
which God covers with his hand
while his glory passes by.
Let the Lord come with us
if we have found favour in his eyes.
It’s true that we are sinners,
but pray for us,
and we shall be his heritage forever.
Mary, little Mary,
daughter of Jerusalem.
Mother of all nations,
Virgin of Nazareth.
You are the cloud which protects Israel,
the tent of meeting,
the Ark of the Covenant,
the place where the Lord dwells,
the sanctuary of his Shekinah.
Let the Lord come with us…
You are 'That place near me'…
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
If Christ had taken us out of Egypt,
but without bringing judgement on Pharaoh,
this would have been good enough, good enough,
Dayenu, dayenu, dayenu!
If he had brought judgement on Pharaoh,
but without liberating us from all idols… *
If he had liberated us from all idols,
but without giving us their riches…
If he had given us their riches,
but without opening the sea for us…
If he had opened the sea for us,
but without drowning our oppressors…
If he had drowned our oppressors,
but without giving us a way across the desert.
If he had given us a way across the desert,
but without feeding us with the bread of life…
If he had fed us with the bread of life,
but without giving us the day of the Lord…
If he had given us the day of the Lord,
but without giving us the New Covenant…
If he had given us the New Covenant,
but without bringing us into his Church…
If he had brought us into his Church,
but without building in us his temple…
If he had built in us his holy temple,
but without filling it with the Holy Spirit …
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
Who has brought us out of Egypt…
Who has brought judgement on Pharaoh…
Who has freed us from all our oppressors…
Who has given us all their riches…
Who has opened the sea for us…
Who has drowned our oppressors…
Who has given us a way across the desert…
Who has nourished us with the bread of life…
Who has given us the day of the Lord…
Who has given to us the New Covenant…
Who has brought us into his Church…
Who has built in us his temple…
And has filled it with his Holy Spirit,
through forgiveness of sins!
Christ our Passover is risen for us!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
This would have been enough…
Daughters of Jerusalem,
do not weep, do not weep for me.
For if they do this with the green wood,
with the dry what will happen?
With the dry what will happen? Ay!
Daughters of Jerusalem…
Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do.
Forgive them, forgive them. Ay!
Daughters of Jerusalem…
I assure you,
today you will be with me in Paradise.
Daughters of Jerusalem…
Father, Father, into your hands
I commit my spirit.
Ay, ay, ay!
Daughters of Jerusalem…
I have admitted to you my sin
I have admitted to you my sin,
I have no longer concealed my guilt;
I said:
"I will confess to the Lord my faults;"
and you have pardoned the malice of my sin.
That’s why the faithful man prays to you
in times of anguish;
when great waters come rushing down
they will never reach him.
I have admitted…
Happy is the man,
whose fault is forgiven,
and whose sin is pardoned!
Happy is the man
to whom God imputes no evil,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
I have admitted…
I kept silent and my bones were wasting away,
while I groaned all the day long;
day and night your hand weighed upon me
and, like a summer drought, my strength was drying up.
But I have admitted to you my sin,
I have no longer concealed my guilt;
I said: "I will confess to the Lord my faults;"
and you have pardoned the malice of my sin.
I have admitted…
Stabat Mater dolorosa,
juxta crucem lacrimosa.
dum pendebat filius.
Her grief-stricken soul,
suffering and anguished,
was pierced by a sword.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
O how sad and afflicted
was the blessed
Mother of the Only-begotten.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
Who can help but cry
when looking at Christ’s Mother
in such anguish?
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
For the sins of his people
she sees Jesus in torment
and subjected to scourging.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
She sees her sweet Offspring
dying, abandoned,
giving us his spirit.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
O Christ, when I die,
through your blessed Mother bring me
to the palm of victory!
Amen, amen, amen!
Amen, amen, amen!
To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help
To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help,
Lord in my pleading I entreat you;
to you, O Lord, I pour out my lamentation,
to you my anguish I unfold.
I feel that my spirit is fainting,
but you know my path.
Look, Lord, in my path,
look, they have laid a snare for me,
look, at my right hand there is no one,
no one who knows me;
every comfort escapes me
because there is no one who cares for my soul.
To you I cry, O Lord,
to you I say:
"You alone are my refuge,
you are my portion on this earth,
my only happiness."
Listen, Lord, I am crying,
because my spirit is broken.
Free me, Lord, from my enemies,
because they are stronger than me.
Take my soul from this prison
that I may give thanks to your name;
then, the saints will gather round me,
they will rejoice because of your love for me.
To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help,
Lord in my pleading I entreat you;
to you, O Lord, I pour out my lamentation,
to you my anguish I unfold.
To you I cry, O Lord,
to you I say:
"You alone are my refuge,
you are my portion on this earth,
my only happiness."
A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse
A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse,
a scion from his roots;
upon him rests the spirit of the Lord,
Spirit of wisdom and of intelligence,
Spirit of counsel and of strength,
Spirit of knowledge and of piety,
Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
He will not judge by hearsay,
but he will help all the oppressed.
His word will be a rod for the violent
and with the breath of his mouth he will kill the wicked.
The wolf will dwell with the lamb,
the panther will lie down with the kid,
the lion and the calf will pasture together,
and a little child will guide them,
and a little child will guide them.
A shoot springs…
The cow and the bear will stay together,
the lion will eat straw like the ox,
the infant will play over the lair of the viper,
the child will put his hand into the den of poisonous snakes;
no more evil will be done.
Because the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth.
Because the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth.
Because on that day the root of Jesse,
will be raised as a standard for the peoples
and the nations will follow him with eagerness.
On that day the Lord will stretch out His hand.
And a road will be opened,
a way for the nations,
that the Virgin will show.
A shoot springs…
"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"And there they will see me,
and there they will see me."
And the disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain that Jesus had pointed out to them.
When they saw him they worshipped him
and Jesus said to them:
"I have been given all authority
in heaven and on earth.
Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to put into practice
all that I have commanded you.
Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…
"To the end of time,
to the end of time. "
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…
Lord, listen to my prayer
Lord, listen to my prayer,
pay heed to my supplication.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.
Do not call your servant to judgement,
no one is just in your sight.
The enemy pursues me,
crushes my life to the ground.
You who are faithful…
To you I stretch out my hands,
like a parched land I stand before you.
Answer me soon, O Lord,
my spirit faints within me.
You who are faithful…
Let me know the way,
the path to walk.
Save me from my enemies,
I entrust myself to you, O Lord.
You who are faithful…
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Let your good spirit guide me,
let your good spirit guide me on level ground.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.
I will take you from the nations
I will take you from the nations,
I will gather you from every land,
I will pour upon you clean water,
I will purify you.
I will give you a new heart,
I will put within you a new spirit
I will take away from you your heart of stone,
and I will give you a heart of flesh.
I will take you…
I will put my spirit
within you
and I will make you live according to my word
you will be my people and I will be your God.
I will take you…
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
For he has anointed me, he has sent me
to announce salvation,
to announce salvation,
to announce salvation
to the poor whose hearts are broken.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
For he has anointed me, he has sent me
to announce salvation,
that the blind may see,
the lame may walk,
the lepers may be cleansed,
to announce salvation.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
For he has anointed me, he has sent me
to announce salvation.
Behold, our mirror is the Lord
Behold, our mirror is the Lord!
Open your eyes and look at yourselves in him
and learn what your face is like.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!
Wipe away the dirt from your face;
love his holiness and clothe yourselves with it;
then you will be spotless forever before him.
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!
be God,
the Father
of Jesus Christ,
for he has chosen us
before the creation of the world,
for he has blessed us
with every kind of love,
to be holy and blameless
in love.
To be
the praise of his glory,
the glory of his grace,
the grace of his love,
with which he loved us
in Jesus Christ.
In him
we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins
according to the richness of his love,
so that in the fullness of time,
all things would be united under Christ.
To be…
In him all of us,
who have heard the Word of truth,
the Good News
of our salvation,
have been sealed with the Holy Spirit,
making us his people.
To be…
Lord, you search me and you know me
Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know when I lie down and when I get up.
From afar, you know my thoughts,
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my lips,
you, O Lord,
already know it.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time
you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
But where shall I go, far from your spirit?
where, from your face, shall I flee?
If I climb the heavens, you are there;
if I descend to death, there I find you.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time, you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
Lord, you search me and you know me,
you put my heart to the test,
so that I may not walk in a way of duplicity,
so that I may never abandon your way.
O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions
O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions,
nor are my eyes raised with pride.
I am not looking for great things
that are above my strength.
O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions,
nor are my eyes raised with pride.
I am not looking for great things
that are above my strength.
But I have calmed and quietened my soul,
like a child in its mother’s arms,
like a child that has been suckled is my spirit,
like a child within me.
O Lord, my heart…
Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever.
Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever.
Clothe yourselves in the armour of God
Clothe yourselves in the armour of God,
carrying the weapons of light.
Because our struggle
is not against creatures of flesh and blood,
but against the spirits of evil
which live in this world of darkness.
Gird your loins
with the truth,
clothe yourselves
with the justice of the cross,
which does not resist evil,
but takes on itself the sins of others.
Having shod your feet
with zeal to announce of the Gospel,
above all
carry the shield of faith –
That Christ really loves you,
that he died on the cross for you
when you were wicked and a sinner.
Carry the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God,
and the helmet
of salvation.
That Christ Jesus rose from death!
That he is the Lord,
that he will come again, he will come again
and will take us with him!
Alleluia, allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Song of the Suffering Servant, 1st (This is my)
This is my servant, whom I have chosen.
This is my servant, whom I have chosen.
My beloved, in whom my soul takes delight;
my beloved, whom I have chosen.
My Spirit will rest upon him
and he will announce justice to all the nations;
and he will announce justice to all the nations.
He will not raise his voice nor cry out,
no one will hear his voice in the street.
The crushed reed he will not break,
the wavering flame he will not quench,
until he wins the victory for justice,
until he wins the victory for justice.
And in his name, in his name
all the nations will put their hope.
The crushed reed he will not break...
How bitter are the waters, Mary
The Virgin Mary was betrothed to Joseph
when, before they came to live together,
she was found to be with child
through the Holy Spirit.
And Joseph, who was just,
did not want to repudiate her.
He decided to send her away in secret.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God, humble lamb,
you, who don’t resist evil,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
pray for us, pray for us!
And Mary gave birth to her son,
swaddled him and put him in a manger
because there was no room for them at the inn.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
Then Joseph woke up,
took with him the child and his mother,
and in the night fled to Egypt
because Herod was looking for the child
to kill him.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
A cry is heard in Ramah: "ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay"
– a cry and a great lamentation:
it is Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be consoled
because they are no more.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
And the angel of the Lord said to Joseph in Egypt:
"Get up and take with you the child and his mother
and go back to the land of Israel;
because from Egypt I have called my son."
She-lamb of God…
Like honey flowing from the comb
and milk from the breast of a woman
who loves her babies,
as a spring pours out its peaceful waters,
so my heart pours out its praise.
And from my lips springs forth praise for him
and my mouth is full of the sweetness of his name
and my limbs delight in his songs.
Because his light eases my pain,
because his simple and loving gaze
heals my heart,
because immortal life
has made its home within us.
Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Like honey flowing from the comb
and milk from the breast of a woman
who loves her babies,
as a spring pours out its peaceful waters,
so my heart pours out its praise.
And my face lights up with his joy
and my spirit rejoices in his love
and my heart, filled with his serene light,
feels the love of his gaze.
Because in him fear becomes trust.
Because in him fear becomes trust.
Because in him salvation is secure.
Because in him salvation is secure.
Because immortal life
has made its home within us.
Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, allelu, alleluia!
I stretch out my arms,
I stretch out my arms,
and I pray to the Lord,
and I pray like the Lord.
Abba, my Father, Abba, my Father!
Into your hands I commit my spirit,
into your hands I commit my spirit.
I stretch out my arms…
Because the arms opened wide is the sign of Him,
and my standing up
the upright wood,
the upright wood.
I stretch out my arms…
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations,
necessities, distress and toil;
with patience, purity and kindness,
in the Holy Spirit and in the power of God.
Using the weapons of justice,
those of the right hand and those of the left,
in glory and ignominy,
in calumny and in good repute,
Taken for impostors and yet true,
as having nothing and yet possessing everything.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations!
Brothers! I speak to you with frankness,
I speak to you in all truth:
do not harness yourselves in an uneven yoke with pagans.
What accord is there between believer and unbeliever?
What union between the sanctuary of God and that of idols?
For we are the sanctuary of God.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations!
Brothers! We speak to you with confidence,
because we are proud of you.
Do not harness yourselves in an uneven yoke with pagans.
What accord is there between believer and unbeliever?
What union between the sanctuary of God and that of idols?
For we are the sanctuary of God.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations,
necessities, distress and toil;
with patience, purity and kindness,
in the Holy Spirit and in the power of God.