appears 12 times in 8 song(s)
We praise you, O God,
we proclaim you as Lord,
O Eternal Father,
all the earth adores you.
To you sing the angels
and all the powers of heaven,
holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of the Universe!
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
The choir of apostles acclaims you
and the white-robed army of martyrs.
The voices of the prophets unite in your praise,
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adoring your only Son,
and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
O Christ, king of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Victorious over death,
you opened to the faithful the kingdom of Heaven.
You sit at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
Help your servants, O Lord,
redeemed by your precious blood.
May we be numbered with your saints
in everlasting glory.
Save your people, O Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Day by day we bless you,
we praise your name for ever.
Grant today, O Lord,
to keep us free from sin.
May your mercy be ever with us:
in you have we hoped.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,
have mercy on us.
You are our hope,
may we never be confounded.
Who will divide us, who will divide us,
from the love of God?
Who will divide us, who will divide us,
from the love of God?
Could Jesus Christ,
he who died, he who rose again,
he who sits at the right hand of the Father
interceding for us?
Who will divide us…
anguish, persecution,
hunger, nakedness –
if all these we conquer
in him who loved us?
Who will divide us…
If we are sure
that neither death, nor life,
nor the present, nor the future,
nor the heights, nor the depths,
nor any other creature
can divide us from God.
Can divide us,
can divide us
from the love of God,
shown to us in Jesus Christ.
Who will divide us…
It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the entrance of his tent.
It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the Oak of Mamre.
He looked up and there he saw
three men standing near him;
they stood in front of him.
As soon as he saw them
he bowed to the ground and said:
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping!”
”Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping.”
”I'll bring you a little water,
you'll wash your feet
and lie down under the tree.
I'll bring you a little bread,
you'll refresh yourselves
before going further.
Not by chance
have you passed today
near me.”
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!
Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!”
Beside the rivers of Babylon
Beside the rivers of Babylon,
remembering Jerusalem, we sat down to weep.
On the willows we hung up our guitars,
remembering Jerusalem, we sat down to weep.
"Sing" – our enemies told us;
"sing" – our oppressors told us;
they wanted us to sing songs of joy.
How could we sing
the Lord’s song in a foreign land?
If I forget you Jerusalem,
may my right hand wither;
may my tongue cleave to my mouth
if I don’t remember you, Jerusalem,
above all my joys.
Lord, ask account of our enemies,
Lord, ask account of our oppressors,
when they say to each other:
"Raze it to its foundations."
of criminal Babylon!
Who could repay you the evil
you have done to us?
Who could crush your little ones against the rock?
Beside the rivers of Babylon,
remembering Jerusalem, we sat down to weep.
On the willows we hung up our guitars,
remembering Jerusalem, we sat down to weep.
Says the Lord to my Lord:
"Sit at my right hand,
while I make your enemies,
a foot-stool for your feet,
a foot-stool for your feet,
a foot-stool for your feet."
The sceptre of your power
the Lord holds out from Sion:
"Rule in the midst of your enemies,
rule in the midst of your enemies."
From the womb of the dawn,
like dew I have begotten you,
from the womb of the dawn,
like dew I have begotten you.
Says the Lord to my Lord…
The Lord has sworn and will not repent:
"You are a priest forever
of the order of Melchisedek,
of the order of Melchisedek."
The Lord is at your right hand,
He will shatter all your enemies.
He will judge all the peoples,
he will judge all the nations.
Along the way he drinks from the torrent
and lifts high his head,
and lifts high his head,
and lifts high his head.
Says the Lord to my Lord…
Happy the man who follows not the counsel of the impious,
nor lingers in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the company of scorners.
But whose delight is the Word of the Lord,
whose Word he murmurs day and night.
He will be like a tree planted beside flowing waters.
He will be like a tree planted beside flowing waters.
That bears fruit in due season,
and its leaves shall never fall;
everything he undertakes will succeed,
all his works will flourish
Not so the impious, not so;
who are like chaff blown away by the wind.
At the judgement the impious will not stand,
nor sinners in the community of saints.
For the Lord watches over the way of his faithful,
but the way of the impious leads to doom, leads to doom.
Happy the man…
But whose delight…
God has led me (Sit down alone)
God, God
has led me, has led me
into darkness.
He has made for me a yoke
and he has pressed my head, my head
and my jaw.
God has bent his bow,
making me the target
for his arrows.
Though I call and cry,
he stifles, he stifles
my prayer.
When I see where he has brought me
in my wandering life,
this is wormwood and gall.
What will I do
if hope fails within me,
the hope
that comes from the Lord,
that comes from the Lord.
Sit down alone and in silence,
because God has laid it upon you.
Put your mouth in the dust,
there may yet be hope.
Offer your cheek to him who strikes you,
for the Lord does not reject you forever:
even if he afflicts you, he will then be merciful.
For the Lord does not reject you forever,
even if he afflicts you, he will then be merciful,
according to the abundance of his love.
My bonds are broken,
my debts are paid,
my doors wide open,
I go everywhere!
They crouch in their corner
and keep weaving the pale web of their hours,
or go back to sit in the dust
to count all their coins,
and they call me, and they call me
to turn back.
But my sword is already forged,
I have put on my armour,
my horse is impatient
and I shall gain my kingdom,
and I shall gain my kingdom!
I shall gain my kingdom,
I shall gain my kingdom,
I go everywhere.
I shall gain my kingdom,
I shall gain my kingdom,
I go everywhere!
My bonds are broken…
I shall gain my kingdom…