appears 21 times in 10 song(s)
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you;
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory.
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord, Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ!
Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us!
You take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us!
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father!
Amen, amen!
Exsultet (Paschal Praeconium)
Exult, choirs of angels,
Exult, heavenly assembly!
May a hymn of glory
greet the triumph of our risen Lord!
Rejoice, all the earth,
flooded with the new light!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, O Mother Church, made resplendent
with the glory of your risen Lord.
Let this holy building resound,
echoing the song of a people in feast.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just
to express, by singing, the great joy of the spirit
and to praise the all powerful Father
and his Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He paid for us to the eternal Father Adam’s debt,
and with his blood, shed out of love,
he wiped away the condemnation of the ancient fault.
This is the Passover
in which is slain the one true Lamb.
This is the night
in which you freed our fathers from the slavery of Egypt.
This is the night
that with a pillar of fire banished the darkness of evil.
This is the night in which you have conquered the darkness of sin.
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
How wonderful is the mercy
of your grace,
how boundless the tenderness of your love;
to ransom a slave you sacrificed your Son!
Without the sin of Adam,
Christ would not have redeemed us!
O happy fault,
which deserved so great a Saviour,
O happy fault!
O Night, truly blessed,
which knew the hour in which Christ arose!
O Night, truly blessed,
which despoiled the Egyptians to make Israel wealthy!
O Night, which conquers evil and washes guilt away!
O Night, truly glorious,
which reconciles man | to his God!
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
In this night, receive, heavenly Father,
the sacrifice of praise
that the Church is offering you by the hand of her ministers
in the solemn liturgy of the candle,
sign of the new light.
We pray you, O Lord:
let this candle,
offered in honour of your name,
shine with light;
let it ascend to you like fragrant perfume,
let it mingle with the stars of heaven;
may the morning star find this flame still burning,
the morning star which never sets:
Christ, your Son, risen from the dead,
who shines resplendent with his peaceful light!
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Blessing of baptismal water
O God, who by invisible power
accomplish a wondrous effect through sacramental signs
and who in many ways have prepared water, your creation,
to show forth the grace of Baptism;
O God, whose Spirit, in the first moments of the world’s creation,
hovered over the waters,
so that the very substance of water
would even then take to itself the power to sanctify;
O God, who by the outpouring of the flood
foreshadowed regeneration,
so that from the mystery of one and the same element of water
would come an end to vice and a beginning of virtue;
O God, who caused the children of Abraham
to pass dry shod through the Red Sea,
so that the chosen people, set free from slavery to Pharaoh,
would prefigure the people of the baptized;
O God,
whose Son, baptised by John in the waters of the Jordan,
was anointed with the Holy Spirit,
and as he hung | upon the Cross,
gave forth from his side | blood and water,
and, after his Resurrection, commanded his disciples:
“Go forth, teach all nations, teach all nations,
look now, we pray, upon the face of your Church
and graciously unseal for her the fountain of Baptism.
May this water receive by the Holy Spirit
the grace of your Only Begotten Son,
so that human nature, created in your image,
and washed clean through the sacrament of Baptism
from all the squalor of the life of old,
may be found worthy to rise to the life of newborn children
through water and the Holy Spirit.
May the power of the Holy Spirit,
O Lord, we pray,
come down through your Son
into the fullness of this font,
so that, all who have been buried with Christ
by Baptism into his death
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Abba, Father, Father.
We have not received the spirit of slavery,
to fall back into fear,
to fall back into fear.
This same spirit
bears united witness with our spirit
that we are children of God.
And if we are children, we are also heirs,
co-heirs with Christ,
heirs of God.
And if we are children, we are also heirs,
co-heirs with Christ,
heirs of God.
Abba, Father, Father.
Death is swallowed up in victory
Just in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
when the last trumpet sounds,
for the trumpet will sound,
and the dead will be raised imperishable
and we shall be changed as well.
That is why we sing:
Death is swallowed up in victory!
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your victory?
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your sting?
Alleluia, alleluia!
The sting of death is sin,
and sin gets power from the law,
but we overcome all this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is why we sing:
Death is swallowed up in victory!
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your victory?
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your sting?
Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Brothers, I remind you
of the Good News
that I preached to you,
the same that I received;
that Christ died for our sins,
according to the Scriptures,
that he was raised to life,
according to the Scriptures,
that he appeared to Peter,
then to the Twelve,
then, to more than five hundred brothers at once,
and last of all, he appeared to me.
That is why we sing…
Another four months (The harvest of the nations)
The disciples arrived and told him:
"Rabbi eat,
Rabbi eat!."
But he answered:
"I have food to eat which you don’t know about.
My food is to do the will of him who sent me,
and to complete his work."
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
So I say to you:
"Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields
already white, waiting for the harvest."
But don’t you say...
The reapers come together,
receive their wages and gather fruit
for eternal life,
for eternal life.
But don’t you say...
I have sent you to reap,
that for which you have not laboured,
others have laboured
and you have come into the fruits of their labours,
so that sower and reaper
may rejoice together.
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
Mary, mother of the burning way
Mary, mother of the burning way,
you free us from the fire of the passions
with the dew of your intercession.
You free us from the fire of the passions
with the dew of your intercession.
Meek Mary, all immaculate,
guardian angel of the third millennium,
place of all graces,
image of every virtue,
the heavenly Jerusalem sings your beauty.
You have shown us the way,
under the cross you have received us,
Mother of the burning way.
Under the cross you have received us,
how could you refuse your dying Son?
Meek Mary...
Like the impulse of rage against the enemy,
like the impulse of love towards the beloved,
so is my impulse towards you,
you, the Immortal One, fullness of the world!
You are the way! How marvellous it is!
You are the way! You are love!
You are the way! You are the path!
You are the way! You are the life!
You are the way! You are the truth!
You are the life!
You gave yourself to me without reservation,
and full of mildness, you diminished your greatness
that I might not tremble at your sight –
you, the Immortal One, fullness of the world!
You are the way…
You became like me, that I might learn to know you:
you took a form like mine, that I might receive you.
You became sin for me,
full of mercy,
that my sins
might not turn me away from you.
You are the way...
God, who created me when I was not,
knew everything that I would do;
So he took pity on me,
and in his mercy
he ordained that I beg him
for his nature.
You are the way…
O Jesus, my love,
how much you have loved me,
how much you have loved me.
O Jesus, my love…
O Jesus, you have received sins from me,
so that I receive forgiveness from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have received the thorns of pride from me,
so that I receive humility from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have received the lashes of lust from me,
so that I receive love and purity from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have been stripped by me,
so that I receive freedom from riches from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have received gall and vinegar from me,
so that I receive sweetness from you.
You have received insults and mockery from me,
so that I receive meekness from you
You have received the nails from me,
so that I receive obedience from you
O Jesus, my love…
You have received the cross from me,
so that I receive salvation from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have received death from me,
so that I receive life from you.
O Jesus, my love…
You have received the tomb from me,
so that I receive resurrection from you.
O Jesus, my love…
From me, O Lord, you have received death and sin,
so that I receive from you, all of yourself,
to me, to me, you gave yourself.
O Jesus, my love…
You who dwell in the gardens,
where my companions are listening,
let me hear your voice,
let me hear your voice.
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
I am in his eyes
as one who has found peace,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
You who dwell in the gardens…
The Church through Baptism has been introduced into the gardens of the Kingdom "where the
companions are listening."
There, as she has been made mother and teacher of all nations because of the experience of
love she has received and because of the suffering, the joys, the failures, the recoveries and – we
could say – because of the history of salvation that the Song of Songs expresses, the Church is
invited by the Bridegroom to let her voice be heard in a final yearning.
The Church answers with an eschatological paschal cry: what she has come to know and
experienced of the Bridegroom makes her desire to flee with him in a final exodus "to the sweet
scented mountains," which is Heaven, forever free.