
appears 10 times in 5 song(s)


appears 10 times in 5 song(s)

Harshly have they persecuted me

Harshly have they persecuted me from my youth,
harshly have they persecuted me, let Israel say.
Harshly have they persecuted me from my youth,
harshly have they persecuted me, but have not prevailed.
Ploughmen ploughed my back,
on my back they drew long furrows.
But the Lord who is just
has broken the yoke of the wicked.
But the Lord who is just
has broken the yoke of the wicked.
Let them turn back, all those who hate Zion,
Let them turn back, all those who hate Zion.
May they be like the grass growing on the roof,
that withers before it is pulled out;
with it, the reaper never fills his hands,
nor the gatherer of sheaves his lap.
Let them turn back, all those who hate Zion,
Let them turn back, all those who hate Zion.
Harshly have they persecuted

The same God

The same God who said:
'From darkness let the light shine,'
is he who shone into our hearts
to make the knowledge of his glory shine,
which is on the face of Christ,
which is on the face of Christ.
But we carry this treasure
in earthen vessels.
But we carry this treasure
in earthen vessels.
So that it may be shown
that the sublimity of this love comes from God,
comes from God and not from us.
Insulted on every side
but not distressed;
persecuted, but not forsaken;
cast down, but not destroyed.
Carrying always in our bodies
the death of Jesus,
so that
in us may be shown his resurrection.
And so while we die,
you are receiving life.
And so while we die,
you are receiving life.
Carrying always in our bodies
the death of Jesus,
so that
in us may be shown his resurrection.

Like men sentenced to death

To this day we suffer hunger,
we suffer thirst and nakedness.
To this day we suffer hunger,
we suffer thirst and nakedness.
We are persecuted and we go wandering.
We are persecuted and we go wandering.
Insulted, we bless;
beaten, we endure.
When we are slandered,
we answer with love.
When we are slandered,
we answer with love.
We have become,
we have become,
we have become,
the scum of the earth,
and the rejected of the world.
For I think,
that to us
God has allotted
the last place.
Like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death.
Held up
as a spectacle
before the world,
before the angels,
before mankind,
before mankind.
Like men sentenced to death…
We have become…

Do not resist evil

You have heard that it was said:
"An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth."
But I say to you, I say to you:
Do not resist evil,
do not resist evil,
do not resist evil
do not resist evil.
And if anyone strikes you
on the right cheek,
offer him the other one as well.
And if anyone takes you to court
to have your clothes,
give him your cloak as well.
And if anyone forces you to walk one mile,
walk two miles with him.
If anyone deprives you of what’s yours,
do not claim it back.
Do not resist evil…
You have heard that it was said:
"You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy."
But I say to you, I say to you:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who persecute you,
bless those who curse you.
Be perfect,
as your Father in Heaven is perfect,
because he is good towards the wicked,
because he is good towards sinners.
Do not resist evil…
And you will be sons of your heavenly Father,
who makes the sun rise
on the good and bad alike,
and sends his rain
also on the wicked.
Do not resist evil…

Paschal Homily of Melito of Sardis

You have covered death with shame,
you have thrown hell into mourning,
you have struck iniquity,
you have deprived injustice of her children,
as Moses did to Pharaoh,
as Moses did to Pharaoh.
You have brought us from slavery to freedom,
from darkness to light, from death to life.
You are the passover of our salvation,
you are the lamb born of Mary.
Mary, she-lamb without blemish,
Mary, the innocent she-lamb.
You have been slain in Abel,
you have been bound in Isaac,
sold in Joseph,
abandoned on the waters in Moses,
persecuted in David,
mocked and despised in all the prophets.
You are the lamb who does not open his mouth,
you are the lamb born of Mary.
Mary, she-lamb without blemish…
You were taken from the flock,
led to sacrifice,
slaughtered in the evening,
buried in the night,
your blessed body did not experience corruption.
You rose from death,
and made mankind rise
from the depths of the tomb.
You are the lamb who does not open his mouth,
you are the lamb born of Mary.
Mary, she-lamb without blemish…