
appears 5 times in 2 song(s)


appears 5 times in 2 song(s)

Another four months (The harvest of the nations)

The disciples arrived and told him:
"Rabbi eat,
Rabbi eat!."
But he answered:
"I have food to eat which you don’t know about.
My food is to do the will of him who sent me,
and to complete his work."
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
So I say to you:
"Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields
already white, waiting for the harvest."
But don’t you say...
The reapers come together,
receive their wages and gather fruit
for eternal life,
for eternal life.
But don’t you say...
I have sent you to reap,
that for which you have not laboured,
others have laboured
and you have come into the fruits of their labours,
so that sower and reaper
may rejoice together.
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"

I know what is one (Song of numbers)

Who knows what is One?
Who knows what is One?
I know what is One,
I know what is One.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is two?
Who knows what is two?
I know what is two,
I know what is two.
Two, two the tablets of the Covenant,
two, two the tablets of the Covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is three?
Who knows what is three?
I know what is three,
I know what is three.
Three, three are the Patriarchs,
three, three are the Patriarchs.
Two, two the tablets of the covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is four…
Four, four are the nights… Three, three…
Five, five the books of the Law… Four, four…
Six, six the wings of the seraphim… Five, five…
Seven, seven the enemy nations… Six, six…
Eight, eight the people in the ark… Seven, seven…
Nine, nine the months of gestation… Eight, eight…
Ten, ten are the commandments… Nine, nine…