
appears 5 times in 3 song(s)


appears 5 times in 3 song(s)

If you feel a breeze from heaven (Pentecost)

They were poor men, like you, like me;
they'd been casting their nets in the lake
or collecting taxes at the gates of the city.
I remember that amongst them all
there was not even a learned man,
and the one whom they called Master
was dead and buried in a tomb.
If you feel a breeze from heaven,
a wind shaking the doors,
listen, it's a voice that is calling you,
inviting you to travel afar.
There's a fire arising
in him who is waiting,
in him who cherishes
hopes of love.
They had a heart in their breast, like you, like me,
gripped by a fear cold as ice,
eyes that were dry, unable to cry anymore
and faces pale with fever and fear.
They surely were thinking about their lost friend,
about the woman left at the door of the house,
about the cross standing at the top of the hill.
If you feel a breeze from heaven…
And the wind shook the door of the house,
it entered wildly into the room,
and they had eyes and voices of fire;
they rushed out to sing their joy in the street.
Man, you who wait hidden in shadow,
the voice that is calling is really for you;
it brings you joy, it brings you good news:
the Kingdom of God has already come!
If you feel a breeze from heaven…

To you I lift up my eyes

To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
As the eyes of servants
are fixed on the hand of their masters,
as the eyes of a slave girl
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the Lord,
waiting for him to have mercy.
Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Our soul is filled with scorn.
We have had our fill of contempt.
Of the scorn of the proud.
Of the jeers of the conceited.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!
Have mercy!

No one can serve two masters

No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.
That’s why I tell you:
do not be anxious about your life,
what you’ll eat, what you’ll drink,
what you’ll wear;
is not life worth more than food
and your body, more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
And which of you, by being anxious,
can add one hour to his life?
And about clothing, why do you worry?
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Seek first the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve God and money!
Seek the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve two masters!
No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.