
appears 55 times in 32 song(s)


appears 55 times in 32 song(s)

Penitential Litany

For the sins we have committed hardening our hearts,
have mercy on us, for we are sinners! Lord have mercy!
For the sins we have committed openly and in secret,
through imprudence,
through omission and laziness,
through ignorance,
with premeditation and malice,
using violence,
letting ourselves be ruled by our base passions,
despising our parents and teachers,
in our work,
wanting to be first,
through avarice,
through pride and arrogance,
insulting our neighbour,
by lying,
speaking evil of others,
slandering our neighbour,
through sexuality,
looking lustfully,
through envy,
through gluttony,
being irresponsible,
sowing discord,
complaining in our heart,
saddening the Holy Spirit,
resisting the will of God,
Have mercy on us, for we are sinners!
Have mercy on us, for we are sinners! Lord have mercy!

Blessing of baptismal water

O God, who by invisible power
accomplish a wondrous effect through sacramental signs
and who in many ways have prepared water, your creation,
to show forth the grace of Baptism;
O God, whose Spirit, in the first moments of the world’s creation,
hovered over the waters,
so that the very substance of water
would even then take to itself the power to sanctify;
O God, who by the outpouring of the flood
foreshadowed regeneration,
so that from the mystery of one and the same element of water
would come an end to vice and a beginning of virtue;
O God, who caused the children of Abraham
to pass dry shod through the Red Sea,
so that the chosen people, set free from slavery to Pharaoh,
would prefigure the people of the baptized;
O God,
whose Son, baptised by John in the waters of the Jordan,
was anointed with the Holy Spirit,
and as he hung | upon the Cross,
gave forth from his side | blood and water,
and, after his Resurrection, commanded his disciples:
“Go forth, teach all nations, teach all nations,
look now, we pray, upon the face of your Church
and graciously unseal for her the fountain of Baptism.
May this water receive by the Holy Spirit
the grace of your Only Begotten Son,
so that human nature, created in your image,
and washed clean through the sacrament of Baptism
from all the squalor of the life of old,
may be found worthy to rise to the life of newborn children
through water and the Holy Spirit.
May the power of the Holy Spirit,
O Lord, we pray,
come down through your Son
into the fullness of this font,
so that, all who have been buried with Christ
by Baptism into his death
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

How much longer

How much longer will you forget me, O my Lord?
How much longer
will you hide your face from me?
I will sing to the Lord,
I will sing
to him who is my Saviour!
Look at me, answer me, O Lord my God,
give light to my eyes,
lest I sleep the sleep of death.
I will sing to the Lord…
Lest my foes say: "We have prevailed over him,"
lest my oppressors
rejoice because I've stumbled.
I will sing to the Lord…
But I, I rely upon your love,
and my heart
will rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord…

Lord, Lord Jesus

Lord, Lord Jesus!
May my plea reach your presence,
a new song spring from my lips;
may my tongue sing your words,
Jesus, my life!
May your hand be with me to help me,
I await salvation from you;
May my soul live to praise you;
look at me, I am lost!
Come in search of your servant,
come, Lord Jesus!
Come, for without you I'm lost,
come, Lord Jesus!

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet,
when the brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like fragrant oil running down
down upon his robes!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like dew coming down from Hermon
on the heights of Zion!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
There the Lord gives his blessing from heaven,
the Lord gives life eternal.
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…

Look how it is good

Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
the love among the brothers!
Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
when brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down,
running down on Aaron’s beard!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good...
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
coming down on the Mount of Zion!
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
on the Mount of Zion!
Look how it is good…
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his blessing.
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his love.
Look how it is good…
Because there the Lord gives us
life eternally.
Because there the Lord gives us
his everlasting life.
Look how it is good…

I will take, I will lift up (The cup of salvation)

I had faith, even when I said:
"How wretched I am!"
I said in my affliction:
"No man can be trusted."
But the Lord pulled me out of death,
remembering his mercy,
and now, return to your rest,
O my soul.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up,
I will take, I will lift up
the cup of salvation,
and I’ll invoke the name of the Lord.
I will offer you a sacrifice of praise,
crying out your name, O my Lord,
because you looked upon my state,
and you have saved me.
My prayer I lift up to you,
together with all your Church,
I shall walk in your presence,
among the living.
Precious in the eyes of the Lord
is the death of his children.
I will take, I will lift up…
The snares of death fettered me,
distress and anguish forced me down;
I called upon the name of the Lord
and he has saved me.
My soul, return to your rest,
you will walk in the presence of the Lord,
in the courts of the house of your God,
the God of the living.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up…

O heavens, rain from above

O heavens,
rain from above,
O clouds,
send us the Holy One;
O earth,
open up, you earth,
and let the Saviour spring up.
We are the desert,
we are the drought:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are the wind, nobody hears us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are the darkness,
nobody guides us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are the chains,
nobody loosens us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are the cold,
nobody covers us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are hunger,
nobody feeds us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are tears,
nobody dries us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are suffering,
nobody looks at us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…


It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the entrance of his tent.
It was a very hot day
when Abraham
was sitting by the Oak of Mamre.
He looked up and there he saw
three men standing near him;
they stood in front of him.
As soon as he saw them
he bowed to the ground and said:
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping!”
”Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping.”
”I'll bring you a little water,
you'll wash your feet
and lie down under the tree.
I'll bring you a little bread,
you'll refresh yourselves
before going further.
Not by chance
have you passed today
near me.”
”O my Lord,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!
Without stopping,
don't pass by, I beg you,
without stopping,
without stopping!”

The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
in meadows of green grass
he lets me lie.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
to the waters of life
he leads me.
He revives my strength
and guides me
in the way of love.
He revives my strength
and guides me
for the glory of his Name.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Though I pass
through a dark valley
I fear no harm
because you, because you,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff
console me,
look, they console me.
The Lord is my shepherd…
You prepare a banquet
before me
under the eyes of my enemies.
You anoint my head
with oil;
my cup brims over.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Yes, the joy of your love
will accompany me.
Yes, I shall live
in your house for ever.
The Lord is my shepherd…

The children of Bethlehem

The children of Bethlehem
are playing in the square,
look, the kings are coming,
there are one and two and three:
"But where are you coming from,
with your horses and your camels,
but who are you, pray, who are you?
what is it that brings you here?"
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of gold and silver,
but at night I cannot sleep:
I saw a star, a star in the sky."
But at night he cannot sleep:
he saw a star, a star in the sky.
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of flowers and of perfumes,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of the poor and the sick,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
…with incense, gold and myrrh…
"We’re coming from the Distant Orient,
we saw his star as it rose,
we’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here."
They’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here.
The children of Bethlehem
are looking at the sky;
"Look, the star is shining
right above Lord Jesus’ house.
Let’s go quickly all together
with the horses and the camels;
with the wise men we have found
where our Saviour Christ is born."

When I awake

When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord,
When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord.
Listen, Lord, to my prayer,
be attentive, Lord to my cry,
listen to my plea:
my lips do not betray you, O Lord,
let judgement come from you,
let your eyes see,
let your eyes see righteousness.
When I awake...
Search, Lord, my heart,
search me at night, O Lord.
test me in the crucible, test me in the crucible,
because you know there is no malice in me,
my mouth does not speak as men do;
because I have kept your Word,
I have avoided the way of the violent one;
I’ve kept my feet firmly on your path,
and I will not stumble, I will not stumble.
When I awake...
I cry to you, Lord, answer me,
listen, Lord, to my voice,
show me the wonders of your love,
for you save whoever entrusts himself to you,
for you help whoever relies on your right hand;
guard me as the apple of your eye,
in the shadow of your wings, hide me.
Look! They want to kill me!
When I awake...
Look at them, they are closed in their pride,
their mouths speak with arrogance,
they advance against me, they advance against me!
Help me, O Lord!
Rescue me from the men of this world,
from men who believe only in this life;
fill them with good things, O Lord,
let their children have all they desire,
let them be satisfied with your riches.
because when I awake, when I awake,
I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord!

Before the angels

Before the angels to you I want to sing,
before the angels I want to sing psalms;
I give thanks to your Name,
for your faithfulness and your love.
I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart,
because your promise has surpassed your fame.
On the day I cried to you, you answered me,
you gave strength and vigour to my soul.
Before the angels…
All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord,
when they hear the words of your mouth.
And singing on the way of the Lord,
they will say: "How great is your love."
Before the angels…
The Lord is sublime and looks upon the humble.
He knows the proud man and looks on him from afar.
When I walk in affliction,
you stretch out your hand, your right hand saves me.
Before the angels…
The Lord will complete in me what he has started,
for his love is great and everlasting.
He does not abandon the work of his hands:
"O Lord, do not abandon us!"
Before the angels...

If in the Lord I have taken my refuge

If in the Lord I have taken my refuge,
how can you say to me, how can you say to me:
flee like a bird to the mountain,
flee like a bird to the mountain?
I know that the wicked bend the bow,
and fit their arrows on the string,
to shoot in darkness the upright of heart,
but when the foundations quake,
what can the just man do?,
what can the just man do?
The Lord, the Lord is in his holy temple;
the Lord has his throne in heaven,
his eyes look upon the world,
his gaze searches every man.
The Lord tests the just,
but the Lord tests the wicked as well,
the Lord does not love violence,
the Lord does not love violence.
If in the Lord I have taken my refuge…

Stabat Mater

Stabat Mater dolorosa,
juxta crucem lacrimosa.
dum pendebat filius.
Her grief-stricken soul,
suffering and anguished,
was pierced by a sword.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
O how sad and afflicted
was the blessed
Mother of the Only-begotten.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
Who can help but cry
when looking at Christ’s Mother
in such anguish?
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
For the sins of his people
she sees Jesus in torment
and subjected to scourging.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
She sees her sweet Offspring
dying, abandoned,
giving us his spirit.
Stabat Mater dolorosa…
O Christ, when I die,
through your blessed Mother bring me
to the palm of victory!
Amen, amen, amen!
Amen, amen, amen!

O Lord our God

O Lord our God,
how great is your name,
throughout the earth is your name;
above the heavens rises your love.
Through the mouths of babies and of infants,
you affirm your power, O Lord,
to reduce to silence enemies and rebels.
O Lord our God…
If I look at the heavens, the work of your hands,
the moon and the stars which you have set in place:
what is man that you should care for him?,
the son of man that you keep him in mind?
And yet, and yet, you have made him little less than the angels,
with glory and honour you have crowned him,
you have put all things under his feet.
O Lord our God…

Another four months (The harvest of the nations)

The disciples arrived and told him:
"Rabbi eat,
Rabbi eat!."
But he answered:
"I have food to eat which you don’t know about.
My food is to do the will of him who sent me,
and to complete his work."
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
So I say to you:
"Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields
already white, waiting for the harvest."
But don’t you say...
The reapers come together,
receive their wages and gather fruit
for eternal life,
for eternal life.
But don’t you say...
I have sent you to reap,
that for which you have not laboured,
others have laboured
and you have come into the fruits of their labours,
so that sower and reaper
may rejoice together.
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"

To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help

To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help,
Lord in my pleading I entreat you;
to you, O Lord, I pour out my lamentation,
to you my anguish I unfold.
I feel that my spirit is fainting,
but you know my path.
Look, Lord, in my path,
look, they have laid a snare for me,
look, at my right hand there is no one,
no one who knows me;
every comfort escapes me
because there is no one who cares for my soul.
To you I cry, O Lord,
to you I say:
"You alone are my refuge,
you are my portion on this earth,
my only happiness."
Listen, Lord, I am crying,
because my spirit is broken.
Free me, Lord, from my enemies,
because they are stronger than me.
Take my soul from this prison
that I may give thanks to your name;
then, the saints will gather round me,
they will rejoice because of your love for me.
To you, O Lord, with my voice I cry for help,
Lord in my pleading I entreat you;
to you, O Lord, I pour out my lamentation,
to you my anguish I unfold.
To you I cry, O Lord,
to you I say:
"You alone are my refuge,
you are my portion on this earth,
my only happiness."

The fool thinks there is no God

The fool thinks there is no God;
they are corrupt and commit abominations,
no one is left who does good,
no one is left who does good.
From heaven the Lord looks down on men
to see if there is one who is wise,
a man who seeks God,
a man who seeks God.
They have all gone astray, they are all corrupt;
no one does good, not even one.
The fool thinks there is no God…
Evil-doers understand nothing,
Evil-doers who devour my people like bread.
They do not call upon God,
but they will tremble with terror.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
The fool thinks there is no God…
For God is with the just man…

He is not here

After the Sabbath,
at dawn on the first day of the week,
Mary Magdalen and the other Mary
went to the tomb;
and there was a great earthquake;
an angel of the Lord, descended from heaven,
rolled away the stone and said to the women:
do not be afraid,
I know you are looking for Jesus,
who was crucified.
He is not here, he has risen,
he is not here, he has risen,
he is not here, he has risen!
Go quickly and tell his disciples:
he has risen from the dead,
he has risen from the dead,
and now he is going before you to Galilee!
He is not here, he has risen…
Go quickly and tell his disciples:
he has risen from the dead,
and now he is going before you to Galilee;
there you will see him.
He is not here, he has risen…

Listen to me, remotest islands (The kings shall)

Listen to me, remotest islands, all the nations,
thus speaks the Lord, the Holy One of Israel
to him whose life is despised,
whom the nations loathe,
to the slave of the oppressors:
"The kings shall see you, they will stand up,
the princes of the earth
they will bow down,
I have chosen you, I’ve chosen you."
At the time of favour I will hear you,
on the day of salvation I will help you,
I have set you as a Covenant for the peoples.”
"The kings shall see you…
"You will say to prisoners: 'Come out!;'
you will say to the blind: 'See!;'
you will guide the peoples to the waters of life."
"The kings shall see you…
But Zion says:
"The Lord has abandoned me,
the Lord has forgotten me."
"Can a mother forget
the baby at her breast?
Or fail to cherish
the son of her womb?
Even if a mother
forget her baby
I will not forget you.
Look at me, I have branded you
on the palms of my hands.
Look at me, I have branded you
on the palms of my hands."
"The kings shall see you…

Who is this who comes from Edom?

Who is this who comes from Edom?
Who is this
who advances, his garments dyed in red,
magnificent in his apparel,
he walks full of strength?
It is I, it is I, who speak with justice:
it is I, a great liberator.
And why,
why are your garments red?
And why are they
as if you had trodden the winepress?
Why, why?
In the winepress, in the winepress,
I have trodden alone;
of my people, no one was with me.
I looked, I looked, there was no one to help me,
I was appalled: there was no one to sustain me.
Then, my own arm saved me,
my strength, my strength sustained me:
the day of vengeance had arrived.
I trod, I trod upon the peoples,
and made the earth run with their blood,
all my garments were stained.
Who is this who comes from Edom?
Who is this
who advances, his garments dyed in red,
magnificent in his apparel,
he walks full of strength?

Behold, our mirror is the Lord

Behold, our mirror is the Lord!
Open your eyes and look at yourselves in him
and learn what your face is like.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!
Wipe away the dirt from your face;
love his holiness and clothe yourselves with it;
then you will be spotless forever before him.
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!
Give glory to his Spirit!

Eli, Eli, lama, sabachthani

Elí, Elí, lamá sabachtháni?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
How far I feel you from my lamentation;
I call on you by day and you do not answer,
I call by night and there is no rest for me.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Yet you are the Holy One,
you dwell in the praises of my people;
in you my fathers have hoped,
they hoped in you and you have freed them;
they cried to you and they were saved,
they hoped in you and did not remain disappointed.
Then me? Why don’t you help me?
Perhaps I am not a man? Look, I am a worm!
Disgraced among men! Rejection of my people!
All those who see me curl their lips,
they mock me, shake their heads and say:
"He trusted in the Lord,
let him rescue him if he loves him so much."
Yes, you love me, yes, you cherish me!
You drew me out of my mother’s womb,
at my birth you picked me up,
from my mother’s womb you have been my God,
when I was being born I entrusted myself to you.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Do not be far from me;
look! anguish is near and no one helps me.
Many bullocks surround me,
bulls of Bashan besiege me,
against me they open wide their mouths,
like a lion raging and roaring.
I am dirty water which is thrown away,
all my bones are racked;
my heart is like wax,
melting away within my bosom;
dry as a pot-shard is my palate,
my tongue is stuck to my throat,
you have thrown me in the dust of death.
A pack of dogs surrounds me,
a gang of evildoers besieges me;
they have pierced my hands and my feet,
I can count all my bones.
They stare at me, they observe me,
they divide my garments among them,
and for my clothes they cast lots.
But you, Lord, do not stay far away! –
my strength, my strength, run to my help!
Save me from the sword,
from the claws of the dogs, save my life,
save me, save me from the mouth of the lion,
and from the horns of the bulls!
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
I will announce your name to my brothers,
I will praise you in the midst of the assembly:
I will say: Praise the Lord you who fear him,
sing to the Lord, descendants of Jacob!
let the race of Israel give him glory;
because he was not disgusted with this poor man,
the only one who was not scandalised at me.
He did not despise this wretched man,
he did not hide his face from him,
but at his cry for help he answered him,
at his cry he heard him.
Now I know that the poor will be saved,
that everyone who looks for you will find you,
that their hearts, their hearts will live,
will live forever, will live eternally.
All the ends of the earth will return to the Lord,
all the families of nations shall bow down before him.
Because the kingdom, the kingdom is the Lord’s;
he is the ruler of all the nations,
all those who prosper on the earth will bow down before him,
to him will bow all those who go down to the dust.
And I, I will live, will live for him,
my descendants shall serve him.
The Lord will be spoken of to the coming generations,
they will announce to them what he has done for me;
to the people yet to be born they will say: "Behold the work of the Lord."

No one can serve two masters

No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.
That’s why I tell you:
do not be anxious about your life,
what you’ll eat, what you’ll drink,
what you’ll wear;
is not life worth more than food
and your body, more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
And which of you, by being anxious,
can add one hour to his life?
And about clothing, why do you worry?
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Seek first the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve God and money!
Seek the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve two masters!
No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.

O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions

O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions,
nor are my eyes raised with pride.
I am not looking for great things
that are above my strength.
O Lord, my heart has no lofty ambitions,
nor are my eyes raised with pride.
I am not looking for great things
that are above my strength.
But I have calmed and quietened my soul,
like a child in its mother’s arms,
like a child that has been suckled is my spirit,
like a child within me.
O Lord, my heart…
Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever.
Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever.

Do not get angry because of the wicked

Do not get angry because of the wicked,
do not envy those who do evil,
for they shall wither like grass
and dry up like the green of the fields.
Trust in the Lord and do good,
live in your land and be loyal;
let the Lord be your delight
and he will grant you your heart’s desire.
Entrust yourself to the Lord and hope in him,
hope in him and he will act.
He will make your justice shine forth
and your faithfulness like the noonday sun.
Do not get angry…
Keep silent before the Lord and hope in him,
do not get angry about a man who prospers,
who makes his fortune by telling lies:
but trust in the Lord and hope in him.
Do not get angry…
Refrain from anger, forsake your rage,
do not get angry lest you do evil,
for those who do evil will be excluded
but he who hopes in the Lord shall inherit the land.
Wait a little longer, the wicked shall be no more,
look where he was, he is not there.
Instead the humble possess the land
and delight in peace, in great peace.
Do not get angry…

How bitter are the waters, Mary

The Virgin Mary was betrothed to Joseph
when, before they came to live together,
she was found to be with child
through the Holy Spirit.
And Joseph, who was just,
did not want to repudiate her.
He decided to send her away in secret.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God, humble lamb,
you, who don’t resist evil,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
pray for us, pray for us!
And Mary gave birth to her son,
swaddled him and put him in a manger
because there was no room for them at the inn.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
Then Joseph woke up,
took with him the child and his mother,
and in the night fled to Egypt
because Herod was looking for the child
to kill him.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
A cry is heard in Ramah: "ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay"
– a cry and a great lamentation:
it is Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be consoled
because they are no more.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
And the angel of the Lord said to Joseph in Egypt:
"Get up and take with you the child and his mother
and go back to the land of Israel;
because from Egypt I have called my son."
She-lamb of God…

Before him we turn away our face (In him)

In him there is no beauty,
in him there is no majesty,
no looks to attract our eyes,
he seemed no longer human.
Despised, rejected by all men,
a man of sorrows,
he who knows every kind of suffering.
Before him we turn away our face,
before him we turn away our face,
before him we turn away our face,
before him we turn away our face.
A broken man, considered as nothing,
despised, rejected by all men,
a man of sorrows,
he who knows every kind of suffering.
Before Him…
But it was he who took upon himself all our sins.
But it was he who took upon himself all our pains.
We had all gone astray, each on his own way.
Ill treated, yet he submitted,
he didn't say a word,
like a lamb brought to the slaughter.
Before Him…
Ill treated! Ill treated! Ill treated!

Arise, my beloved (The voice of my beloved)

The voice of my beloved: Behold! Here he comes,
leaping on the mountains, skipping on the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle,
like a young deer,
my beloved is like a gazelle.
Behold! He stands behind our wall
and looks in at the window, he peers through the lattice.
Now my beloved speaks and says to me:
"Arise, my beloved!
Arise my love, arise and come!"
"Arise, my beloved,
Arise my love, arise and come!"
Look, winter has already passed,
the rains are over, they have gone away,
the flowers have appeared on the earth,
the time for singing has come again
and the voice of the turtle dove has returned,
the fig-tree has blossomed with first fruits
and the grape vine gives off its scent.
"Arise, my beloved…
O my dove in the cleft of the rock,
in the hiding places of the cliffs,
let me hear your voice,
let me hear your voice.
Chase away the foxes, the little foxes
who spoil the vineyard.
For our vineyard is in blossom!
For our vineyard is in blossom!
My beloved is for me,
and I am for him.
Before the breeze blows
and the shadows of death grow longer,
return, return, return!
Return, return, return!

Ode of Solomon, XXIV (The baptism of the L.)

The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The chasms opened up
and dreadful cries were heard –
like women giving birth,
but the Lord dispelled the darkness
with his piercing look.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The designs were foiled
and the angels of heaven were weeping,
the designs for all those
who did not follow his truth.
Because the Lord has shown his way
and has showered his grace
on all those who follow him;
he has given them power
to be adorned with his holiness.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.

Noli me tangere

Woman, tell me why you’re weeping.
Woman, tell me why you’re weeping.
Who are you looking for?
Who are you looking for?
Who are you looking for?
Sir, if you have taken him away,
Sir, if you have taken him away,
tell me where you have put him
and I will go and take him,
and I will go and take him.
'Noli me tangere’ – do not cling to me,
I have not yet ascended to the Father!
Go and announce to my brothers,
go and announce to my brothers
that I’m ascending to my Father and your Father,
that I’m ascending to my Father and your Father,
to my God and your God.
I’m ascending to my Father and your Father,
I’m ascending to my Father and your Father,
to my God and your God.
to my God and your God.
I’m ascending to my Father and your Father,
to my God and your God.
Sir, if you have taken him away…
'Noli me tangere' – do not cling to me,
I have not yet ascended to the Father!