
appears 2 times in 2 song(s)


appears 2 times in 2 song(s)

Prayer of thanksgiving for Penitential Celebration

The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is indeed right and just,
it is our duty and leads to our salvation
to give you thanks always and everywhere,
almighty and merciful God.
How wonderfully you created man
and still more wonderfully remade him.
You do not abandon the sinner,
but seek him out with a Father’s love.
You sent your Son into the world
to destroy death and sin by his Passion
and to restore life and joy by his Resurrection.
You sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts
to make us your children and heirs of your Kingdom.
You constantly renew our spirit
in the sacraments of your redeeming love,
freeing us from slavery to sin
and transforming us
into the likeness of your beloved Son.
Freeing us from slavery to sin
and transforming us
into the likeness of your beloved Son.
We thank you and bless you, O Lord,
for the wonders of your mercy;
and we join with the whole Church
in a new song of praise.
Holy, holy …

I hoped, I hoped in the Lord

I hoped, I hoped in the Lord
and he has stooped down to me;
he heard my cry for help,
he has pulled me out of the pit of death.
He has pulled me out of the pit of death,
from the mire of the marsh
he set my feet on a rock
and put me on a way of salvation.
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…
He has put a new song on my lips,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
they will trust in the Lord.
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…
Happy the man who trusts in the Lord,
who does not side with the proud
nor join those who follow false gods;
happy the man who trusts in the Lord.
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…
How many wonders have you done, O my Lord,
how many plans have you made for us?
No one can be compared with you,
should I proclaim them,
they are too many to be counted.
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…
Sacrifice and offering you do not want,
instead you have opened my ear.
You did not want sacrifice for sin,
then I said, "Here I am,
I'm coming to do your will."
Sacrifice and offering you do not want,
instead you have opened my ear.
You did not want sacrifice for sin,
then I said, "Here I am,
I'm coming to do your will."
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…
In the scroll of the book it is written
that I should do, O Lord, your will;
my God, this is what I want:
your law in the depth of my heart.
I hoped, I hoped in the Lord…