appears 52 times in 31 song(s)
Penitential Litany (shorter version)
You who gave sight to the blind man
who cried out to you,
have mercy on us, for we are sinners,
Lord, have mercy!
You who entered Zaccheus’ house,
bringing salvation
have mercy on us…
You who called out Lazarus from death,
have mercy on us…
You who forgave the adulterous woman,
have mercy on us…
You who never refused to eat
with prostitutes and sinners,
have mercy on us…
You who from the cross forgave
a robber and a murderer,
have mercy on us…
You who are the only one
who knows our sins,
have mercy on us…
You who loved Judas
to the end,
have mercy on us…
You who are the only one who loves the enemy,
have mercy on us…
You who died and rose
for our justification,
have mercy on us…
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Lord is my light and my salvation:
whom need I fear?
The Lord is the fortress of my life:
of whom shall I be afraid?
I am sure I shall see
your goodness, O Lord.
Wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord, take courage,
wait for the Lord.
One thing I ask of the Lord,
only one thing I seek:
to live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
I am sure I shall see…
The Lord hides me in His shelter
in times of trouble.
The Lord stretches out His hand to me;
I shall walk in safety.
I am sure I shall see…
I will take, I will lift up (The cup of salvation)
I had faith, even when I said:
"How wretched I am!"
I said in my affliction:
"No man can be trusted."
But the Lord pulled me out of death,
remembering his mercy,
and now, return to your rest,
O my soul.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up,
I will take, I will lift up
the cup of salvation,
and I’ll invoke the name of the Lord.
I will offer you a sacrifice of praise,
crying out your name, O my Lord,
because you looked upon my state,
and you have saved me.
My prayer I lift up to you,
together with all your Church,
I shall walk in your presence,
among the living.
Precious in the eyes of the Lord
is the death of his children.
I will take, I will lift up…
The snares of death fettered me,
distress and anguish forced me down;
I called upon the name of the Lord
and he has saved me.
My soul, return to your rest,
you will walk in the presence of the Lord,
in the courts of the house of your God,
the God of the living.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up…
Blessed be the Lord,
the God of Israel,
for he has visited and redeemed his people,
raising up for us a power of salvation
in the house of his servant David.
According to the promise made from ancient times,
through the mouths of his holy prophets,
that he would save us from our enemies
and from the hands of all those who hate us.
Fulfilling in this way the mercy
he had with our fathers,
remembering his holy Covenant,
and the oath he swore to our father, Abraham,
that he would set us free from fear
to be delivered from the hands of our enemies,
to serve him in holiness and virtue
in his presence all our days.
Blessed be the Lord...
And you, little child,
you shall be called Prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord
to prepare a way for him,
announcing to his people salvation
and forgiveness of their sins.
Because of the tender mercy of our God,
a sun, rising from on high, will visit us,
to give light to those who live in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Blessed be the Lord…
If you feel a breeze from heaven (Pentecost)
They were poor men, like you, like me;
they'd been casting their nets in the lake
or collecting taxes at the gates of the city.
I remember that amongst them all
there was not even a learned man,
and the one whom they called Master
was dead and buried in a tomb.
If you feel a breeze from heaven,
a wind shaking the doors,
listen, it's a voice that is calling you,
inviting you to travel afar.
There's a fire arising
in him who is waiting,
in him who cherishes
hopes of love.
They had a heart in their breast, like you, like me,
gripped by a fear cold as ice,
eyes that were dry, unable to cry anymore
and faces pale with fever and fear.
They surely were thinking about their lost friend,
about the woman left at the door of the house,
about the cross standing at the top of the hill.
If you feel a breeze from heaven…
And the wind shook the door of the house,
it entered wildly into the room,
and they had eyes and voices of fire;
they rushed out to sing their joy in the street.
Man, you who wait hidden in shadow,
the voice that is calling is really for you;
it brings you joy, it brings you good news:
the Kingdom of God has already come!
If you feel a breeze from heaven…
He has thrown into the sea (Song of Moses)
Let us sing to the Lord,
let us sing to the Lord.
He’s covered himself in glory,
in glory, in glory.
He has thrown into the sea
horse and rider.
My strength and my song
is the Lord.
He is my salvation,
he’s my God;
I will extol him.
He has thrown into the sea
horse and rider,
horse and rider.
The Lord is a warrior,
The Lord is his name;
Pharaoh’s chariots
and his hosts
he cast into the sea.
He has thrown into the sea…
My strength and my song…
Your right hand, O Lord,
glorious in power,
your right hand, O Lord,
shattered the enemy,
shattered the enemy.
He has thrown into the sea…
The enemy said:
"I will give chase and overtake,
I shall draw my sword,
I’ll share out the spoils,
my hand will destroy them.”
He has thrown into the sea…
One breath of yours you blew
and the sea closed over them,
they sank like lead
in the mighty waters,
in the waters of death.
He has thrown into the sea…
Who is like you among the gods,
who is like you, O Lord,
majestic in holiness,
terrible in deeds,
worker of wonders?
He has thrown into the sea…
You have guided this people
which you have rescued;
with strength you have led them,
with strength and love
to your Holy House.
He has thrown into the sea…
You have brought them in and planted them
on the mountain of your promise
where you, O Lord, reign;
you reign eternally,
you reign forever.
He has thrown into the sea…
When Israel came out of Egypt
When Israel came out of Egypt,
the house of Jacob from a foreign nation,
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
The sea fled at the sight,
and the Jordan turned back,
the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like lambs.
Why, sea, do you flee,
and you, Jordan, turn back,
and you, mountains, skip like rams,
and you, hills, like lambs?
Tremble, earth, tremble
before God who is passing,
before the God of Jacob
who draws out water from the rock!
When Israel came out of Egypt,
the house of Jacob from a foreign nation;
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
The sea fled at the sight,
and the Jordan turned back,
the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like lambs.
Why, sea, do you flee,
and you, Jordan, turn back,
and you, mountains, skip like rams,
and you, hills, like lambs?
Tremble, earth, tremble
before God who is passing,
before the God of Jacob
who draws out water from the rock!
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
in meadows of green grass
he lets me lie.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
to the waters of life
he leads me.
He revives my strength
and guides me
in the way of love.
He revives my strength
and guides me
for the glory of his Name.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Though I pass
through a dark valley
I fear no harm
because you, because you,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff
console me,
look, they console me.
The Lord is my shepherd…
You prepare a banquet
before me
under the eyes of my enemies.
You anoint my head
with oil;
my cup brims over.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Yes, the joy of your love
will accompany me.
Yes, I shall live
in your house for ever.
The Lord is my shepherd…
The children of Bethlehem
The children of Bethlehem
are playing in the square,
look, the kings are coming,
there are one and two and three:
"But where are you coming from,
with your horses and your camels,
but who are you, pray, who are you?
what is it that brings you here?"
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of gold and silver,
but at night I cannot sleep:
I saw a star, a star in the sky."
But at night he cannot sleep:
he saw a star, a star in the sky.
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of flowers and of perfumes,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
"I’m coming from the Distant Orient,
from the land of the poor and the sick,
but at night I cannot sleep…
The children of Bethlehem…
…with incense, gold and myrrh…
"We’re coming from the Distant Orient,
we saw his star as it rose,
we’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here."
They’ve come all this way to adore
the King of the Jews who is born here.
The children of Bethlehem
are looking at the sky;
"Look, the star is shining
right above Lord Jesus’ house.
Let’s go quickly all together
with the horses and the camels;
with the wise men we have found
where our Saviour Christ is born."
If the Lord does not build the house
If the Lord does not build the house,
in vain do the builders toil.
If the Lord does not watch over the city,
in vain the watchman keeps vigil;
if the Lord does not watch over the city.
If the Lord does not build the house…
In vain is your early rising,
your going late to rest
to earn your daily bread.
God gives to his friends while they sleep!
God gives to his friends while they sleep.
If the Lord does not build the house…
Sons are a gift from the Lord,
like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are the sons of one’s youth.
Happy the man who has his quiver full of them,
he will not fear when enemies arrive.
If the Lord does not build the house…
For love of my brothers and friends
For love of my brothers and friends,
for love of my brothers and friends,
I will say, I will sing:
peace be with you.
How I rejoiced when they said to me:
"Let us go to the house of the Lord."
And now our feet are standing
at your gateways Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
rebuilt again!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
rebuilt again!
For love of my brothers and friends…
There the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord.
They come to praise the Lord
according to the law of Israel.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem…
For love of my brothers and friends…
Ask for peace, ask for peace
for Jerusalem.
May peace, may peace
be on those who love you!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem…
I shall not die, but I shall live
I shall not die
but I shall live
to proclaim
the deeds of the Lord.
He has punished me,
he has punished me,
but he
has not abandoned me to death.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let Israel say that he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let the house of Aaron say:
"His love is everlasting."
Let those who fear the Lord say:
"His love is everlasting."
In my anguish I cried to the Lord,
he answered and saved me.
The Lord is at my side, I do not fear;
what can man do against me?
The Lord is with me, he is my helper;
I shall defy my foes.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in men.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in the powerful.
They surrounded me,
they surrounded me,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
I was pressed,
I was pressed,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
They swarmed around me like bees,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
They blazed like a fire among thorns,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
My strength and my song is the Lord;
he has been my salvation.
There are shouts of joy and victory
in the tents of the just.
The Lord's right hand is raised up
and has worked marvels for us.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
Open to me the gates of justice;
I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
This is the gateway of the Lord
through which the just will enter.
I thank you for you have answered me;
you have been my salvation.
The stone rejected by the builders
has become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord;
a marvel in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and exult in it.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
O Lord, grant us salvation!
O Lord, grant us success!
Blessed, in the name of the Lord,
blessed is he who comes.
We bless you from the house of the Lord;
the Lord God is our light.
Go forward in procession with branches,
even to the altar.
You are my God, I thank you,
my God, I praise you.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love is everlasting.
Bless the Lord, my soul (Song of Tobit)
Bless the Lord, my soul,
bless the Lord, the great King,
because she will be rebuilt,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem rebuilt again,
Jerusalem forever!
Your gates will be rebuilt
with sapphires and emeralds;
your walls with precious stones,
your towers with pure gold.
Your squares inlaid with rubies,
your streets with gold of Ophir.
Within your doors will be exultation,
in your houses there will be singing!
Your light will arise to the ends of the earth,
to you numerous peoples will come,
the inhabitants of the nations
will come towards the abode of your Name.
Generations will exult,
people will sing,
and in her the Name of your Chosen One
will be forever, will be forever.
Cursed are those who insult you,
cursed are those who destroy you,
cursed are those who demolish your walls,
who tear down your towers.
But blessed, blessed forever,
are those who rebuild you,
those who build you again.
Blessed are those who love you,
those who rejoice because of your peace.
Within your doors they will exult,
in your houses they will sing!
Within your doors they will exult,
in your houses they will sing!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
How lovely are your dwelling places
How lovely are your dwelling places, O Lord,
Lord of Hosts!
My soul longs and yearns
for the courts of the Lord.
Even the sparrow finds a home,
the swallow its nest
near your altars, O Lord,
my King and my God,
my King and my God.
Happy is he who lives in your house,
ever singing your praise,
ever singing your praise.
Happy is he who finds in you the strength
and decides in his heart
to make the holy journey.
Passing through the valley of weeping,
he changes it into a spring;
his strength grows along the way,
till he arrives in Zion, till he arrives in Zion.
For me a day in your courts
is worth more
than a thousand elsewhere.
To dwell at the gate of your house
is better than to live in the palaces of the mighty.
Passing through the valley of weeping…
For me a day in your courts …
The Lord is coming with majesty enrobed,
girded with power, he clothes himself in splendour.
He keeps the world firm, it will never be shaken,
your throne stands firm, you are from all eternity.
Holiness is fitting to your house,
Holiness is fitting to your house!
The Lord is coming with majesty enrobed…
To the one who loves us and frees us from our sins,
and has made of us a kingdom of priests,
to him be glory and power for ever and ever,
to him be glory and power for ever and ever!
The Lord is coming with majesty enrobed…
Behold! He is coming, he is coming on the clouds,
Behold! He is coming and everyone will see him.
Even those, even those who pierced him,
all the nations of the earth.
The Lord is coming with majesty enrobed,
girded with power, he clothes himself in splendour.
To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion
To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion,
to you the vow is fulfilled in Jerusalem.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
Our faults burden us,
but you forgive our sins.
Blessed is the one you’ve chosen and called near;
he will dwell in your courts.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
We shall be filled with the good things of your house,
with the holiness of your temple.
You speak to us through the wonders of your love,
you answer us through the wonders of your justice.
To you who hear our prayer…
The Lord announces good news
The Lord announces good news,
the messengers are an immense army,
the enemy kings flee, flee,
the woman of the house divides the spoils.
And while you are sleeping,
sleeping among the sheepfolds,
the wings of the dove
are covered with silver,
its feathers with gleaming gold.
And with her the snow falls
upon the mountain
upon the Dark Mountain.
The Lord announces good news…
Sing hymns to the Lord,
sing hymns to the Lord.
The Lord rides the heavens,
he rides the ancient heavens.
Behold! His voice thunders,
his voice,
his mighty voice, thunders.
The Lord announces good news…
Allelu, allelu, alleluia (Give blessing)
Allelu, allelu, alleluia,
allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Give blessing to the Lord,
give blessing to the Lord,
all you servants of the Lord.
Give blessing to the Lord,
give blessing to the Lord
you who stay in the house of the Lord.
Lift up your hands to him,
lift up your hands to him
and give blessing to the Lord,
you who stay in the house of the Lord
throughout the night!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Allelu, allelu, alleluia,
allelu, allelu, alleluia!
Mary, Mother of the Church
Woman!, behold your son,
woman! behold your son,
behold your son, behold your son!
Behold your mother, behold your mother.
Mary, my mother,
Mary, our mother;
come to live with me,
come to my house,
and teach us to love your son,
as you have loved him.
I thirst, I thirst,
all is accomplished,
all is accomplished,
all is accomplished!
Mary, my mother…
Then the soldiers came,
and seeing he was already dead,
they did not break his legs,
but one of the soldiers
pierced his side with a lance,
and at once there flowed out
blood and water, blood and water.
Mary, my mother,
Mary, our mother,
You are the mother of the Church,
which springs from the side of Christ,
his bride, the new Eve.
which springs from the side of Christ,
his bride, the new Eve.
Mary, my mother…
Mary, House of all blessing
Mary, House of all blessing,
salvation of our age,
earthly abode of the Humble One.
You, as in Cana in Galilee,
have seen we were lacking wine,
that our feast was no feast,
that our life was no life,
because death reigned over us.
Mary, House of all blessing…
You have led us to your Son,
and have taught us to obey him,
and to do all that he tells us,
so as to change our water into new wine.
Victory! Victory!
Life Eternal in Christ risen!
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia!
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia!
You are beautiful, the most beautiful
of Adam’s sons, of Adam’s sons.
Grace is on your lips,
You are blessed, the blessed one for ever.
Eres hermoso, el más hermoso
de los hijos de Adán, de los hijos de Adán.
La gracia está en tus labios,
eres bendito, el bendito para siempre.
Gird your sword at your side, Valiant One
and march on in glory and splendour,
Ride on in the cause of truth, meekness and justice,
Stretch your bow,
lending terror to your right hand;
your arrows are sharp,
the nations have been subjected to you.
You are beautiful...
From the palaces of ivory
the zithers sing for you,
daughters of kings are your favoured ones,
at your right hand stands the Queen in gold of Ophir,
at your right hand stands the Queen in gold of Ophir.
You are beautiful...
Listen, O daughter and see, listen to me,
forget your own people and your father’s house.
And the king will be conquered by your beauty.
He is your Lord, give yourself to him!
and instead of fathers, you will have sons,
whom you will make princes over the earth.
You are beautiful...
Eres hermoso, el más hermoso…
Happiness for the man who fears the Lord.
Happiness for the man who walks in his way.
He shall live by the work of his hands,
he shall be happy and enjoy every blessing:
his bride like a fruitful vine,
at the heart of his house;
his children like shoots of the olive,
around his table.
Happiness for the man…
Thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord
may the Lord bless you from Zion!
May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem!
May you see your children’s children!
Happiness for the man…
Sing to the Lord, sing hymns to his name,
sing to the Lord, prepare a way
for him who rides on the clouds.
'The Lord' is his name,
rejoice before him:
Father of orphans and defender of widows,
is God.
To the poorest he gives a place in his house,
he frees prisoners – they are full of joy.
Let God arise,
let his enemies scatter,
let all the just rejoice
and let them sing for joy!
Sing to the Lord…
Hide me in the depths of your tent
Hide me
in the depths of your tent,
set me high
on a rock.
The Lord is my light and my salvation:
whom need I fear?
The Lord is the fortress of my life:
of whom should I be afraid?
Hide me…
When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
they, my opponents, my enemies,
are the ones who stumble and fall.
Hide me…
Even if an army encamped against me,
my heart would not be afraid;
though war were waged against me,
my trust would still be firm.
Hide me…
One thing I ask of the Lord,
only one thing I seek:
to live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
Hide me…
The Lord hides me under his shelter
in times of trouble.
The Lord stretches out his hand to me,
I shall walk in safety.
Hide me…
Hear O Lord my voice when I call to you;
have mercy on me and be attentive.
I seek your face, O Lord,
do not hide your face from me.
Hide me…
You are the light of the world
You are the light of the world,
you are the light, the light of the world,
the light of the world.
It cannot be hidden,
a city on a hilltop.
It cannot be hidden,
a city on a hilltop;
nor is a lamp lit
to be put under a tub,
but it is put on the lampstand,
so it may shine on all those in the house.
In the same way may your light shine
in the sight of men,
so they may see your works
and give glory to your Father in heaven.
You are the light of the world,
you are the light, the light of the world,
Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city,
Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city.
And behold a man called Zaccheus,
chief of the publicans and very rich,
was trying to see Jesus.
But he could not, for he was short.
Then he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore,
because Jesus was to pass that way,
because Jesus was to pass that way.
When Jesus came to that place, he lifted up his eyes,
saw him and said to him:
“Zaccheus, come down at once,
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
Zaccheus came down in a hurry
and welcomed him full of joy.
Seeing this, they all murmured:
“He has entered the house of a sinner.”
And Zaccheus stood up and said to the Lord:
“Behold, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor
And if I have cheated anyone,
I will give him back fourfold.”
And Jesus answered him:
“Today salvation has entered this house,
Today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham,
because the Son of Man has come to seek
and save that which was lost.”
Jesus, entered Jericho, and was going…
“Today salvation has entered this house,
today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham.”
Zaccheus is you.
Zaccheus, come down at once.
The Lord wants to enter your house.
Thus speaks the Amen,
the faithful and trustworthy witness,
the beginning
of the creation of God.
“I know your behaviour:
you are neither hot nor cold.
I wish you were either hot or cold,
and not lukewarm,
because I am going to vomit you from my mouth. “
Thus speaks the Amen…
"You say: 'I am rich, I lack nothing'
and you do not realise that you are wretched,
you deserve compassion,
you are poor, blind and naked.
I advise you to buy from me
pure gold tested by the fire,
and white garments
and ointment for your eyes
that you may see."
Thus speaks the Amen…
"Those that I love, I correct;
then be zealous
and repent,
listen to my voice,
listen to my voice.
Behold: I stand at the door and knock,
if anyone hears my voice
and opens the door to me,
I will enter into his house
and I will eat with him
and he with me."
Thus speaks the Amen…
Shema Israel, shema Israel:
Adonai elohenu,
Adonai ehad!
Shema Israel, shema Israel:
Adonai elohenu,
Adonai ehad!
Listen Israel *
- Shema Israel
listen Israel
- shema Israel
the Lord is our God
- Adonai elohenu
the Lord is the only one - Adonai ehad!
You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your mind,
with all your strength.
You shall fasten these words,
on your hands as a sign,
as a band round your forehead,
on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Shema Israel, shema Israel:
Adonai elohenu, Adonai ehad!
Listen Israel *, listen Israel,
the Lord is our God, the Lord is the only one!
You’ll instil these words in your children,
repeat them in your house, walking in the street,
when you go to bed and when you rise.
This is the first commandment of life,
the second is like the first:
love your neighbour as yourself.
do this, and you will live forever.
Shema Israel, shema Israel:
Adonai elohenu, Adonai ehad!
Listen Israel *, listen Israel,
the Lord is our God, the Lord is the only one!
Shema Israel, shema Israel:
Adonai elohenu,
Adonai ehad!
Come from Lebanon, my bride,
come from Lebanon, come.
You will have for a crown the mountains,
the high crests of Hermon.
You have ravished, ravished my heart,
O my sister, my bride.
Come from Lebanon, my bride,
come from Lebanon, come!
I have searched for the love of my heart,
I searched but I didn’t find it;
I have found the love of my heart,
I’ve embraced him and I’ll not let him go.
I belong to my beloved,
and his whole desire is for me.
Come let us go out into the fields,
let us lodge in the villages.
Let’s go out at dawn to the vineyards,
let us pick the grapes.
I belong to my beloved,
and his whole desire is for me.
I have searched for the love of my heart…
Get up quickly, get up my beloved,
come away my dove.
Winter time has already passed,
the voice of the turtle dove is heard.
The flowers appear again on the earth,
the rain is over and gone.
Get up quickly, get up my beloved,
come away my dove.
I have searched for the love of my heart…
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm.
For love is as strong as death,
love no flood can drown.
To give for it all the wealth of the house
would be to despise it.
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm.
I have searched for the love of my heart…
Who is she rising from the desert,
who is she rising from the desert,
leaning on her beloved, on her beloved,
leaning on her beloved?
Under the apple tree I awakened you,
there where your mother conceived you,
there where your mother gave birth to you,
there where your mother gave birth to you.
Who is she rising from the desert,
who is she rising from the desert,
leaning on her beloved, on her beloved,
leaning on her beloved?
Set me as a seal on your heart,
as a tattoo upon your arm,
because love is as strong as death,
a flame coming from the Lord,
and the waters cannot quench it.
To give all the wealth
of the house for love,
would be to despise it.
Who is she rising from the desert,
who is she rising from the desert,
leaning on her beloved, on her beloved,
leaning on her beloved?
The dark night of the soul
Upon a dark night,
ablaze with love, with urgent longings,
O happy chance! –
I left without being noticed,
my house at last completely quiet.
In darkness, and secure,
by the secret ladder, in disguise,
O happy chance! –
in darkness and concealed,
my house at last completely quiet.
On this blessed night,
in secret and not seen by anyone,
I beheld nothing
with any other light or guide
but for that which in my heart was burning.
And this was guiding me,
more surely than the light of noon,
to where he was awaiting me –
he whom I knew so well –
and no one, no one else was there.
O night that was my guide!
O night more lovely than the dawn's first light!
O night that united
the Lover with his beloved,
the beloved in her Lover transformed.
Upon a dark night…
O night that was my guide…