
appears 84 times in 53 song(s)

Songs with the word heaven:


appears 84 times in 53 song(s)

Holy, holy (Lent)

Holy, holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy, holy,
Holy, holy, Lord Sabaoth!
Heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory.
Heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna!
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna!
Holy, holy…
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna!
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna!
Holy, holy…

Holy, holy (Ordinary)

Holy, holy, holy,
Lord, God of hosts!
Heaven and earth are full,
are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who comes in the name,
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna…

Holy, holy (Eastertide)

Holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy;
holy, holy, holy,
Lord Sabaoth,
Lord Sabaoth!
Heaven and earth
are full, are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna in the highest,
hosanna, hosanna!
Blessed is he who comes
in the name, in the name of the Lord.

Holy, holy (Advent)

Holy, holy, holy; Lord God of hosts,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna in the highest!
Holy, holy, holy…
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who comes,
blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Holy, holy, holy…

Holy, holy (’83)

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Lord God of hosts!
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna,
Hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna,
hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord,
in the name of the Lord.

Holy, holy (’88)

Holy, holy, holy!
Holy, holy, holy!
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!
Holy, holy, holy…
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!
Holy, holy, holy…
Holy, holy, holy!

Exsultet (Paschal Praeconium)

Exult, choirs of angels,
Exult, heavenly assembly!
May a hymn of glory
greet the triumph of our risen Lord!
Rejoice, all the earth,
flooded with the new light!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, O Mother Church, made resplendent
with the glory of your risen Lord.
Let this holy building resound,
echoing the song of a people in feast.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just
to express, by singing, the great joy of the spirit
and to praise the all powerful Father
and his Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He paid for us to the eternal Father Adam’s debt,
and with his blood, shed out of love,
he wiped away the condemnation of the ancient fault.
This is the Passover
in which is slain the one true Lamb.
This is the night
in which you freed our fathers from the slavery of Egypt.
This is the night
that with a pillar of fire banished the darkness of evil.
This is the night in which you have conquered the darkness of sin.
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
How wonderful is the mercy
of your grace,
how boundless the tenderness of your love;
to ransom a slave you sacrificed your Son!
Without the sin of Adam,
Christ would not have redeemed us!
O happy fault,
which deserved so great a Saviour,
O happy fault!
O Night, truly blessed,
which knew the hour in which Christ arose!
O Night, truly blessed,
which despoiled the Egyptians to make Israel wealthy!
O Night, which conquers evil and washes guilt away!
O Night, truly glorious,
which reconciles man | to his God!
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
In this night, receive, heavenly Father,
the sacrifice of praise
that the Church is offering you by the hand of her ministers
in the solemn liturgy of the candle,
sign of the new light.
We pray you, O Lord:
let this candle,
offered in honour of your name,
shine with light;
let it ascend to you like fragrant perfume,
let it mingle with the stars of heaven;
may the morning star find this flame still burning,
the morning star which never sets:
Christ, your Son, risen from the dead,
who shines resplendent with his peaceful light!
Amen, Amen, Amen!

Hymn for Lauds of Advent until 16 December

A voice resounds from heaven,
it echoes in the night;
let dreams and anguish flee,
the light of Christ shines forth.
The heart awakes from slumber
no longer troubled by evil;
a new star is shining
in the darkness of the world.
Behold the Lamb of God,
the price of our ransom;
with living faith we implore
his forgiveness and peace.
When at the end of time
Christ comes in his glory,
may his grace release us
from his fearsome judgement.
Praise be to Christ the Lord,
to the Father and the Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be. Amen.

Hymn for Vespers on Ascension day

The Good Shepherd ascended
to the right hand of the Father;
the little flock keeps vigil
with Mary in the Cenacle.
From the splendour of heaven
the prophetic chrism descends
and consecrates the apostles
heralds of the Gospel.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Come, O Divine Spirit,
with your holy gifts
and make our hearts
a temple of your glory.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the great mystery
of the one and threefold God,
fountain of eternal love.

On the eighth day (Hymn for Lauds of Sunday)

On the eighth day dawns
the age of the new world,
consecrated by Christ,
first fruits of the risen.
O Jesus, king of glory,
unite your faithful people
to the paschal triumph
over evil and death.
Grant that one day we may come
to meet you, O Lord,
on the clouds of heaven
in the Kingdom of the blessed.
Transformed into your image,
we shall see your face
and there will be fullness of joy,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Created for the glory (Hymn for Lauds of Friday)

Created for the glory of your Name,
redeemed by the blood of your cross,
marked by the seal of your Spirit,
we implore you: ‘Save us, O Lord.’
Break the chains of sin,
protect the humble, free the oppressed;
lead to heaven to the peaceful pastures
the people who believe in your love.
Honour and praise to you, Good Shepherd,
radiant light of eternal splendour;
you, who reign with the Father and the Spirit,
glorious for ever and ever. Amen.

O first and last day (Hymn for Lauds of Sunday)

O first and last day,
day of Christ’s triumph,
radiant and splendid!
Christ, the risen Lord,
proclaims throughout the ages
the edict of peace.
Peace between heaven and earth,
peace among the peoples,
peace in our hearts.
May the paschal alleluia
resound throughout the Church,
pilgrim in the world,
united to the joyful
and everlasting praise
of the assembly of saints!
To you glory, O Christ,
to you power and honour
for ever and ever. Amen.

The Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again, he rose again from the dead,
he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father

Abba, Abba, Father!
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

Te Deum

We praise you, O God,
we proclaim you as Lord,
O Eternal Father,
all the earth adores you.
To you sing the angels
and all the powers of heaven,
holy, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of the Universe!
Heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
The choir of apostles acclaims you
and the white-robed army of martyrs.
The voices of the prophets unite in your praise,
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adoring your only Son,
and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
O Christ, king of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Victorious over death,
you opened to the faithful the kingdom of Heaven.
You sit at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
Help your servants, O Lord,
redeemed by your precious blood.
May we be numbered with your saints
in everlasting glory.
Save your people, O Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Day by day we bless you,
we praise your name for ever.
Grant today, O Lord,
to keep us free from sin.
May your mercy be ever with us:
in you have we hoped.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,
have mercy on us.
You are our hope,
may we never be confounded.

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet,
when the brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like fragrant oil running down
down upon his robes!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like dew coming down from Hermon
on the heights of Zion!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
There the Lord gives his blessing from heaven,
the Lord gives life eternal.
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…

Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his love is everlasting.
He alone does great marvels.
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia…
He made the heavens with wisdom,
for his love is everlasting.
He set the earth firmly on the waters. *
He created the great lights in the heavens,
for his love is everlasting,
the sun to rule the day and the moon the night. *
He struck down the first born of Egypt,
for his love is everlasting.
And he brought out his people, Israel.*
He opened a way through the sea,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the waters. *
He drowned Pharaoh and his army,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the desert. *
He gave us according to his promise,
for his love is everlasting,
a land flowing with milk and honey. *
He is with us in our anguish,
for his love is everlasting.
And he frees us from our oppressors. *
He provides for all living creatures,
for his love is everlasting.
Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven. *
Give thanks to the Lord…

Canticle of Daniel (Part 1)

You are blessed,
Lord, God of our Fathers.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed,
and blessed is your glorious, holy Name.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed
in the Temple of your glory.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed
on the throne of your Kingdom.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed,
who gaze into the depths.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed,
enthroned on the cherubim.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
You are blessed,
in the firmament of heaven.
To you, glory and praise,
glory and praise for ever!
All you works of the Lord,
O bless the Lord!
To him glory and praise!
Glory and praise for ever!

Canticle of Daniel (Part 2)

All you works of the Lord
O bless the Lord!
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Angels of the Lord *
Heavens of the Lord
All waters above the heavens *
All armies of the Lord*
Sun and moon
Stars of heaven *
Showers and rain
All breezes and winds *
Fire and heat *
Cold and heat *
Showers and dew *
Frosts and cold *
Ice and snow *
Night and day
Darkness and light *
Lightning and clouds
O let the earth bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore!
Mountains and hills
All plants of the earth
Fountains and springs *
Rivers and seas *
Sea-monsters and all that moves in the waters *
Every bird in the sky *
Wild beasts and tame *
Children of men *
O Israel, bless the Lord – to him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Priests of the Lord *
Servants of the Lord *
Spirits and souls of the just *
Holy and humble of heart *
Ananias, Azarias, Mizael *
To him…
be highest glory and praise for evermore.
Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
May you be blessed, O Lord, in the heavens.
To you be highest glory and praise for ever!
O bless the Lord.

Praise the Lord from the heavens

Praise the Lord from the heavens:
praise him!
Praise him in the heights:
praise him!
Praise him, all his angels,
praise him, all his hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest of heavens,
and you waters above the heavens.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for he commanded and they were created.
He has established them for ever,
he’s set a law that will never pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,
you sea-monsters and all the depths.
Fire and hail, snow and mist,
stormy winds that obey his Word.
Mountains and every hill,
fruit trees and every cedar.
Beasts, wild and tame,
reptiles and flying birds.
Kings of the earth and all peoples,
princes and rulers of the earth.
Young men and maidens,
old men together with children.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord,
for his Name alone is exalted,
his glory above heaven and earth,
he has raised up his people.
Let all his faithful praise the Lord,
Israel, the people that He loves.
Praise him!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (Praise God, Alleluia)

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Praise God in his holy temple,
praise him in the heights of heaven.
Praise him for his powerful deeds,
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Praise him with blasts of the trumpet,
praise him with harps and guitars.
Praise him with drums and dancing,
praise him with flutes and strings.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Praise him with clashing cymbals,
praise him with clanging cymbals.
Let everything that lives and breathes
praise, praise the Lord.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O heavens, rain from above

O heavens,
rain from above,
O clouds,
send us the Holy One;
O earth,
open up, you earth,
and let the Saviour spring up.
We are the desert,
we are the drought:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are the wind, nobody hears us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are the darkness,
nobody guides us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are the chains,
nobody loosens us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are the cold,
nobody covers us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are hunger,
nobody feeds us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…
We are tears,
nobody dries us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
We are suffering,
nobody looks at us:
Maranatha! Maranatha!
O heavens, rain from above…

If you feel a breeze from heaven (Pentecost)

They were poor men, like you, like me;
they'd been casting their nets in the lake
or collecting taxes at the gates of the city.
I remember that amongst them all
there was not even a learned man,
and the one whom they called Master
was dead and buried in a tomb.
If you feel a breeze from heaven,
a wind shaking the doors,
listen, it's a voice that is calling you,
inviting you to travel afar.
There's a fire arising
in him who is waiting,
in him who cherishes
hopes of love.
They had a heart in their breast, like you, like me,
gripped by a fear cold as ice,
eyes that were dry, unable to cry anymore
and faces pale with fever and fear.
They surely were thinking about their lost friend,
about the woman left at the door of the house,
about the cross standing at the top of the hill.
If you feel a breeze from heaven
And the wind shook the door of the house,
it entered wildly into the room,
and they had eyes and voices of fire;
they rushed out to sing their joy in the street.
Man, you who wait hidden in shadow,
the voice that is calling is really for you;
it brings you joy, it brings you good news:
the Kingdom of God has already come!
If you feel a breeze from heaven

I lift up my eyes to the mountains

I lift up my eyes to the mountains:
from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot stumble,
your keeper does not sleep;
he does not sleep nor slumber,
the guardian of Israel.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord is your guard and your shade,
he stands at your right hand;
by day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon by night.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord keeps you from all evil,
he guards your life.
The Lord watches over you,
he guards your going and coming.
The Lord watches over you,
now and forever.
I lift up my eyes…
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

I want to sing

I want to sing, to you I want to sing;
awake, awake my heart,
awake, harp and zither!
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me, O God;
in you my soul takes refuge.
I take refuge in the shadow of your wings
until the danger is over.
I want to sing…
I call on God, I call on God the most high,
to God who has done great things for me;
may he send from heaven and save me
from the hands of my enemies.
I want to sing…
I lie as in the midst of lions,
lions who devour men;
their teeth are spears and arrows,
their tongues sharpened swords.
I want to sing…
Have mercy on me, have mercy on me, O God,
they laid a net for my feet,
they dug a pit for me
but fell into it themselves.
I want to sing…
My heart is ready, my heart is ready, O God,
to you I will sing praises;
awake lyre and harp,
I will awake the dawn!
I want to sing…
I will praise you, Lord, among the peoples,
to you I will sing hymns among the nations;
for your love is higher than the heavens,
your faithfulness reaches the clouds.
I want to sing…

I have anointed him my sovereign

Why do the nations conspire,
why do the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise in revolt,
and princes plot together
against the Lord and against his Messiah:
"Let us break their fetters of iron,
let us throw off the ropes that bind us,"
but the One who’s in heaven is laughing,
from on high the Lord derides them.
He speaks to them in his anger,
he frightens them with his fury:
"I have anointed him my sovereign
on Zion my holy mountain,
on Zion my holy mountain,
I have anointed him my sovereign
on Zion my holy mountain,
on Zion my holy mountain."
I will proclaim the decree of the Lord,
he has told me: "You are my son,
today I have begotten you.
Ask me, and to you I will give all the nations,
and the ends of the earth for your heritage.
You will break them with a sceptre of iron,
like vessels of clay you will shatter them."
"I have anointed him my sovereign…
And now, you kings, be wise,
learn wisdom, rulers of the earth;
serve the Lord, our God, with fear,
and rejoice with trembling;
lest he grow angry
and you lose your way,
for his anger is quick to blaze.
Happy the man who takes refuge in him.
"I have anointed him my sovereign…

There is a time for everything

There is a time for everything,
every action has its moment under heaven.
A time for being born, a time for dying,
a time for sowing, a time for reaping;
a time for killing, a time for healing,
a time for destruction, a time for rebuilding.
A time to throw stones away, a time to gather them,
a time to embrace, a time to refuse.
A time for searching, a time for losing,
a time for keeping, a time for giving:
a time for tearing, a time for mending,
a time for speaking, a time for silence.
A time for loving, a time for hating,
a time for war, a time for peace.
What does a man gain from all his efforts?
What does he profit from all his labour?
What God has done to the son of man
is truly beautiful and comes at the right time.
He has placed in man's heart the sense of eternity,
but man cannot see the whole of God’s plan.
I know there is no happiness for man,
but to enjoy the fruits of his labour;
what he eats and drinks in his life,
is nothing but a gift from the Lord.
Nothing can be added, nothing taken away,
from what the Father had already ordained
at the beginning of time.

If in the Lord I have taken my refuge

If in the Lord I have taken my refuge,
how can you say to me, how can you say to me:
flee like a bird to the mountain,
flee like a bird to the mountain?
I know that the wicked bend the bow,
and fit their arrows on the string,
to shoot in darkness the upright of heart,
but when the foundations quake,
what can the just man do?,
what can the just man do?
The Lord, the Lord is in his holy temple;
the Lord has his throne in heaven,
his eyes look upon the world,
his gaze searches every man.
The Lord tests the just,
but the Lord tests the wicked as well,
the Lord does not love violence,
the Lord does not love violence.
If in the Lord I have taken my refuge…

The Lord announces good news

The Lord announces good news,
the messengers are an immense army,
the enemy kings flee, flee,
the woman of the house divides the spoils.
And while you are sleeping,
sleeping among the sheepfolds,
the wings of the dove
are covered with silver,
its feathers with gleaming gold.
And with her the snow falls
upon the mountain
upon the Dark Mountain.
The Lord announces good news…
Sing hymns to the Lord,
sing hymns to the Lord.
The Lord rides the heavens,
he rides the ancient heavens.
Behold! His voice thunders,
his voice,
his mighty voice, thunders.
The Lord announces good news…

O Lord our God

O Lord our God,
how great is your name,
throughout the earth is your name;
above the heavens rises your love.
Through the mouths of babies and of infants,
you affirm your power, O Lord,
to reduce to silence enemies and rebels.
O Lord our God…
If I look at the heavens, the work of your hands,
the moon and the stars which you have set in place:
what is man that you should care for him?,
the son of man that you keep him in mind?
And yet, and yet, you have made him little less than the angels,
with glory and honour you have crowned him,
you have put all things under his feet.
O Lord our God…

Hail, Queen of heaven

Hail, Queen of Heaven,
Lady, Lady of Angels,
hail, Root,
hail, Door.
You, you, you,
opened the door to our light.
Rejoice, Virgin Mary,
of all women, the most beautiful.
Hail eternal Handmaid,
pray to Christ for us.
Hail eternal Handmaid,
pray to Christ for us.
Ee … ee … ee …
hail, Root,
hail, Door.
You, you, you,
opened the door to our light.
Rejoice, Virgin Mary…

Mary, daughter of your son (Virgin of marvels)

Mary, daughter of your son,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
Virgin, Virgin of marvels.
Mary, you are the creature
who gave birth to the Creator,
you are the servant who conceived the Lord.
Mary, daughter of your son…
Mary, formed from earth,
you are the glorious image,
the glorious image of heaven.
Mary, daughter of your son…
Mary, lowliest of women
yet you are high beyond all others,
you are the daughter of God,
and yet you are his Mother,
you are the daughter of God,
and yet you are his Mother,
Virgin, Virgin of marvels.
Mary, daughter of your son…

Hymn to the Virgin of Czestochowa

Mary of Jasna Góra, *
Mater abscondita,
аt semper sollicita,
Tu, Redemptoris Mater,
оra pro nobis.
Arise like Deborah,
save us like Judith,
sing for us like Hannah,
intercede for us like Esther!
Mary of Jasna Góra…
Woman of heaven,
teach us to follow the footsteps of Christ,
the footsteps of the holy Servant,
of the humble Son,
of the humble Mother,
of the ever Virgin Mary.
Mary of Jasna Góra…
Maria, Sancta Maria

To you I lift up my eyes

To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
To you I lift up my eyes,
to you, who dwell in heaven.
As the eyes of servants
are fixed on the hand of their masters,
as the eyes of a slave girl
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the Lord,
waiting for him to have mercy.
Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Our soul is filled with scorn.
We have had our fill of contempt.
Of the scorn of the proud.
Of the jeers of the conceited.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!
Have mercy!

Glory, glory, glory

I come to gather,
I come to gather,
all the nations,
all the nations;
they’ll come and see my glory,
they’ll come and see my glory.
Glory, glory, glory!
Glory, glory, glory!
I will set a sign upon them
and I will send them to the distant nations
to announce my glory,
to announce my glory.
And they shall bring your brothers
from all the nations
as an offering to the Lord,
as an offering to the Lord.
And from among them I will take priests for me –
priests, to announce my glory –
priests, to announce my glory.
For as the new heavens and the new earth
I am making will endure forever,
so your descendants
will endure forever.

Exult, you just, in the Lord

Exult, you just, in the Lord;
praise is fitting for the Saints.
Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre,
sing to him with the ten-stringed harp.
Sing a new song to the Lord,
play the lyre with skill
and acclaim him;
for the Word of the Lord is right,
all his works are truth.
In him are righteousness and justice,
the earth is full of his love.
Exult, you just, in the Lord…
The word of the Lord made the heavens,
the breath of his mouth,
all his hosts.
He brings to nothing the designs of the nations
and defeats the plans of the peoples.
But the plan of the Lord,
the plan of the Lord stands for ever.
Exult, you just, in the Lord…

I love you, Lord

I love you Lord, you are my rock,
you are my liberator, you are my God,
I love you, I love you, O Lord.
The waves of death were surrounding me,
I was frightened by the roarings of Belial,
I was entangled in the bonds of Sheol,
I was caught in the fetters of death.
I called to the Lord in my anguish,
to my God, to my God I cried out.
From his temple he heard my voice,
my cry came to his ear
and the earth quaked and shook,
the foundations of the mountains trembled,
for he lowered the heavens and came down.
And the bed of the sea appeared,
the foundations of the world were laid bare,
for he stretched out his hand and caught me,
he raised me from the depths of the waters.
I love you Lord…
The waves of death…

Go and tell my brothers

"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"Go and tell my brothers
to go, to go to Galilee."
"And there they will see me,
and there they will see me."
And the disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain that Jesus had pointed out to them.
When they saw him they worshipped him
and Jesus said to them:
"I have been given all authority
in heaven and on earth.
Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to put into practice
all that I have commanded you.
Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Behold, I am with you,
behold, I am with you,
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…
"To the end of time,
to the end of time. "
"Go and tell my brothers…
"Behold, I am with you…

I know what is one (Song of numbers)

Who knows what is One?
Who knows what is One?
I know what is One,
I know what is One.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is two?
Who knows what is two?
I know what is two,
I know what is two.
Two, two the tablets of the Covenant,
two, two the tablets of the Covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth,
one is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is three?
Who knows what is three?
I know what is three,
I know what is three.
Three, three are the Patriarchs,
three, three are the Patriarchs.
Two, two the tablets of the covenant.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
One is our God who’s in heaven and earth.
Who knows what is four…
Four, four are the nights… Three, three…
Five, five the books of the Law… Four, four…
Six, six the wings of the seraphim… Five, five…
Seven, seven the enemy nations… Six, six…
Eight, eight the people in the ark… Seven, seven…
Nine, nine the months of gestation… Eight, eight…
Ten, ten are the commandments… Nine, nine…

The fool thinks there is no God

The fool thinks there is no God;
they are corrupt and commit abominations,
no one is left who does good,
no one is left who does good.
From heaven the Lord looks down on men
to see if there is one who is wise,
a man who seeks God,
a man who seeks God.
They have all gone astray, they are all corrupt;
no one does good, not even one.
The fool thinks there is no God…
Evil-doers understand nothing,
Evil-doers who devour my people like bread.
They do not call upon God,
but they will tremble with terror.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
The fool thinks there is no God…
For God is with the just man…

He is not here

After the Sabbath,
at dawn on the first day of the week,
Mary Magdalen and the other Mary
went to the tomb;
and there was a great earthquake;
an angel of the Lord, descended from heaven,
rolled away the stone and said to the women:
do not be afraid,
I know you are looking for Jesus,
who was crucified.
He is not here, he has risen,
he is not here, he has risen,
he is not here, he has risen!
Go quickly and tell his disciples:
he has risen from the dead,
he has risen from the dead,
and now he is going before you to Galilee!
He is not here, he has risen…
Go quickly and tell his disciples:
he has risen from the dead,
and now he is going before you to Galilee;
there you will see him.
He is not here, he has risen…

You are the light of the world

You are the light of the world,
you are the light, the light of the world,
the light of the world.
It cannot be hidden,
a city on a hilltop.
It cannot be hidden,
a city on a hilltop;
nor is a lamp lit
to be put under a tub,
but it is put on the lampstand,
so it may shine on all those in the house.
In the same way may your light shine
in the sight of men,
so they may see your works
and give glory to your Father in heaven.
You are the light of the world,
you are the light, the light of the world,

Sola a solo

Sola a solo
under the cross
Mary, who can separate you?
Virgin alone,
Mother, pierced tower.
Pillar of love,
you hold up the heaven
of our little faith.
Sola a solo,
Mother, full of God,
pray for us,
pray for us sinners.


When Israel gathers the assembly,
when the people offer themselves as volunteers:
Bless the Lord, bless the Lord,
bless the Lord, to the Lord I want to sing.
Awake, Deborah,
awake, Deborah,
strike up the song!
Awake, Deborah,
awake, Deborah,
arise Barak!
In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath,
in the days of Jael,
there were no caravans,
no one could walk the streets,
since Israel had gone after other gods
and war was at the gates.
No warrior could be found in Israel,
not one lance could be found among ten thousand men.
Bless the Lord…
When you came out of Seir, O Lord my God,
when you advanced over the fields of Edom,
the earth trembled, heaven shook,
the clouds dissolved into water,
before you the mountains melted,
before you, O God of Israel.
From heaven above the stars came out to fight.
From heaven above the stars came out to fight.
From heaven above they fought against Sisera.
From heaven above they fought against Sisera.
The Kishon torrent, the sacred torrent swept them away.
Bless the Lord…

I see the heavens open

I see the heavens open
and a white horse;
he who rides it wears a cloak
soaked in blood, soaked in blood.
His eyes,
flames of fire:
in his mouth there is a sword,
to strike, to strike.
What is his Name?
What is his Name?
His Name is,
his Name is
'Word of God.'
I see a beast
and a prophet,
gather together,
for a battle, for a battle
against him
who rides the horse
and wears a cloak
soaked in blood, soaked in blood.
He alone treads the winepress
of the furious wrath of God.
He alone treads the winepress,
of the furious wrath of God.
Behold, the beast is captured,
and with it his prophet,
by him who rides the horse
and wears a cloak soaked in blood.
Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia,
What is his Name?…

Lord, you search me and you know me

Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know when I lie down and when I get up.
From afar, you know my thoughts,
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my lips,
you, O Lord,
already know it.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time
you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
But where shall I go, far from your spirit?
where, from your face, shall I flee?
If I climb the heavens, you are there;
if I descend to death, there I find you.
You press me from behind,
you attack me from the front
and at the same time, you keep your hand on me:
such knowledge is mysterious to me,
knowledge I cannot grasp,
knowledge too high for me to understand.
Lord, you search me and you know me,
you put my heart to the test,
so that I may not walk in a way of duplicity,
so that I may never abandon your way.

Hymn to the glorious cross

The glorious cross of the risen Lord
is the tree of my salvation;
on it I feed, in it I delight,
in its roots I grow,
in its branches I lie down.
Its dew makes me glad,
its breeze gives me life,
in its shadow I have put my tent.
In hunger, my nourishment, in thirst, the fountain,
in nakedness, my clothing.
Hard path, narrow road,
Jacob's ladder, bed of love
where the Lord married us.
The glorious cross…
In fear, defence,
in stumbling, support,
in victory, crown,
in struggle, you are reward.
Tree of eternal life,
pillar of the universe,
skeleton of the earth,
your peak reaches heaven,
and in your open arms
shines the love of God.
The glorious cross…

Do not resist evil

You have heard that it was said:
"An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth."
But I say to you, I say to you:
Do not resist evil,
do not resist evil,
do not resist evil
do not resist evil.
And if anyone strikes you
on the right cheek,
offer him the other one as well.
And if anyone takes you to court
to have your clothes,
give him your cloak as well.
And if anyone forces you to walk one mile,
walk two miles with him.
If anyone deprives you of what’s yours,
do not claim it back.
Do not resist evil…
You have heard that it was said:
"You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy."
But I say to you, I say to you:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who persecute you,
bless those who curse you.
Be perfect,
as your Father in Heaven is perfect,
because he is good towards the wicked,
because he is good towards sinners.
Do not resist evil…
And you will be sons of your heavenly Father,
who makes the sun rise
on the good and bad alike,
and sends his rain
also on the wicked.
Do not resist evil…

Flee, my beloved

You who dwell in the gardens,
where my companions are listening,
let me hear your voice,
let me hear your voice.
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
I am in his eyes
as one who has found peace,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
You who dwell in the gardens…
The Church through Baptism has been introduced into the gardens of the Kingdom "where the
companions are listening."
There, as she has been made mother and teacher of all nations because of the experience of
love she has received and because of the suffering, the joys, the failures, the recoveries and – we
could say – because of the history of salvation that the Song of Songs expresses, the Church is
invited by the Bridegroom to let her voice be heard in a final yearning.
The Church answers with an eschatological paschal cry: what she has come to know and
experienced of the Bridegroom makes her desire to flee with him in a final exodus "to the sweet
scented mountains," which is Heaven, forever free.

Ode of Solomon, XXIV (The baptism of the L.)

The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The chasms opened up
and dreadful cries were heard –
like women giving birth,
but the Lord dispelled the darkness
with his piercing look.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The designs were foiled
and the angels of heaven were weeping,
the designs for all those
who did not follow his truth.
Because the Lord has shown his way
and has showered his grace
on all those who follow him;
he has given them power
to be adorned with his holiness.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.

Take me to heaven

Take me to heaven, take me to heaven, O Lord!
For me to die, for me to die, would be better by far,
would be better by far, to be with you,
to be with you!
Take me to heaven
Only one thing I seek from you, only this I ask of you:
never to doubt your love,
never to doubt your love,
to be with you, to be with you!
Take me to heaven
Oh how good, Oh how sweet,
has been your love for me!
Has been your love for me!
Oh how good, Oh how sweet!
Take me to heaven

The sermon on the mount

Lifting up his eyes to his disciples, Jesus said:
Happy are you poor
for yours is the Kingdom of God.
Happy are you that now are hungry
for you shall be filled.
Happy are you that now are weeping
for you shall laugh.
Happy are you when men hate you and insult you
on account of the Son of Man,
rejoice on that day,
for your reward shall be great in heaven.
But woe to you that now are rich
for you already have your consolation.
Woe to you that now are full
for you shall go hungry.
Woe to you that now are laughing
for you shall mourn and weep.
Woe to you when all men speak well of you,
so they spoke of the false prophets.
But to you who are listening I say:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you.
Bless those who curse you,
pray for those who ill-treat you.
To him who slaps you on one cheek
offer the other one as well.
To him who takes away your cloak,
do not refuse your tunic.
Give to every one who asks you
and from him who takes your goods do not ask for their return.
Do not judge.
Do not condemn.
And you will be forgiven.
Love your enemies…
Do not judge…

If you are risen with Christ

If you are risen with Christ,
seek the things of above,
where Christ is,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Aspire to the things of heaven,
and not to those of the earth.
You have died,
you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
If you are risen with Christ…
And when Christ is manifested, who is your life,
then you also will be manifested with him in glory.
If you are risen with Christ…