appears 18 times in 11 song(s)
How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
Fine as oil on the head running down Aaron’s beard!
Fine as oil running down Aaron’s beard!
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord gives everlasting life,
There the Lord gives everlasting life!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
Gates, lift up your heads
To the Lord belongs the earth.
To the Lord belongs the earth.
And everything that is in it.
And everything that is in it.
The world and all its peoples.
Gates, lift up your heads.
Raise your arches,
raise them higher,
let the King of glory enter,
the King of glory.
Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord?
Who shall enter his Holy Place?
He whose hands are clean
and whose heart is pure.
He whose hands are clean
and whose heart is pure,
who does not turn his soul to vanity,
to vanity.
And we are his Church,
And we are his Church,
that today is coming to your presence,
that today is coming to your presence,
that is seeking your face, O God of Jacob,
O God of Jacob.
Gates, lift up your heads…
Who is this King of Glory?
Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord, the strong and the mighty,
The Lord, the strong and the mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle,
mighty in battle.
He is the Lord of hosts,
He is the Lord of hosts,
He is the King, the King of Glory,
the King of Glory.
Gates, lift up your heads…
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
in meadows of green grass
he lets me lie.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
to the waters of life
he leads me.
He revives my strength
and guides me
in the way of love.
He revives my strength
and guides me
for the glory of his Name.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Though I pass
through a dark valley
I fear no harm
because you, because you,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff
console me,
look, they console me.
The Lord is my shepherd…
You prepare a banquet
before me
under the eyes of my enemies.
You anoint my head
with oil;
my cup brims over.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Yes, the joy of your love
will accompany me.
Yes, I shall live
in your house for ever.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Says the Lord to my Lord:
"Sit at my right hand,
while I make your enemies,
a foot-stool for your feet,
a foot-stool for your feet,
a foot-stool for your feet."
The sceptre of your power
the Lord holds out from Sion:
"Rule in the midst of your enemies,
rule in the midst of your enemies."
From the womb of the dawn,
like dew I have begotten you,
from the womb of the dawn,
like dew I have begotten you.
Says the Lord to my Lord…
The Lord has sworn and will not repent:
"You are a priest forever
of the order of Melchisedek,
of the order of Melchisedek."
The Lord is at your right hand,
He will shatter all your enemies.
He will judge all the peoples,
he will judge all the nations.
Along the way he drinks from the torrent
and lifts high his head,
and lifts high his head,
and lifts high his head.
Says the Lord to my Lord…
I am calling you, I am calling you, O Lord;
come, hurry to me,
listen to my voice, for I cry to you.
Let my prayer be like incense,
the lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice.
Set, O Lord, a guard at my mouth,
a watchman at the gate of my lips;
lest my heart incline to evil,
or commit wicked deeds.
Let the just man strike me out of love
and correct me
lest the oil of the wicked anoint my head:
and I fall into the vice of his sins,
and I fall into the vice of his sins.
I am calling you…
To you, O Lord, I turn my eyes,
in you I take refuge, do not abandon my soul!
Guard me from the snares
they have laid for me,
from the traps of my enemies.
Let them fall into their own nets,
for, united to you, I go unharmed,
for, united to you, I go unharmed.
I am calling you…
God has led me (Sit down alone)
God, God
has led me, has led me
into darkness.
He has made for me a yoke
and he has pressed my head, my head
and my jaw.
God has bent his bow,
making me the target
for his arrows.
Though I call and cry,
he stifles, he stifles
my prayer.
When I see where he has brought me
in my wandering life,
this is wormwood and gall.
What will I do
if hope fails within me,
the hope
that comes from the Lord,
that comes from the Lord.
Sit down alone and in silence,
because God has laid it upon you.
Put your mouth in the dust,
there may yet be hope.
Offer your cheek to him who strikes you,
for the Lord does not reject you forever:
even if he afflicts you, he will then be merciful.
For the Lord does not reject you forever,
even if he afflicts you, he will then be merciful,
according to the abundance of his love.
Eli, Eli, lama, sabachthani
Elí, Elí, lamá sabachtháni?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
How far I feel you from my lamentation;
I call on you by day and you do not answer,
I call by night and there is no rest for me.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Yet you are the Holy One,
you dwell in the praises of my people;
in you my fathers have hoped,
they hoped in you and you have freed them;
they cried to you and they were saved,
they hoped in you and did not remain disappointed.
Then me? Why don’t you help me?
Perhaps I am not a man? Look, I am a worm!
Disgraced among men! Rejection of my people!
All those who see me curl their lips,
they mock me, shake their heads and say:
"He trusted in the Lord,
let him rescue him if he loves him so much."
Yes, you love me, yes, you cherish me!
You drew me out of my mother’s womb,
at my birth you picked me up,
from my mother’s womb you have been my God,
when I was being born I entrusted myself to you.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Do not be far from me;
look! anguish is near and no one helps me.
Many bullocks surround me,
bulls of Bashan besiege me,
against me they open wide their mouths,
like a lion raging and roaring.
I am dirty water which is thrown away,
all my bones are racked;
my heart is like wax,
melting away within my bosom;
dry as a pot-shard is my palate,
my tongue is stuck to my throat,
you have thrown me in the dust of death.
A pack of dogs surrounds me,
a gang of evildoers besieges me;
they have pierced my hands and my feet,
I can count all my bones.
They stare at me, they observe me,
they divide my garments among them,
and for my clothes they cast lots.
But you, Lord, do not stay far away! –
my strength, my strength, run to my help!
Save me from the sword,
from the claws of the dogs, save my life,
save me, save me from the mouth of the lion,
and from the horns of the bulls!
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
I will announce your name to my brothers,
I will praise you in the midst of the assembly:
I will say: Praise the Lord you who fear him,
sing to the Lord, descendants of Jacob!
let the race of Israel give him glory;
because he was not disgusted with this poor man,
the only one who was not scandalised at me.
He did not despise this wretched man,
he did not hide his face from him,
but at his cry for help he answered him,
at his cry he heard him.
Now I know that the poor will be saved,
that everyone who looks for you will find you,
that their hearts, their hearts will live,
will live forever, will live eternally.
All the ends of the earth will return to the Lord,
all the families of nations shall bow down before him.
Because the kingdom, the kingdom is the Lord’s;
he is the ruler of all the nations,
all those who prosper on the earth will bow down before him,
to him will bow all those who go down to the dust.
And I, I will live, will live for him,
my descendants shall serve him.
The Lord will be spoken of to the coming generations,
they will announce to them what he has done for me;
to the people yet to be born they will say: "Behold the work of the Lord."
My beloved is for me
a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.
My beloved is for me
the perfume of myrrh,
as he rests on my breast.
My beloved is for me
as a lily among the thistles,
so is my beloved among the maidens.
My beloved is for me
a cluster of henna flowers
among the vines of En-gedi.
How beautiful are you, my love,
how beautiful, how beautiful!
Your eyes are doves,
your eyes are doves.
How beautiful are you, my beloved,
how delightful, how delightful!
Even our bed is verdant.
Even our bed is verdant.
As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my beloved,
my beloved among the young men.
In his shade, for which I longed, I am seated
and sweet is his fruit,
how sweet it is to my taste!
Into the wine cellar he has taken me
and his banner over me is love:
Into the banqueting hall he has led me
and his banner over me is love.
His left arm is under my head
and his right arm embraces me.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem,
do not rouse nor wake my beloved,
do not rouse nor wake my beloved.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem
While I was asleep, my heart was awake,
the voice of my beloved I heard:
"Open to me, my sister,
open to me, my dove,
for my head is wet with dew,
my locks with the drops of the night."
He put his hand through the latch of the door,
my heart stirred within me.
I arose, running,
and my hands dripped with myrrh,
the purest myrrh from my fingers
onto the bolt of the door.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem,
if you find my beloved,
tell him I’m dying of love.
I opened to my beloved
but he was not there, he had already gone.
My soul fainted at his flight.
I sought him, but I did not find him,
I called him, I called him, but he did not answer.
The watchmen met me
going the rounds of the city,
they undressed me, they beat me,
the watchmen of the walls.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem …
Ay! If you were my brother,
I could kiss you,
without anyone being scandalised.
I implore you daughters of Jerusalem…
Ode of Solomon, XXIV (The baptism of the L.)
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The chasms opened up
and dreadful cries were heard –
like women giving birth,
but the Lord dispelled the darkness
with his piercing look.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
The designs were foiled
and the angels of heaven were weeping,
the designs for all those
who did not follow his truth.
Because the Lord has shown his way
and has showered his grace
on all those who follow him;
he has given them power
to be adorned with his holiness.
The dove hovered over the head of the Lord
and sang psalms above him.
and the Lord revealed his designs of love,
works of art ineffable, for every man.
You are beautiful, my beloved
You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
How beautiful are your feet in their sandals,
daughter of princes!
The curve of your hips,
the work of the hands of an artist;
your navel is like a rounded bowl;
your neck, like a tower of ivory;
your eyes, like the pools of Heshbon;
your head crowns you like Mount Carmel;
your hair is as dark as purple;
a king is held captive in your tresses.
You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Who is she who rises like the dawn,
as beautiful as the moon, resplendent like the sun?
How beautiful you are, O my love,
how beautiful, my delight,
as beautiful as Jerusalem, as beautiful as Jerusalem.
You are beautiful, my beloved, like Tirzah,
as beautiful as Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Ay! Jerusalem, Jerusalem.