
appears 3 times in 3 song(s)


appears 3 times in 3 song(s)

Hymn for Lauds from Easter to the Ascension

From the abyss of death
Christ ascends victorious
together with the ancient fathers.
The sun of Easter shines,
the sky with songs resounds,
all the earth rejoices.
From the abyss of death…
Beside the empty tomb
in vain the guardian watches:
the Lord from death has risen!
From the abyss of death…
O Jesus, immortal King,
unite in your victory
those in baptism reborn.
From the abyss of death…
May the light of your Passover,
the pledge of love and peace,
shine upon your Church.
From the abyss of death…
Glory and honour to Christ,
to the Father and the Spirit,
now and forever.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

I lift up my eyes to the mountains

I lift up my eyes to the mountains:
from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot stumble,
your keeper does not sleep;
he does not sleep nor slumber,
the guardian of Israel.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord is your guard and your shade,
he stands at your right hand;
by day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon by night.
I lift up my eyes…
The Lord keeps you from all evil,
he guards your life.
The Lord watches over you,
he guards your going and coming.
The Lord watches over you,
now and forever.
I lift up my eyes…
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

Mary, mother of the burning way

Mary, mother of the burning way,
you free us from the fire of the passions
with the dew of your intercession.
You free us from the fire of the passions
with the dew of your intercession.
Meek Mary, all immaculate,
guardian angel of the third millennium,
place of all graces,
image of every virtue,
the heavenly Jerusalem sings your beauty.
You have shown us the way,
under the cross you have received us,
Mother of the burning way.
Under the cross you have received us,
how could you refuse your dying Son?
Meek Mary...