
appears 67 times in 36 song(s)


appears 67 times in 36 song(s)

Glory to God in the highest

Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you;
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory.
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord, Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ!
Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us!
You take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us!
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father!
Amen, amen!

Hymn for Vespers on Ascension day

The Good Shepherd ascended
to the right hand of the Father;
the little flock keeps vigil
with Mary in the Cenacle.
From the splendour of heaven
the prophetic chrism descends
and consecrates the apostles
heralds of the Gospel.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Come, O Divine Spirit,
with your holy gifts
and make our hearts
a temple of your glory.
The Good Shepherd ascended…
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the great mystery
of the one and threefold God,
fountain of eternal love.

Gospel Acclamation (Lent - a)

Praise to you O Christ, King of eternal glory, King of eternal glory!
”I am the Good Shepherd,” says the Lord!
”I know my sheep and they follow me!”
”I know my sheep and they follow me! ”
Praise to you O Christ, King of eternal glory, King of eternal glory!

Gospel Acclamation (Lent - b)

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of eternal glory, praise to you!
”I am the Good Shepherd, ” says the Lord!
”I know my sheep and they follow me!”
”I know my sheep and they follow me!”
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of eternal glory, praise to you!

Created for the glory (Hymn for Lauds of Friday)

Created for the glory of your Name,
redeemed by the blood of your cross,
marked by the seal of your Spirit,
we implore you: ‘Save us, O Lord.’
Break the chains of sin,
protect the humble, free the oppressed;
lead to heaven to the peaceful pastures
the people who believe in your love.
Honour and praise to you, Good Shepherd,
radiant light of eternal splendour;
you, who reign with the Father and the Spirit,
glorious for ever and ever. Amen.

How good it is

How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
Fine as oil on the head running down Aaron’s beard!
Fine as oil running down Aaron’s beard!
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord gives everlasting life,
There the Lord gives everlasting life!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet,
when the brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like fragrant oil running down
down upon his robes!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like dew coming down from Hermon
on the heights of Zion!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
There the Lord gives his blessing from heaven,
the Lord gives life eternal.
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…

Look how it is good

Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
the love among the brothers!
Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
when brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down,
running down on Aaron’s beard!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good...
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
coming down on the Mount of Zion!
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
on the Mount of Zion!
Look how it is good
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his blessing.
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his love.
Look how it is good
Because there the Lord gives us
life eternally.
Because there the Lord gives us
his everlasting life.
Look how it is good


My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
From this day all generations
will call me blessed.
From this day all generations
will call me blessed.
For the Almighty has done great things for me,
and his name is holy.
For the Almighty has done great things for me,
and his name is holy.
He shows the power of his arm,
he routs the proud of heart.
He shows the power of his arm,
he routs the proud of heart.
The mighty he casts down from their thrones,
and exalts the lowly.
The hungry he fills with good things,
and the rich he sends empty away.
He helps his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy.
He helps his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy.
According to the promise he made to Abraham,
and to all his sons forever.
According to the promise he made to Abraham,
and to all his sons forever.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit exults in God my Saviour.

I will take, I will lift up (The cup of salvation)

I had faith, even when I said:
"How wretched I am!"
I said in my affliction:
"No man can be trusted."
But the Lord pulled me out of death,
remembering his mercy,
and now, return to your rest,
O my soul.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up,
I will take, I will lift up
the cup of salvation,
and I’ll invoke the name of the Lord.
I will offer you a sacrifice of praise,
crying out your name, O my Lord,
because you looked upon my state,
and you have saved me.
My prayer I lift up to you,
together with all your Church,
I shall walk in your presence,
among the living.
Precious in the eyes of the Lord
is the death of his children.
I will take, I will lift up…
The snares of death fettered me,
distress and anguish forced me down;
I called upon the name of the Lord
and he has saved me.
My soul, return to your rest,
you will walk in the presence of the Lord,
in the courts of the house of your God,
the God of the living.
What can I give back to the Lord
for the good he has done to me?
I will take, I will lift up…

Death is swallowed up in victory

Just in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
when the last trumpet sounds,
for the trumpet will sound,
and the dead will be raised imperishable
and we shall be changed as well.
That is why we sing:
Death is swallowed up in victory!
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your victory?
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your sting?
Alleluia, alleluia!
The sting of death is sin,
and sin gets power from the law,
but we overcome all this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is why we sing:
Death is swallowed up in victory!
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your victory?
Alleluia, alleluia!
O death, where is your sting?
Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Brothers, I remind you
of the Good News
that I preached to you,
the same that I received;
that Christ died for our sins,
according to the Scriptures,
that he was raised to life,
according to the Scriptures,
that he appeared to Peter,
then to the Twelve,
then, to more than five hundred brothers at once,
and last of all, he appeared to me.
That is why we sing…

If you feel a breeze from heaven (Pentecost)

They were poor men, like you, like me;
they'd been casting their nets in the lake
or collecting taxes at the gates of the city.
I remember that amongst them all
there was not even a learned man,
and the one whom they called Master
was dead and buried in a tomb.
If you feel a breeze from heaven,
a wind shaking the doors,
listen, it's a voice that is calling you,
inviting you to travel afar.
There's a fire arising
in him who is waiting,
in him who cherishes
hopes of love.
They had a heart in their breast, like you, like me,
gripped by a fear cold as ice,
eyes that were dry, unable to cry anymore
and faces pale with fever and fear.
They surely were thinking about their lost friend,
about the woman left at the door of the house,
about the cross standing at the top of the hill.
If you feel a breeze from heaven…
And the wind shook the door of the house,
it entered wildly into the room,
and they had eyes and voices of fire;
they rushed out to sing their joy in the street.
Man, you who wait hidden in shadow,
the voice that is calling is really for you;
it brings you joy, it brings you good news:
the Kingdom of God has already come!
If you feel a breeze from heaven…


How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
If Christ had taken us out of Egypt,
but without bringing judgement on Pharaoh,
this would have been good enough, good enough,
Dayenu, dayenu, dayenu!
If he had brought judgement on Pharaoh,
but without liberating us from all idols… *
If he had liberated us from all idols,
but without giving us their riches…
If he had given us their riches,
but without opening the sea for us…
If he had opened the sea for us,
but without drowning our oppressors…
If he had drowned our oppressors,
but without giving us a way across the desert.
If he had given us a way across the desert,
but without feeding us with the bread of life…
If he had fed us with the bread of life,
but without giving us the day of the Lord…
If he had given us the day of the Lord,
but without giving us the New Covenant…
If he had given us the New Covenant,
but without bringing us into his Church…
If he had brought us into his Church,
but without building in us his temple…
If he had built in us his holy temple,
but without filling it with the Holy Spirit …
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
Who has brought us out of Egypt…
Who has brought judgement on Pharaoh…
Who has freed us from all our oppressors…
Who has given us all their riches…
Who has opened the sea for us…
Who has drowned our oppressors…
Who has given us a way across the desert…
Who has nourished us with the bread of life…
Who has given us the day of the Lord…
Who has given to us the New Covenant…
Who has brought us into his Church…
Who has built in us his temple…
And has filled it with his Holy Spirit,
through forgiveness of sins!
Christ our Passover is risen for us!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
This would have been enough…

Taste and see (Ps 33/34 = responsorial psalm)

Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips.
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Taste and see…
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his Name.
For I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and he freed me from all my fears.
Taste and see…
Many trials lie in wait for the just man,
but from them all the Lord frees him.
This poor man calls out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
Taste and see…

Acclaim the Lord

Acclaim the Lord,
all peoples of the earth;
serve the Lord with gladness!
Come before him
with songs of joy.
Acclaim the Lord…
Know that he, the Lord, is God.
He made us, we belong to him;
we are his people, the sheep of his flock.
Acclaim the Lord…
Go within his gates, giving thanks;
enter his courts with songs of praise,
give thanks to him and bless his name.
Acclaim the Lord…
Indeed, how good is the Lord,
eternal his merciful love;
he is faithful from age to age.
Acclaim the Lord…

When I awake

When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord,
When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord.
Listen, Lord, to my prayer,
be attentive, Lord to my cry,
listen to my plea:
my lips do not betray you, O Lord,
let judgement come from you,
let your eyes see,
let your eyes see righteousness.
When I awake...
Search, Lord, my heart,
search me at night, O Lord.
test me in the crucible, test me in the crucible,
because you know there is no malice in me,
my mouth does not speak as men do;
because I have kept your Word,
I have avoided the way of the violent one;
I’ve kept my feet firmly on your path,
and I will not stumble, I will not stumble.
When I awake...
I cry to you, Lord, answer me,
listen, Lord, to my voice,
show me the wonders of your love,
for you save whoever entrusts himself to you,
for you help whoever relies on your right hand;
guard me as the apple of your eye,
in the shadow of your wings, hide me.
Look! They want to kill me!
When I awake...
Look at them, they are closed in their pride,
their mouths speak with arrogance,
they advance against me, they advance against me!
Help me, O Lord!
Rescue me from the men of this world,
from men who believe only in this life;
fill them with good things, O Lord,
let their children have all they desire,
let them be satisfied with your riches.
because when I awake, when I awake,
I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord!

I shall not die, but I shall live

I shall not die
but I shall live
to proclaim
the deeds of the Lord.
He has punished me,
he has punished me,
but he
has not abandoned me to death.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let Israel say that he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let the house of Aaron say:
"His love is everlasting."
Let those who fear the Lord say:
"His love is everlasting."
In my anguish I cried to the Lord,
he answered and saved me.
The Lord is at my side, I do not fear;
what can man do against me?
The Lord is with me, he is my helper;
I shall defy my foes.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in men.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in the powerful.
They surrounded me,
they surrounded me,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
I was pressed,
I was pressed,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
They swarmed around me like bees,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
They blazed like a fire among thorns,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
My strength and my song is the Lord;
he has been my salvation.
There are shouts of joy and victory
in the tents of the just.
The Lord's right hand is raised up
and has worked marvels for us.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
Open to me the gates of justice;
I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
This is the gateway of the Lord
through which the just will enter.
I thank you for you have answered me;
you have been my salvation.
The stone rejected by the builders
has become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord;
a marvel in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and exult in it.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
O Lord, grant us salvation!
O Lord, grant us success!
Blessed, in the name of the Lord,
blessed is he who comes.
We bless you from the house of the Lord;
the Lord God is our light.
Go forward in procession with branches,
even to the altar.
You are my God, I thank you,
my God, I praise you.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love is everlasting.

O God, you are my God

O God, you are my God,
I seek you from the dawn;
for you my soul is thirsting.
For you my soul is thirsting,
my flesh is longing for you
like a dry weary land,
like a dry weary land without water.
O God, you are my God...
Your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you,
in your name I will lift up my hands.
O God, you are my God...
My soul clings to you,
your right hand holds me with strength;
on my bed I think of you,
on you I muse through the night.
O God, you are my God...
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,
my mouth shall praise you with joy
for you have been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
O God, you are my God…

How lovely are your dwelling places

How lovely are your dwelling places, O Lord,
Lord of Hosts!
My soul longs and yearns
for the courts of the Lord.
Even the sparrow finds a home,
the swallow its nest
near your altars, O Lord,
my King and my God,
my King and my God.
Happy is he who lives in your house,
ever singing your praise,
ever singing your praise.
Happy is he who finds in you the strength
and decides in his heart
to make the holy journey.
Passing through the valley of weeping,
he changes it into a spring;
his strength grows along the way,
till he arrives in Zion, till he arrives in Zion.
For me a day in your courts
is worth more
than a thousand elsewhere.
To dwell at the gate of your house
is better than to live in the palaces of the mighty.
Passing through the valley of weeping…
For me a day in your courts …

I love the Lord

I love the Lord for he listens
to the cry of my appeal,
for he turned his ear to me
on the day when I called him.
They surrounded me, the snares of death,
the bonds of Sheol held me fast,
they caught me, sorrow and distress,
I called on the name of the Lord:
"O Lord, my God, deliver me."
Return, my soul, to your rest,
for the Lord has been good to you;
He has rescued you from death
and kept your feet from stumbling.
He has rescued you from death
and kept your feet from stumbling.
I had faith even when I said:
"I am sorely afflicted,"
and when I said in my alarm
"No man can be trusted."
How can I repay the Lord,
for all his goodness to me?
The cup of salvation I will raise,
invoking the name of the Lord:
"O Lord, my God, deliver me."
Return, my soul, to your rest,
for the Lord has been good to you;
he has rescued you from death
and kept your feet from stumbling.
He has rescued you from death
and kept your feet from stumbling.

To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion

To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion,
to you the vow is fulfilled in Jerusalem.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
Our faults burden us,
but you forgive our sins.
Blessed is the one you’ve chosen and called near;
he will dwell in your courts.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
We shall be filled with the good things of your house,
with the holiness of your temple.
You speak to us through the wonders of your love,
you answer us through the wonders of your justice.
To you who hear our prayer…

The Lord announces good news

The Lord announces good news,
the messengers are an immense army,
the enemy kings flee, flee,
the woman of the house divides the spoils.
And while you are sleeping,
sleeping among the sheepfolds,
the wings of the dove
are covered with silver,
its feathers with gleaming gold.
And with her the snow falls
upon the mountain
upon the Dark Mountain.
The Lord announces good news…
Sing hymns to the Lord,
sing hymns to the Lord.
The Lord rides the heavens,
he rides the ancient heavens.
Behold! His voice thunders,
his voice,
his mighty voice, thunders.
The Lord announces good news…

I will bless the Lord at all times

I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips;
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his name,
for I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and freed me from all my fears.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him and he rescues them;
this poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
Many trials lie in wait for the just man
but from them all the Lord saves him.
This poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times…

You will show me the path of life

You will show me the path of life,
you will show me the path of life:
the fullness of joy in your presence,
happiness forever at your right hand.
Protect me, O God, in you I take refuge.
I said to God: "You are my Lord,
without you there is nothing good for me."
You will show me the path of life…
The Lord is my inheritance and my cup:
my life is in your hands.
My lot has fallen in delightful places,
my heritage is wonderful.
I bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
even at night my heart instructs me,
I keep the Lord always before me,
he is at my right hand, I shall not falter.
You will show me the path of life…
Therefore my heart is glad,
my soul rejoices:
my body also rests secure,
for you will not abandon my life to the grave,
nor let your Holy One know corruption,
know corruption.
You will show me the path of life…

O God, by your name save me

O God, by your name save me,
by your great power see justice done to me.
O God, pay heed to my prayer,
listen to the words of my mouth.
For arrogant men have risen against me
and ruthless men seek my life.
They do not set God before them,
they do not set God before them.
Behold, God is my help,
the Lord, the Lord upholds me.
With all my heart I will offer you a sacrifice,
I will praise your name for it is good.
From all my anguish you have delivered me,
from all my anguish you have delivered me,
from all my anguish you have delivered me.
O God, by your name save me...

The fool thinks there is no God

The fool thinks there is no God;
they are corrupt and commit abominations,
no one is left who does good,
no one is left who does good.
From heaven the Lord looks down on men
to see if there is one who is wise,
a man who seeks God,
a man who seeks God.
They have all gone astray, they are all corrupt;
no one does good, not even one.
The fool thinks there is no God…
Evil-doers understand nothing,
Evil-doers who devour my people like bread.
They do not call upon God,
but they will tremble with terror.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
For God is with the just man,
the Lord is his refuge.
The fool thinks there is no God…
For God is with the just man…

Lord, listen to my prayer

Lord, listen to my prayer,
pay heed to my supplication.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.
Do not call your servant to judgement,
no one is just in your sight.
The enemy pursues me,
crushes my life to the ground.
You who are faithful…
To you I stretch out my hands,
like a parched land I stand before you.
Answer me soon, O Lord,
my spirit faints within me.
You who are faithful…
Let me know the way,
the path to walk.
Save me from my enemies,
I entrust myself to you, O Lord.
You who are faithful…
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Let your good spirit guide me,
let your good spirit guide me on level ground.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.


Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city,
Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city.
And behold a man called Zaccheus,
chief of the publicans and very rich,
was trying to see Jesus.
But he could not, for he was short.
Then he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore,
because Jesus was to pass that way,
because Jesus was to pass that way.
When Jesus came to that place, he lifted up his eyes,
saw him and said to him:
“Zaccheus, come down at once,
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
Zaccheus came down in a hurry
and welcomed him full of joy.
Seeing this, they all murmured:
“He has entered the house of a sinner.”
And Zaccheus stood up and said to the Lord:
“Behold, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor
And if I have cheated anyone,
I will give him back fourfold.”
And Jesus answered him:
“Today salvation has entered this house,
Today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham,
because the Son of Man has come to seek
and save that which was lost.”
Jesus, entered Jericho, and was going…
“Today salvation has entered this house,
today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham.”
Zaccheus is you.
Zaccheus, come down at once.
The Lord wants to enter your house.

The sower

A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the road.
The birds came down, they ate it up,
they devoured it,
they devoured it.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the rock.
A sower went out to sow,
and some of the seed fell on the rock.
The sun came out and dried it up:
it had no soil,
it had no soil.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell among thorns.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell among thorns.
The seeds grew, the thorns grew,
they stifled it,
they stifled it.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the soil.
A sower went out to sow
and some of the seed fell on the soil.
It bore fruit, some thirtyfold,
some sixtyfold,
and some a hundred.
He who has ears
and wants to hear,
Don’t be the road,
don’t be the road,
don’t be the rock,
don’t be the rock,
don’t be the thorns,
don’t be the thorns,
but be the soil,
the good soil,
where Jesus
may grow,
where Jesus
may grow.

Blessed be God

be God,
the Father
of Jesus Christ,
for he has chosen us
before the creation of the world,
for he has blessed us
with every kind of love,
to be holy and blameless
in love.
To be
the praise of his glory,
the glory of his grace,
the grace of his love,
with which he loved us
in Jesus Christ.
In him
we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins
according to the richness of his love,
so that in the fullness of time,
all things would be united under Christ.
To be…
In him all of us,
who have heard the Word of truth,
the Good News
of our salvation,
have been sealed with the Holy Spirit,
making us his people.
To be…

Do not get angry because of the wicked

Do not get angry because of the wicked,
do not envy those who do evil,
for they shall wither like grass
and dry up like the green of the fields.
Trust in the Lord and do good,
live in your land and be loyal;
let the Lord be your delight
and he will grant you your heart’s desire.
Entrust yourself to the Lord and hope in him,
hope in him and he will act.
He will make your justice shine forth
and your faithfulness like the noonday sun.
Do not get angry…
Keep silent before the Lord and hope in him,
do not get angry about a man who prospers,
who makes his fortune by telling lies:
but trust in the Lord and hope in him.
Do not get angry…
Refrain from anger, forsake your rage,
do not get angry lest you do evil,
for those who do evil will be excluded
but he who hopes in the Lord shall inherit the land.
Wait a little longer, the wicked shall be no more,
look where he was, he is not there.
Instead the humble possess the land
and delight in peace, in great peace.
Do not get angry…

Hymn to charity

Even if I speak with the eloquence of angels:
if I have no love, I am nothing!
Even if I have the gift of prophecy
and understand all the mysteries;
even if I have faith in its fullness
and I am able to move mountains:
if I have no love, I am nothing!
Even if I give away all my goods to the poor
and hand over my body to be burned:
if I have no love, I am nothing!
Because love, love, love,
is patient, is kind,
is not envious, is not boastful,
is not conceited,
is never rude;
does not seek its own interest,
does not get angry.
Does not take offence,
is not resentful,
takes no pleasure in injustice,
but rejoices in the truth.
Love believes everything,
excuses everything,
is always hoping:
endures everything,
endures everything.
Because love,
because love:
is God, is God, is God.

Do not resist evil

You have heard that it was said:
"An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth."
But I say to you, I say to you:
Do not resist evil,
do not resist evil,
do not resist evil
do not resist evil.
And if anyone strikes you
on the right cheek,
offer him the other one as well.
And if anyone takes you to court
to have your clothes,
give him your cloak as well.
And if anyone forces you to walk one mile,
walk two miles with him.
If anyone deprives you of what’s yours,
do not claim it back.
Do not resist evil…
You have heard that it was said:
"You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy."
But I say to you, I say to you:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who persecute you,
bless those who curse you.
Be perfect,
as your Father in Heaven is perfect,
because he is good towards the wicked,
because he is good towards sinners.
Do not resist evil…
And you will be sons of your heavenly Father,
who makes the sun rise
on the good and bad alike,
and sends his rain
also on the wicked.
Do not resist evil…

Take me to heaven

Take me to heaven, take me to heaven, O Lord!
For me to die, for me to die, would be better by far,
would be better by far, to be with you,
to be with you!
Take me to heaven…
Only one thing I seek from you, only this I ask of you:
never to doubt your love,
never to doubt your love,
to be with you, to be with you!
Take me to heaven…
Oh how good, Oh how sweet,
has been your love for me!
Has been your love for me!
Oh how good, Oh how sweet!
Take me to heaven…

The sermon on the mount

Lifting up his eyes to his disciples, Jesus said:
Happy are you poor
for yours is the Kingdom of God.
Happy are you that now are hungry
for you shall be filled.
Happy are you that now are weeping
for you shall laugh.
Happy are you when men hate you and insult you
on account of the Son of Man,
rejoice on that day,
for your reward shall be great in heaven.
But woe to you that now are rich
for you already have your consolation.
Woe to you that now are full
for you shall go hungry.
Woe to you that now are laughing
for you shall mourn and weep.
Woe to you when all men speak well of you,
so they spoke of the false prophets.
But to you who are listening I say:
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you.
Bless those who curse you,
pray for those who ill-treat you.
To him who slaps you on one cheek
offer the other one as well.
To him who takes away your cloak,
do not refuse your tunic.
Give to every one who asks you
and from him who takes your goods do not ask for their return.
Do not judge.
Do not condemn.
And you will be forgiven.
Love your enemies…
Do not judge…


Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations,
necessities, distress and toil;
with patience, purity and kindness,
in the Holy Spirit and in the power of God.
Using the weapons of justice,
those of the right hand and those of the left,
in glory and ignominy,
in calumny and in good repute,
Taken for impostors and yet true,
as having nothing and yet possessing everything.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations!
Brothers! I speak to you with frankness,
I speak to you in all truth:
do not harness yourselves in an uneven yoke with pagans.
What accord is there between believer and unbeliever?
What union between the sanctuary of God and that of idols?
For we are the sanctuary of God.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations!
Brothers! We speak to you with confidence,
because we are proud of you.
Do not harness yourselves in an uneven yoke with pagans.
What accord is there between believer and unbeliever?
What union between the sanctuary of God and that of idols?
For we are the sanctuary of God.
Brothers! Let us give no one occasion to stumble.
Brothers, always accepting tribulations,
necessities, distress and toil;
with patience, purity and kindness,
in the Holy Spirit and in the power of God.