
appears 15 times in 8 song(s)


appears 15 times in 8 song(s)

Exsultet (Paschal Praeconium)

Exult, choirs of angels,
Exult, heavenly assembly!
May a hymn of glory
greet the triumph of our risen Lord!
Rejoice, all the earth,
flooded with the new light!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
The splendour of the King has conquered darkness,
the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, O Mother Church, made resplendent
with the glory of your risen Lord.
Let this holy building resound,
echoing the song of a people in feast.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.
It is truly right and just
to express, by singing, the great joy of the spirit
and to praise the all powerful Father
and his Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He paid for us to the eternal Father Adam’s debt,
and with his blood, shed out of love,
he wiped away the condemnation of the ancient fault.
This is the Passover
in which is slain the one true Lamb.
This is the night
in which you freed our fathers from the slavery of Egypt.
This is the night
that with a pillar of fire banished the darkness of evil.
This is the night in which you have conquered the darkness of sin.
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
How wonderful is the mercy
of your grace,
how boundless the tenderness of your love;
to ransom a slave you sacrificed your Son!
Without the sin of Adam,
Christ would not have redeemed us!
O happy fault,
which deserved so great a Saviour,
O happy fault!
O Night, truly blessed,
which knew the hour in which Christ arose!
O Night, truly blessed,
which despoiled the Egyptians to make Israel wealthy!
O Night, which conquers evil and washes guilt away!
O Night, truly glorious,
which reconciles man | to his God!
This is the night
in which Christ has destroyed death
and from the dead arises victorious.
In this night, receive, heavenly Father,
the sacrifice of praise
that the Church is offering you by the hand of her ministers
in the solemn liturgy of the candle,
sign of the new light.
We pray you, O Lord:
let this candle,
offered in honour of your name,
shine with light;
let it ascend to you like fragrant perfume,
let it mingle with the stars of heaven;
may the morning star find this flame still burning,
the morning star which never sets:
Christ, your Son, risen from the dead,
who shines resplendent with his peaceful light!
Amen, Amen, Amen!

Song of Joshua

Down there beyond the river,
I chose your father Abraham,
and from an impotent old man
I multiplied your descendants.
Far be it from us to forsake
our God
who has worked marvels for us
before our very eyes.
A people enslaved
I rescued from Egypt
and with a mighty hand
I opened the Red Sea.
Far be it from us to forsake…
For years in the desert
I fed you with manna
and upon eagles’ wings
I took you beyond the mountains.
Far be it from us to forsake…
I gave you a land,
cities you did not build,
vineyards you did not plant,
springs of living water.
Far be it from us to forsake…

Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia!
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his love is everlasting.
He alone does great marvels.
Give thanks to the Lord, alleluia…
He made the heavens with wisdom,
for his love is everlasting.
He set the earth firmly on the waters. *
He created the great lights in the heavens,
for his love is everlasting,
the sun to rule the day and the moon the night. *
He struck down the first born of Egypt,
for his love is everlasting.
And he brought out his people, Israel.*
He opened a way through the sea,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the waters. *
He drowned Pharaoh and his army,
for his love is everlasting.
And he led his people through the desert. *
He gave us according to his promise,
for his love is everlasting,
a land flowing with milk and honey. *
He is with us in our anguish,
for his love is everlasting.
And he frees us from our oppressors. *
He provides for all living creatures,
for his love is everlasting.
Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven. *
Give thanks to the Lord…

When Israel came out of Egypt

When Israel came out of Egypt,
the house of Jacob from a foreign nation,
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
The sea fled at the sight,
and the Jordan turned back,
the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like lambs.
Why, sea, do you flee,
and you, Jordan, turn back,
and you, mountains, skip like rams,
and you, hills, like lambs?
Tremble, earth, tremble
before God who is passing,
before the God of Jacob
who draws out water from the rock!
When Israel came out of Egypt,
the house of Jacob from a foreign nation;
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
The sea fled at the sight,
and the Jordan turned back,
the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like lambs.
Why, sea, do you flee,
and you, Jordan, turn back,
and you, mountains, skip like rams,
and you, hills, like lambs?
Tremble, earth, tremble
before God who is passing,
before the God of Jacob
who draws out water from the rock!


How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
How many good things has the Almighty showered on us!
If Christ had taken us out of Egypt,
but without bringing judgement on Pharaoh,
this would have been good enough, good enough,
Dayenu, dayenu, dayenu!
If he had brought judgement on Pharaoh,
but without liberating us from all idols… *
If he had liberated us from all idols,
but without giving us their riches…
If he had given us their riches,
but without opening the sea for us…
If he had opened the sea for us,
but without drowning our oppressors…
If he had drowned our oppressors,
but without giving us a way across the desert.
If he had given us a way across the desert,
but without feeding us with the bread of life…
If he had fed us with the bread of life,
but without giving us the day of the Lord…
If he had given us the day of the Lord,
but without giving us the New Covenant…
If he had given us the New Covenant,
but without bringing us into his Church…
If he had brought us into his Church,
but without building in us his temple…
If he had built in us his holy temple,
but without filling it with the Holy Spirit …
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
So much more must we give thanks to the Lord!
Who has brought us out of Egypt
Who has brought judgement on Pharaoh…
Who has freed us from all our oppressors…
Who has given us all their riches…
Who has opened the sea for us…
Who has drowned our oppressors…
Who has given us a way across the desert…
Who has nourished us with the bread of life…
Who has given us the day of the Lord…
Who has given to us the New Covenant…
Who has brought us into his Church…
Who has built in us his temple…
And has filled it with his Holy Spirit,
through forgiveness of sins!
Christ our Passover is risen for us!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
This would have been enough…

When Israel was a child

When Israel was a child, I loved him,
like a son, I called him out of Egypt,
but the more I called him,
the further he strayed from me.
He did not see that all my care was for him.
Israel, Israel
I taught Ephraim how to take his first steps,
I guided him straight, using reins of kindness,
To him I was like one
who holds a baby close to his cheek.
He did not see...
You will return to the land of Egypt,
the Assyrian king will destroy all your sons,
because my people
refused to convert.
He did not see...
O Ephraim, how could I abandon you,
my heart is moved at the thought of parting from you,
I will not destroy you,
for I am God, not man.
He did not see...
I will roar, and his sons will come from the sea,
swiftly flying, like a bird, out of Egypt
they will come back,
from Assyria like a dove.
He did not see...

O my people (The reproaches)

O my people, o my people,
what harm have I done you,
what harm have I done you?
How have I offended you:
give me an answer,
how have I offended you?
I led you out of Egypt,
I led you out of Egypt,
yet you, you prepared the cross for me!
O my people…
I led you for forty years in the desert,
I fed you with manna
and led you to the Promised Land,
yet you, you prepared the cross for me!
O my people…
What could I have done for you
that I haven’t done?
To you I sang:
"My beloved vineyard,"
yet you, you became bitter!
Hagios Theós,
Sanctus Deus.
Hagios Íschyros,
Sanctus Fortis.
Hagios Athánatos,
eleison hemâs.
Sanctus Immortalis,
miserere nobis.
O my people…

How bitter are the waters, Mary

The Virgin Mary was betrothed to Joseph
when, before they came to live together,
she was found to be with child
through the Holy Spirit.
And Joseph, who was just,
did not want to repudiate her.
He decided to send her away in secret.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God, humble lamb,
you, who don’t resist evil,
Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
pray for us, pray for us!
And Mary gave birth to her son,
swaddled him and put him in a manger
because there was no room for them at the inn.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
Then Joseph woke up,
took with him the child and his mother,
and in the night fled to Egypt
because Herod was looking for the child
to kill him.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
A cry is heard in Ramah: "ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay"
– a cry and a great lamentation:
it is Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be consoled
because they are no more.
How bitter are the waters, Mary!
She-lamb of God…
And the angel of the Lord said to Joseph in Egypt:
"Get up and take with you the child and his mother
and go back to the land of Israel;
because from Egypt I have called my son."
She-lamb of God…