
appears 6 times in 4 song(s)


appears 6 times in 4 song(s)

How good it is

How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
Fine as oil on the head running down Aaron’s beard!
Fine as oil running down Aaron’s beard!
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
Like dew from Hermon falling on Zion’s heights,
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord sends for evermore his blessing!
There the Lord gives everlasting life,
There the Lord gives everlasting life!
How good it is to be with the brothers!
How good it is to be with the brothers!

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet

Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet,
when the brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like fragrant oil running down
down upon his robes!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
It is like dew coming down from Hermon
on the heights of Zion!
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…
There the Lord gives his blessing from heaven,
the Lord gives life eternal.
Look how it is good, taste how it is sweet…

Look how it is good

Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
the love among the brothers!
Look how it is good,
taste how it is sweet,
when brothers are together!
It is like fragrant oil running down,
running down on Aaron’s beard!
It is like fragrant oil running down
on Aaron’s beard!
Look how it is good...
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
coming down on the Mount of Zion!
It is like dew coming down from Hermon,
on the Mount of Zion!
Look how it is good…
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his blessing.
Because there the Lord gives us,
the Lord gives us his love.
Look how it is good…
Because there the Lord gives us
life eternally.
Because there the Lord gives us
his everlasting life.
Look how it is good…

The Lord has given me (3rd song of the Suffering Servant)

The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue
so that I may bring to the weary
a word of consolation.
Morning after morning
you open my ear
so that I may listen
as a disciple.
The Lord, the Lord, the Lord
has opened my ear.
So I offered no resistance,
I offered no resistance.
I gave my back to those who struck me.
So I offered no resistance,
I offered no resistance.
I offered my cheek
to those who tore my beard.
So I offered no resistance,
I offered no resistance.
I did not cover my face
against insult and spittle.
Because I already knew
that you would come to my help,
I have set my face as hard as a flint;
I was sure that you would come to my help.
If you are, if you are near,
if you save me, who will fight against me?
If you help, if you help me,
if you save me, who will dare to condemn me?
All of you who fear the Lord,
listen to the voice of his Servant;
if you find yourselves in darkness,
trust in the Lord,
trust in his holy Name.
If you are…