appears 9 times in 4 song(s)
Hymn for Vespers from Easter to the Ascension
At the banquet of the Lamb,
arrayed in white robes,
having crossed the Red Sea,
we sing to Christ the Lord.
His body ablaze with love,
at the banquet, is living bread;
on the altar, his blood
is the cup of the New Covenant.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
On this wondrous evening
the ancient marvels are made present:
a mighty arm saves us
from the angel of destruction.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
The meek slaughtered lamb,
Christ, is our Passover;
his sacred body
is the true unleavened bread.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
Pour out paschal joy
on your Church, O Lord;
unite in your victory
those born again through baptism.
At the banquet of the Lamb…
Praise and honour be to Christ,
triumphant over death,
to the Father and the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
in meadows of green grass
he lets me lie.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing;
to the waters of life
he leads me.
He revives my strength
and guides me
in the way of love.
He revives my strength
and guides me
for the glory of his Name.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Though I pass
through a dark valley
I fear no harm
because you, because you,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff
console me,
look, they console me.
The Lord is my shepherd…
You prepare a banquet
before me
under the eyes of my enemies.
You anoint my head
with oil;
my cup brims over.
The Lord is my shepherd…
Yes, the joy of your love
will accompany me.
Yes, I shall live
in your house for ever.
The Lord is my shepherd…
O God, you are my God,
I seek you from the dawn;
for you my soul is thirsting.
For you my soul is thirsting,
my flesh is longing for you
like a dry weary land,
like a dry weary land without water.
O God, you are my God...
Your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you,
in your name I will lift up my hands.
O God, you are my God...
My soul clings to you,
your right hand holds me with strength;
on my bed I think of you,
on you I muse through the night.
O God, you are my God...
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,
my mouth shall praise you with joy
for you have been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
O God, you are my God…
My beloved is for me
a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.
My beloved is for me
the perfume of myrrh,
as he rests on my breast.
My beloved is for me
as a lily among the thistles,
so is my beloved among the maidens.
My beloved is for me
a cluster of henna flowers
among the vines of En-gedi.
How beautiful are you, my love,
how beautiful, how beautiful!
Your eyes are doves,
your eyes are doves.
How beautiful are you, my beloved,
how delightful, how delightful!
Even our bed is verdant.
Even our bed is verdant.
As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my beloved,
my beloved among the young men.
In his shade, for which I longed, I am seated
and sweet is his fruit,
how sweet it is to my taste!
Into the wine cellar he has taken me
and his banner over me is love:
Into the banqueting hall he has led me
and his banner over me is love.
His left arm is under my head
and his right arm embraces me.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem,
do not rouse nor wake my beloved,
do not rouse nor wake my beloved.