
appears 21 times in 15 song(s)


appears 21 times in 15 song(s)

How much longer

How much longer will you forget me, O my Lord?
How much longer
will you hide your face from me?
I will sing to the Lord,
I will sing
to him who is my Saviour!
Look at me, answer me, O Lord my God,
give light to my eyes,
lest I sleep the sleep of death.
I will sing to the Lord…
Lest my foes say: "We have prevailed over him,"
lest my oppressors
rejoice because I've stumbled.
I will sing to the Lord…
But I, I rely upon your love,
and my heart
will rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord…

Taste and see (Ps 33/34 = responsorial psalm)

Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips.
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Taste and see…
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his Name.
For I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and he freed me from all my fears.
Taste and see…
Many trials lie in wait for the just man,
but from them all the Lord frees him.
This poor man calls out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
Taste and see…

When I awake

When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord,
When I awake, I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord.
Listen, Lord, to my prayer,
be attentive, Lord to my cry,
listen to my plea:
my lips do not betray you, O Lord,
let judgement come from you,
let your eyes see,
let your eyes see righteousness.
When I awake...
Search, Lord, my heart,
search me at night, O Lord.
test me in the crucible, test me in the crucible,
because you know there is no malice in me,
my mouth does not speak as men do;
because I have kept your Word,
I have avoided the way of the violent one;
I’ve kept my feet firmly on your path,
and I will not stumble, I will not stumble.
When I awake...
I cry to you, Lord, answer me,
listen, Lord, to my voice,
show me the wonders of your love,
for you save whoever entrusts himself to you,
for you help whoever relies on your right hand;
guard me as the apple of your eye,
in the shadow of your wings, hide me.
Look! They want to kill me!
When I awake...
Look at them, they are closed in their pride,
their mouths speak with arrogance,
they advance against me, they advance against me!
Help me, O Lord!
Rescue me from the men of this world,
from men who believe only in this life;
fill them with good things, O Lord,
let their children have all they desire,
let them be satisfied with your riches.
because when I awake, when I awake,
I’ll be satisfied with your face, O Lord!

I shall not die, but I shall live

I shall not die
but I shall live
to proclaim
the deeds of the Lord.
He has punished me,
he has punished me,
but he
has not abandoned me to death.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let Israel say that he is good,
his love is everlasting.
Let the house of Aaron say:
"His love is everlasting."
Let those who fear the Lord say:
"His love is everlasting."
In my anguish I cried to the Lord,
he answered and saved me.
The Lord is at my side, I do not fear;
what can man do against me?
The Lord is with me, he is my helper;
I shall defy my foes.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in men.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in the powerful.
They surrounded me,
they surrounded me,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
I was pressed,
I was pressed,
but in the name of the Lord
I overcame them.
They swarmed around me like bees,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
They blazed like a fire among thorns,
but in the name of the Lord I overcame them.
My strength and my song is the Lord;
he has been my salvation.
There are shouts of joy and victory
in the tents of the just.
The Lord's right hand is raised up
and has worked marvels for us.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
Open to me the gates of justice;
I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
This is the gateway of the Lord
through which the just will enter.
I thank you for you have answered me;
you have been my salvation.
The stone rejected by the builders
has become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord;
a marvel in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and exult in it.
I shall not die
but I shall live…
O Lord, grant us salvation!
O Lord, grant us success!
Blessed, in the name of the Lord,
blessed is he who comes.
We bless you from the house of the Lord;
the Lord God is our light.
Go forward in procession with branches,
even to the altar.
You are my God, I thank you,
my God, I praise you.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love is everlasting.

Before the angels

Before the angels to you I want to sing,
before the angels I want to sing psalms;
I give thanks to your Name,
for your faithfulness and your love.
I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart,
because your promise has surpassed your fame.
On the day I cried to you, you answered me,
you gave strength and vigour to my soul.
Before the angels…
All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord,
when they hear the words of your mouth.
And singing on the way of the Lord,
they will say: "How great is your love."
Before the angels…
The Lord is sublime and looks upon the humble.
He knows the proud man and looks on him from afar.
When I walk in affliction,
you stretch out your hand, your right hand saves me.
Before the angels…
The Lord will complete in me what he has started,
for his love is great and everlasting.
He does not abandon the work of his hands:
"O Lord, do not abandon us!"
Before the angels...

To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion

To you, O Lord, praise is due in Zion,
to you the vow is fulfilled in Jerusalem.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
Our faults burden us,
but you forgive our sins.
Blessed is the one you’ve chosen and called near;
he will dwell in your courts.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
To you who hear our prayer
every mortal comes,
every mortal comes.
We shall be filled with the good things of your house,
with the holiness of your temple.
You speak to us through the wonders of your love,
you answer us through the wonders of your justice.
To you who hear our prayer…

O my people (The reproaches)

O my people, o my people,
what harm have I done you,
what harm have I done you?
How have I offended you:
give me an answer,
how have I offended you?
I led you out of Egypt,
I led you out of Egypt,
yet you, you prepared the cross for me!
O my people…
I led you for forty years in the desert,
I fed you with manna
and led you to the Promised Land,
yet you, you prepared the cross for me!
O my people…
What could I have done for you
that I haven’t done?
To you I sang:
"My beloved vineyard,"
yet you, you became bitter!
Hagios Theós,
Sanctus Deus.
Hagios Íschyros,
Sanctus Fortis.
Hagios Athánatos,
eleison hemâs.
Sanctus Immortalis,
miserere nobis.
O my people…

I will bless the Lord at all times

I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips;
I glory in the Lord,
let the humble hear and rejoice.
Sing with me to the Lord,
together let us sing to his name,
for I sought the Lord and he answered me,
and freed me from all my fears.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him and he rescues them;
this poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
Taste and see,
how good is the Lord.
Happy the man
who takes refuge in him.
I will bless the Lord at all times…
Many trials lie in wait for the just man
but from them all the Lord saves him.
This poor man cries out, the Lord hears him,
and frees him from all his anguish.
I will bless the Lord at all times…

Another four months (The harvest of the nations)

The disciples arrived and told him:
"Rabbi eat,
Rabbi eat!."
But he answered:
"I have food to eat which you don’t know about.
My food is to do the will of him who sent me,
and to complete his work."
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
So I say to you:
"Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields
already white, waiting for the harvest."
But don’t you say...
The reapers come together,
receive their wages and gather fruit
for eternal life,
for eternal life.
But don’t you say...
I have sent you to reap,
that for which you have not laboured,
others have laboured
and you have come into the fruits of their labours,
so that sower and reaper
may rejoice together.
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"
But don’t you say:
"Another four months
and then you have the harvest?"

Lord, listen to my prayer

Lord, listen to my prayer,
pay heed to my supplication.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.
Do not call your servant to judgement,
no one is just in your sight.
The enemy pursues me,
crushes my life to the ground.
You who are faithful…
To you I stretch out my hands,
like a parched land I stand before you.
Answer me soon, O Lord,
my spirit faints within me.
You who are faithful…
Let me know the way,
the path to walk.
Save me from my enemies,
I entrust myself to you, O Lord.
You who are faithful…
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Let your good spirit guide me,
let your good spirit guide me on level ground.
You who are faithful,
you who are faithful, answer me;
in your justice, answer me.


Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city,
Jesus entered Jericho, and was going through the city.
And behold a man called Zaccheus,
chief of the publicans and very rich,
was trying to see Jesus.
But he could not, for he was short.
Then he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore,
because Jesus was to pass that way,
because Jesus was to pass that way.
When Jesus came to that place, he lifted up his eyes,
saw him and said to him:
“Zaccheus, come down at once,
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
for today it behoves me to stay at your house.”
Zaccheus came down in a hurry
and welcomed him full of joy.
Seeing this, they all murmured:
“He has entered the house of a sinner.”
And Zaccheus stood up and said to the Lord:
“Behold, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor
And if I have cheated anyone,
I will give him back fourfold.”
And Jesus answered him:
“Today salvation has entered this house,
Today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham,
because the Son of Man has come to seek
and save that which was lost.”
Jesus, entered Jericho, and was going…
“Today salvation has entered this house,
today salvation has entered this house.
Because he too is a son of Abraham.”
Zaccheus is you.
Zaccheus, come down at once.
The Lord wants to enter your house.

Eli, Eli, lama, sabachthani

Elí, Elí, lamá sabachtháni?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
How far I feel you from my lamentation;
I call on you by day and you do not answer,
I call by night and there is no rest for me.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Yet you are the Holy One,
you dwell in the praises of my people;
in you my fathers have hoped,
they hoped in you and you have freed them;
they cried to you and they were saved,
they hoped in you and did not remain disappointed.
Then me? Why don’t you help me?
Perhaps I am not a man? Look, I am a worm!
Disgraced among men! Rejection of my people!
All those who see me curl their lips,
they mock me, shake their heads and say:
"He trusted in the Lord,
let him rescue him if he loves him so much."
Yes, you love me, yes, you cherish me!
You drew me out of my mother’s womb,
at my birth you picked me up,
from my mother’s womb you have been my God,
when I was being born I entrusted myself to you.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
Do not be far from me;
look! anguish is near and no one helps me.
Many bullocks surround me,
bulls of Bashan besiege me,
against me they open wide their mouths,
like a lion raging and roaring.
I am dirty water which is thrown away,
all my bones are racked;
my heart is like wax,
melting away within my bosom;
dry as a pot-shard is my palate,
my tongue is stuck to my throat,
you have thrown me in the dust of death.
A pack of dogs surrounds me,
a gang of evildoers besieges me;
they have pierced my hands and my feet,
I can count all my bones.
They stare at me, they observe me,
they divide my garments among them,
and for my clothes they cast lots.
But you, Lord, do not stay far away! –
my strength, my strength, run to my help!
Save me from the sword,
from the claws of the dogs, save my life,
save me, save me from the mouth of the lion,
and from the horns of the bulls!
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?…
I will announce your name to my brothers,
I will praise you in the midst of the assembly:
I will say: Praise the Lord you who fear him,
sing to the Lord, descendants of Jacob!
let the race of Israel give him glory;
because he was not disgusted with this poor man,
the only one who was not scandalised at me.
He did not despise this wretched man,
he did not hide his face from him,
but at his cry for help he answered him,
at his cry he heard him.
Now I know that the poor will be saved,
that everyone who looks for you will find you,
that their hearts, their hearts will live,
will live forever, will live eternally.
All the ends of the earth will return to the Lord,
all the families of nations shall bow down before him.
Because the kingdom, the kingdom is the Lord’s;
he is the ruler of all the nations,
all those who prosper on the earth will bow down before him,
to him will bow all those who go down to the dust.
And I, I will live, will live for him,
my descendants shall serve him.
The Lord will be spoken of to the coming generations,
they will announce to them what he has done for me;
to the people yet to be born they will say: "Behold the work of the Lord."

Like men sentenced to death

To this day we suffer hunger,
we suffer thirst and nakedness.
To this day we suffer hunger,
we suffer thirst and nakedness.
We are persecuted and we go wandering.
We are persecuted and we go wandering.
Insulted, we bless;
beaten, we endure.
When we are slandered,
we answer with love.
When we are slandered,
we answer with love.
We have become,
we have become,
we have become,
the scum of the earth,
and the rejected of the world.
For I think,
that to us
God has allotted
the last place.
Like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death,
like men sentenced to death.
Held up
as a spectacle
before the world,
before the angels,
before mankind,
before mankind.
Like men sentenced to death…
We have become…

I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem

While I was asleep, my heart was awake,
the voice of my beloved I heard:
"Open to me, my sister,
open to me, my dove,
for my head is wet with dew,
my locks with the drops of the night."
He put his hand through the latch of the door,
my heart stirred within me.
I arose, running,
and my hands dripped with myrrh,
the purest myrrh from my fingers
onto the bolt of the door.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem,
if you find my beloved,
tell him I’m dying of love.
I opened to my beloved
but he was not there, he had already gone.
My soul fainted at his flight.
I sought him, but I did not find him,
I called him, I called him, but he did not answer.
The watchmen met me
going the rounds of the city,
they undressed me, they beat me,
the watchmen of the walls.
I implore you, daughters of Jerusalem …
Ay! If you were my brother,
I could kiss you,
without anyone being scandalised.
I implore you daughters of Jerusalem…

Flee, my beloved

You who dwell in the gardens,
where my companions are listening,
let me hear your voice,
let me hear your voice.
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
I am in his eyes
as one who has found peace,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
my vineyard is here in front of me,
Flee, my beloved,
like a gazelle,
like a young stag,
on the sweet scented mountains.
You who dwell in the gardens…
The Church through Baptism has been introduced into the gardens of the Kingdom "where the
companions are listening."
There, as she has been made mother and teacher of all nations because of the experience of
love she has received and because of the suffering, the joys, the failures, the recoveries and – we
could say – because of the history of salvation that the Song of Songs expresses, the Church is
invited by the Bridegroom to let her voice be heard in a final yearning.
The Church answers with an eschatological paschal cry: what she has come to know and
experienced of the Bridegroom makes her desire to flee with him in a final exodus "to the sweet
scented mountains," which is Heaven, forever free.