
appears 3 times in 2 song(s)


appears 3 times in 2 song(s)

Easter hymn

Dawn tinges the sky with purple,
the sound of praise echoes in the air.
The world rejoices in triumph,
hell trembles with fear:
while the King, Christ, frees mankind
from the dark prison of death
and leads us to life.
A stone sealed his tomb;
it was watched by many soldiers,
yet Christ triumphs with glory
and wakes from death:
no more mourning, nor weeping,
no more sorrows.
He rose from death! He rose from death!

No one can serve two masters

No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.
That’s why I tell you:
do not be anxious about your life,
what you’ll eat, what you’ll drink,
what you’ll wear;
is not life worth more than food
and your body, more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
Look at the birds of the air:
they don’t sow, they don’t reap,
yet your Father feeds them!
And which of you, by being anxious,
can add one hour to his life?
And about clothing, why do you worry?
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Look at the lilies of the field,
they don’t toil, they don’t spin;
Solomon was not dressed like them!
Seek first the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve God and money!
Seek the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be given you as well;
you cannot serve two masters!
No one can serve two masters,
because loving the one, he despises the other;
you cannot serve God and money.